Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach

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Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach , also Ludwig August Wilhelm von Gerlach and Ludwig von Gerlach , (born August 27, 1751 in Berlin , † December 4, 1809 in Köslin ) was a Prussian lawyer . He was the last president of the court in Köslin and first president of the higher regional court in Köslin .


He came from a noble family who provided several senior officials in Prussia in the 18th and 19th centuries. His father Friedrich Wilhelm von Gerlach (* 1711; † 1780) was a secret finance advisor in the general management in Berlin, his grandfather Leberecht von Gerlach was court judge at the court in Köslin . The family owned several estates in Pomerania . His younger brother Carl Friedrich Leopold von Gerlach (* 1757, † 1813) became President of the Kurmärkischen War and Domain Chamber and later Lord Mayor of Berlin.

Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg , the Brandenburg University in Frankfurt and the Georg August University in Göttingen . He then became a trainee lawyer at the Berlin Court of Appeal , where he was promoted to the Court of Justice in 1775.

After his father's death in 1780, he and his brother Carl Friedrich Leopold von Gerlach inherited his property. He and his brother also acquired the Schötzow estate in Western Pomerania in 1781 . In the case of the brothers' inheritance dispute, Ludwig Wilhelm received August von Gerlach Parsow and Schwemmin .

In 1797 Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach became president of the court in Köslin in Western Pomerania. In this office he was also president of the Koslin Consistory . When the Court of Justice in Köslin was merged into the newly established Higher Regional Court in Köslin in 1808 as part of a reorganization of the judiciary in Prussia , Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach became the first president of the new court. He died the following year.

Von Gerlach was married to Freiin Henriette von Braun († 1837). In his will, Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach designated the Parsow and Schwemmin estates as a family affide . The first owner became his son, who later became District Administrator Carl Heinrich von Gerlach (* 1783, † 1860).

Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach's daughter Adelheid Henriette (* 1784) married Friedrich Magnus von Bassewitz , then War and Domain Councilor , who became President of the Province of Brandenburg in 1801 .

A fragment of Ludwig Wilhelm August von Gerlach's estate is now in the Gerlach archive at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg , where the family archive of the Rohrbeck branch of the Gerlachs is kept.


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  1. So the name form in: Hans-Joachim SchoepsGerlach, Leopold von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 294 ( digitized version ).
  2. Friedrich Ludwig Joseph Fischbach : Historical political, geographical, statistical and military contributions concerning the Royal Prussian and neighboring states. 1st part, 1st volume. Johann Friedrich Unger, Berlin, 1781, p. 277 ( online , obituary for Friedrich Wilhelm von Gerlach).
  3. Rolf Straubel : Nobles and civil officials in the Frederician judicial and financial administration. Selected aspects of a social restructuring process and its background (1740–1806) (=  publications of the Brandenburg State Main Archives . Volume 59 ). BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-8305-1842-6 , p. 41 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania. Part II, Volume 2. Stettin 1784, p. 596 ( online ).
  5. ^ A b Heinrich Berghaus : Land book of the Duchy of Pomerania . Part III, Volume 1. Anklam 1867, p. 401 ( online ).
  6. Handbook on the Royal Prussian Court and State for the year 1804. Johann Friedrich Unger, Berlin, p. 298 ( online ).
  7. ^ Karl von Reinhard (ed.): The Kurmark Brandenburg in connection with the fate of the entire state of Prussia during the years 1809 and 1810. From the estate of the real Privy Councilor Magnus Friedrich von Bassewitz . Brockhaus, Leipzig 1860, p. XIV f. ( Online ).