Georg Stampelius

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Georg Stampelius, portrayed by Johannes Willinges (1622)
Georg Stampelius, copper engraving

Georg Stampelius or Georgius Stampelius , ( Latinized from Georg Stampel ; born November 16, 1561 in Salzwedel , † February 19, 1622 in Lübeck ) was a German Lutheran theologian and superintendent in Lübeck.

Live and act

After studying theology in Wittenberg, Helmstedt, Tübingen and Rostock, Stampelius became professor for oriental languages ​​and temporarily rector at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) . In addition to exegetical studies, he also dealt with chronology .

In 1611 he was called to Lübeck as pastor of the Petrikirche . When Christoph Butelius from Stettin , who had just been appointed superintendent, died in the same year , Stampelius became superintendent in his place and, after an eleven-year vacancy, succeeded the pugnacious Andreas Pouchenius the Elder. J.

After the course of consistent Lutheran confessionalization of the city, which was continued under Pouchenius, and the disputes connected with it, the situation was calmer under Stampelius.

However, because of his more tolerant stance, such as the settlement of Dutch Calvinists in the city, in 1613/14 there was a violent argument with his colleague at St. Mary's Church, Anton Burchard , who rejected any fellowship between Lutherans and Reformed people as a “sin”. Despite the strong support that Burchard enjoyed from his colleagues, Stampelius succeeded in 1614 in having him deposed by the council as the owner of the sovereign church regiment and expelled from the city.

Together with the rector of the Katharineum Johann Kirchmann and the mayor Alexander Lüneburg , Stampelius is one of the founders of the city ​​library (Lübeck) , which united the books of the town hall, the school and several churches.

His daughter married the pastor Johannes Reiche (1587–1648).

Works (selection)

For a complete overview, see the list of prints from the 16th century published in the German-speaking area (VD 16) and the list of prints from the 17th century published in the German-speaking area (VD 17)

  • Tabulae Cosmographicae Seu Totius Universi Coeli Terraeque Delineatio Brevis, Tabulis Perpetuis, Facili Et Perspicua ratione, ita instituta, ut oculis quasi subiiciat praecipua rudimenta & principia Astronomica Cum Temporis & Calendarii ratione or Thymiuse Meteorologica Geographica Frankfurt (160), Etornographica Frankfurt
  • Psalmorum Poenitentialium Explanatio Genuina: Ex Fontibus Ipsis Hausta: diversarum versionum, Chaldaicae, Graecarum, Latinarum, & Germanicarum collatione: & saniorum interpretum consensu, illustrata Frankfurt (Oder): Thimius, 1611
  • Eighth catechism sermons: In it the main part of our catechism and Christian religion ... briefly and correctly explained. To Lübeck in S. Marien churches . Lübeck: Jauch 1615
  • Historia Scholastica. seu Scholarum Theologicarum Ortus Et Propagatio. Ad Dignitatem & utilitatem illarum ostendendam. Additis Programmate publice proposito, Et Interpretationis sacrae delineatione Delineata & recitata Lübeck: Jauch 1616


Web links

Commons : Georg Stampelius  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Georg Stampelius  - sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry 1587 in the Rostock matriculation portal
predecessor Office successor
Andreas Pouchenius the Elder Superintendent of the Lübeck Church
1611 - 1622
Nikolaus Hunnius