George Friedrich von Broecker

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George Friedrich von Broecker (* 1727 in Pomerania ; † January 31, 1791 ) was a Prussian lawyer , temporarily president of the court in Köslin .

His father Albrecht Friedrich von Broecker († 1755) was a district administrator in the Saatzig district .

George Friedrich von Broecker attended high school in Danzig from 1743 . He then studied law , first from 1745 at the University of Königsberg and then from 1747 at the University of Halle .

He went to the Prussian judicial service. In 1765 he was appointed President of the Court of Köslin to succeed George Bogislav von Bonin . But in 1768 he was dismissed due to illness; his successor was Ewald George von Pirch .

After 1768 George Friedrich von Broecker was considered mentally ill and was under care. He sold the Buchholz estate , which he had inherited from his father, in 1772. He was the heir to Carmzow and Rieth .

George Friedrich von Broecker's wife was Freiin Hedwig Charlotte von Innhausen and Knyphausen (* May 20, 1722, † November 15, 1804), a daughter of Friedrich Ernst zu Innhausen and Knyphausen . He left no sons.


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 138 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).


  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania. I. part. Stettin 1779, p. CXX ( online ).