Georg Beer (theologian)

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Georg Beer (born November 12, 1865 in Schweidnitz , Province of Silesia , † February 16, 1946 in Heidelberg ) was a German Protestant theologian and university professor .


Georg Beer, son of an officer, studied Protestant theology in Berlin from 1884 after obtaining his university entrance qualification . He was supported by the University of Leipzig in 1888 with a dissertation on Al-Gazzalis Makasid al-Falasifat (The intentions of the philosophers) in the subject Semitic Languages Dr. phil. PhD . In 1892 he completed his habilitation at the University of Breslau in the subject of the Old Testament . From 1895 he taught as a private lecturer at the University of Halle , from 1910 as an associate professor at the University of Strasbourg . In 1910 he was appointed professor for the Old Testament in Heidelberg . He held this professorship until 1935. In 1921/22 he was the rector of the university and five times as dean of the theological faculty.

Beer worked for the National Socialist teachers' association. In 1939 he declared his collaboration with the Institute for Research and Elimination of the Jewish Influence on German Church Life . From 1925 he was an extraordinary member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences .


  • Exodus ; Tübingen: Mohr, 1939; also: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; London, England: University Microfilms International, 1980
  • Brief overview of the content of the Old Testament scriptures ; Tübingen: Mohr, 1932
  • What was the oldest religion in Israel? ; Giessen: A. Töpelmann, 1927
  • Brief overview of the contents of the Old Testament scriptures ; Tübingen: JCB Mohr, 1926
  • The importance of Aryanism for Israelite-Jewish culture ; Heidelberg: W. Ehrig, 1922
  • Stone worship among the Israelites. A contribution to the Semitic and general religious history ; Berlin, Leipzig: Association of Scientific Publishers, 1921
  • The Social and Religious Position of Women in Ancient Israel ; Tübingen: Mohr, 1919
  • Hebrew exercise book ; Berlin, Leipzig: Göschen, 1916
  • Passover or the Jewish Easter Festival ; Tübingen: Mohr, 1911
  • Saul, David Solomon ; Tübingen: Mohr, 1906
  • The Mishnah. Text, translation and detailed explanation with detailed historical and linguistic introductions and text-critical appendices ; founded by Georg Beer and Oscar Holtzmann; ed. by Karl Heinrich Rengstorf and Siegfried Herrmann; Berlin, New York: de Gruyter
  • The Mishnah. Text, translation and detailed explanation with detailed historical and linguistic introduction and text-critical appendix ; founded by Georg Beer and Oscar Holtzmann; ed. by Karl Heinrich Rengstorf and Leonhard Rost; Berlin, New York: de Gruyter; Berlin: Töpelmann
  • Hebrew grammar ; together with Rudolf Meyer; Berlin: de Gruyter; Berlin, Leipzig: publishing house scientific publisher; Berlin, Leipzig: Göschen


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frank Heck: Beer, Georg (Gottfried) . In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon . Volume 33, Bautz, Nordhausen 2012, ISBN 978-3-88309-690-2 , Sp. 109.
  2. Frank Heck: Beer, Georg (Gottfried) . In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon . Volume 33, Bautz, Nordhausen 2012, ISBN 978-3-88309-690-2 , column 110.
  3. ^ Christian Jansen: Professors and Politics. Political thinking and acting of the Heidelberg university professors 1914-1935 . Göttingen 1992, pp. 322, 333 and 351.
  4. Hans Prolingheuer: We went astray . Cologne 1987; P. 150.
  5. ^ Members of the HAdW since it was founded in 1909. Georg Beer. Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, accessed on July 14, 2016 .