Georg von Georgievics

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Georg Cornelius Theodor von Georgievics (born August 18, 1859 in Weißkirchen im Banat, † April 26, 1933 in Znaim ) was an old Austrian chemist .


Georg von Georgievics came from a family of officers. His father was the Austro-Hungarian Major General Georg Edler von Georgievics. He attended schools in Karlstadt , in Zara in Dalmatia and in Laibach in the Carniola.

He then studied at the Technical University in Vienna, at the Mulhouse Chemistry School with Emilio Domingo Noelting . These studies were followed by a year of practical experience at the Marienthal textile factory .

Under Zdenko Hans Skraup he continued in Vienna and passed the teaching examination. Carl Graebe was his teacher at Geneva University . From 1886 he was an assistant at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences under Hugo Weidel in Vienna. In Giessen he did his doctorate as Dr. phil. From 1890 he was a teacher at one of the most prestigious state trade schools in Austria-Hungary , at the one in Bielitz , where his first research projects were carried out.

In 1904 he switched to teaching at the German Technical University in Prague , where he was also rector in 1908 and 1909 . At the end of his teaching activities, he set up the printing and paint workshop in Prague in 1927.

His areas of expertise were dyeing and dyeing techniques with their solvents. His textbooks found wide distribution in the professional world.


  • Monograph of the Indigo, 1892
  • Detailed textbook of color chemistry, 5th edition 1922
  • Textbook of the chemical technology of woven fibers, 1917
  • Color and constitution of the dyes, 1920
  • Handbook of stuff printing, together with R. Haller and L. Lichtenstein, 1929
