George from Sunday

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Georg von Sonntag (March 5, 1786 in Philadelphia , † March 11, 1841 in Odessa ), was a Russian naval officer of American descent, in Russian service since 1811, port master and head of quarantine in Odessa.


Georg von Sonntag (or George Sykes Sonntag) was the son of the German officer Wilhelm Ludwig von Sonntag , who came from Pforzheim. Sundays are an old Swiss noble family. His mother was Hannah Wright, daughter of Samuel Wright from Wright Town, New Jersey .

As a twelve-year-old boy he was put on a kind of war training ship and completed his training in 1808. George Sykes then served on Sunday as an officer on the frigate Wasp. In 1809 he made a trip to the Mediterranean , visited several European countries and finally came to Russia. In Saint Petersburg he met Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sansac de Traversay , an old friend of his father's. He first entered the Russian Navy as a volunteer . On March 14, 1811 he finally received his assignment to the fleet on the Black Sea and left there. Sonntag took part in the Napoleonic Wars in the regiment of the Dorpater hunters on horseback, for which he received numerous awards, including the order Pour le Mérite .

His attempt to return to Philadelphia failed. On Sunday he embarked for Cadix in Brest and from here he took a Spanish ship to Rio de Janeiro . So far his journey went well. Sunday decided to take a land trip from Rio to Philadelphia. After traveling a long distance, his money, luggage and papers were stolen in Mexico . With a heavy heart he gave up his trip and returned to Rio. Here he borrowed the money he needed to cross to Europe and took a seat on an English ship, pretending to be a Russian officer. Back in Europe, he visited his relatives in Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main , traveled to Saint Petersburg with the Württemberg Crown Prince Wilhelm in 1816 and re-entered the Russian service.

In January 1817 he married Anna Juschkowa, a niece of the Russian poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky . The only daughter, Marie, later married the Austrian consul in Odessa Ludwig von Gutmannsthal-Benvenuti. Georg von Sonntag took on Russian citizenship. After a career as a naval officer and captain , he was promoted to port captain in Odessa. He was also given responsibility for the quarantine there . In particular in the fight against the plague in Odessa in 1830 and 1837 he earned a lot of merit. From Sunday the closest colleague of the Governor General Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov . His grandson, Nikolaj von Gutmannsthal-Benvenuti, published his biography in Laibach in 1903 .


  • N. Gutmannsthal: The life of Georg von Sonntags, 1786-1841. - Laibach: Ig printing press. v. Kleinmayr and Hed. Bamberg, 1903. - 101 p. Link
  • Stephens, John Lloyd: Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland . - Edinburgh: Chambers, 1839. - p. 57. [5]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Census Directory for 1811. Philadelphia: Printer by Jane Aitken, No.71 North Third Street, 1811. - p. 304: Sunday William L. merchant, 28 N. Fifth. [1]
  2. ^ Heads of Families, at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790. Pennsylvania. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908.-p. 243: Carter's alley. [2]
  3. "As far as the orthography of the name of this family is concerned, in the most ancient times one finds now Sunday, now Sunday, now sunny day and now sunny day. The latter spelling is probably the correct one. - SN Gutmannsthal, pp. 3-4.
  4. ^ Siebmacher, Johann; Fürst, Paul: The renewed and enlarged Teutsche Wappenbuch: In which of the H. Roman Empire high potentates, princes, counts, lords, lords, noble estates and cities ... Coats of arms, shields, helmets, jewels . Nuremberg, 1656. - p. 190. [3]
  5. The Knights of the Order pour le mérite. Berlin, 1913. Volume 2. - p. 101, No. 845 [4]