Georg Firnhaber von Eberstein called Jordis

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Georg Christian Rudolph Freiherr Firnhaber von Eberstein called Jordis (born December 27, 1797 in Frankfurt am Main ; † December 27, 1848 there ) was a German landowner and member of parliament.

Firnhaber von Eberstein was the son of the Frankfurt banker and secret legation councilor Johann Heinrich Jordis (1757–1803) and his wife Antoinette Elisabeth Rahel, née Firnhaber von Eberstein (1772–1808).

Firnhaber von Eberstein, who was a Protestant denomination, married Karoline Sophie Claudine Brentano on September 30, 1826 in Frankfurt am Main (born September 30, 1805 in Frankfurt am Main; † March 13, 1876 ibid). She was the eldest daughter of the merchant and landowner in Rödelheim , Georg Brentano , and Marie Schröder , and a niece of Clemens Brentano . The marriage remained childless.

Grant of nobility

Johann Conrad Firnhaber von Eberstein (1776–1849) was his uncle. He Georg took over by adoption with the Grand Duke of Hesse approval on April 14, 1826 the peerage as "Firnhaber of Eberstein gen. Jordi". However, the nephew died childless before the uncle.

Firn owner von Eberstein was a citizen and particular in Frankfurt am Main and since 1809 landowner on the Neuhof bei Leihgestern , district of Gießen. 1831–1848 he was President of the Agricultural Association for the Province of Upper Hesse .

1847-1848 he was an elected member of the manorial nobility of the Second Chamber of the State Parliament of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . His successor in the chamber was Wilhelm Freiherr von Willich called von Pöllnitz . He was a member of the pre-parliament .

coat of arms

Coat of arms on Gut Neuhof, inscription: "G Firnhaber Jordis von Eberstein 1845"

Text and blazon after Siebmacher (1856)

"Firnhaber, von Eberstein, came to Frankfurt from Wertheim in 1685 and were ennobled in 1755 with the title" von Eberstein ". In 1849 the sex in the male line died out.
Coat of arms: square. 1 split by blue and gold with a growing, forward-facing lion that holds three ears of wheat (oat stalks) in each paw. 4. A golden sheaf in blue. 2 and 3 a boar's head lying on a red three-mountain. Two helmets: I. the figure of the 1st field. II the boar's head between open flight. Covers: right blue, gold, left silver "


  • Otto Titan von Hefner (Ed.): J. Siebmacher's large and general book of arms. In connection with several new editions, and accompanied with historical, genealogical and heraldic notes, Volume 2, Department 8: The Adel of the Free City of Frankfurt , Bauer & Raspe, Nuremberg 1856; online in: Heidelberg historical holdings - digital, Heidelberg University Library: digitized page 8 , coat of arms panel 6.
  • Hans Georg Ruppel, Birgit Groß: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse (2nd Chamber) and the Landtag of the People's State of Hesse (= Darmstädter Archivschriften. Vol. 5). Verlag des Historisches Verein für Hessen, Darmstadt 1980, ISBN 3-922316-14-X , No. 217.
  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 129.
  • Lupold von Lehsten: The Frankfurt line of the Firnhaber family (Firnhaber v. Eberstein), as well as the related families Vollmar and Allmacher . In: Hessische Familienkunde Bd. 30, 2007, Sp. 211.
  • Eberhard Firnhaber: A tomb tells the story: The Frankfurt Firnhaber family . In: Hessische Familienkunde Bd. 30, 2007, S. Sp. 193-204

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