Georg von Wildenstein

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Georg von Wildenstein († March 31, 1379 ) was abbot of the St. Gallen monastery from 1360 to 1379 .

Georg von Wildenstein came from Fürstenberg and appears in the written sources of the St. Gallen Monastery for the first time in 1347 as Provost von Ehaben , then in 1351 as Chamberlain and since 1357 as Works Dean . Although the papal curia had expressly reserved the occupation of the abbey in 1333, the conventuals immediately made the election themselves after the death of Abbot Hermann von Bonstetten and appointed Georg abbot. Only some time later, on October 16, 1360, he was recommended Emperor Charles IV from Pope Innocent VI. approved.

During Georg von Wildenstein's tenure, the efforts of the monastery's subjects for independence, namely the cities of St. Gallen , Wil and Wangen and the cooperatives of Appenzell and Hundwil, became increasingly apparent: the citizens of St. Gallen refused to pay homage to him and demanded that the abbot the concession of further rights regarding the mayor's office, the free election of councils and the acceptance of citizens. In order to emphasize its demands, the city allied itself in 1362 with Constance , Zurich and various Lake Constance cities as well as with the Counts of Werdenberg , while the abbot made an alliance with the Counts of Montfort . It was only under the impression of the defeat of a federation of Swabian imperial cities against Count Eberhard II of Württemberg near Altheim in 1372 that a settlement was reached between the city and the abbot of St. Gallen in 1373, in which the latter's position prevailed. Abbot Georg was also able to decide the disputes with Hundwil and Appenzell by means of a settlement in 1367 in his favor.

Abt Georg managed the household and acquis of the monastery reasonably put in order: In the traditional written sources of his tenure, only a pledge over a dozen trips staggered goods are facing, he also acquired new the Reichsvogtei about Gossau and the Bailiwick about Romanshorn . Due to old age and illness, Abbot Georg appointed Kuno von Stoffeln to the custodian of the monastery in agreement with his conventuals , who was to become his successor in office after the death of Georg in 1379.


  • Georg von Wildenstein , in: Helvetia Sacra III / 1/2 (1986), p. 1312 f.
  • Johannes Duft, Anton Gössi and Werner Vogler: The St. Gallen Abbey. Outline of the story, short biographies of the abbots. The Abbey Sanctuary Official. St. Gallen 1986, p. 142 f.

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predecessor Office successor
Hermann von Bonstetten Abbot of St. Gallen
Kuno from Stoffeln