Gerald Sippel

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Gerald Sippel: Seasons (2011)

Gerald Sippel (born February 17, 1945 in Chemnitz ) is a German painter and graphic artist .

His artistic work includes ink drawings , watercolors , etchings , lithographs and acrylic painting . Landscapes , portraits , natural pieces, still lifes are his subjects.


After graduating from high school in 1965, Gerald Sippel studied art education and history at the University of Leipzig with a diploma . From 1973 to 1989 he was artistic director of the evening course for painting and graphics at the Dresden University of Fine Arts and the technical school for applied arts in Schneeberg . From 1976 to 1989 he was a member of the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR . In the summer of 1989, before the fall of the Berlin Wall , the artist and his family moved to the Federal Republic . Afterwards he was a university lecturer and freelancer at the University of Augsburg until 2002 and from then on an art teacher in Neuss and Aachen . Since 2010 he has been working as a freelance artist in Aachen.

Gerald Sippel's works can be found in the Deutsche Bank , Ludwig Collection , Neue Sächsische Galerie , Galerie Junge Kunst in Frankfurt (Oder) , companies, public buildings and private property.

Exhibitions and participation in exhibitions

  • 1974–1985: Participation in the district art exhibitions and "Young Art of the GDR" and in Prague, Breslau, Krakow, Vidin in Bulgaria
  • 1978: Kleine Galerie Meerane and Flöha
  • 1979: Small gallery Aue and gallery of the state art trade Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1981: Small gallery in Hohenstein-Ernstthal
  • 1982: "100 selected graphics from the GDR"
  • 1983: "100 selected graphics from the GDR" and Galerie Oben Karl-Marx-Stadt together with Wolfram Schneider
  • 1984: Cotta Club Freiberg
  • 1985: Galerie am Brühl together with photographs by Gerdi Sippel and the gallery in the town hall in Jena
  • 1986: Gallery in Hinterglauchau Castle with photographs by Gerdi Sippel
  • 1987: Gallery of the Technical University of Ilmenau and the Ljubljana Art Association, Yugoslavia
  • 1990: Belluno, Palazzo Crepadona Gallery, exhibition "Seven Aachen Artists" and Atelierhaus Süsterfeld in Aachen
  • 1991–1996: Gallery in the library of the University of Augsburg , lecturer exhibition
  • 1992: Gallery in the Schrobenhausen Art Association, lecturer exhibition
  • 1993: Computer graphics at the University of Augsburg together with Norbert Winter
  • 1994: Computer graphics at NCR Corporation Augsburg with Norbert Winter
  • 2011: Neue Sächsische Galerie collection , "Pictures of a Big City"


  • Catalog for the district art exhibition Karl-Marx-Stadt 1985
  • Catalog for the exhibition "Young Artists of the GDR '78"
  • Catalog for the exhibition “Retrospective 1945–1984”, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1985 Gallery above
  • 1973–1983 Galerie Oben '83, catalog for the exhibition Gerald Sippel watercolors, drawings, prints - Wolfram Schneider Metallobjekte ( DNB 209466367 ), also catalog for the exhibition Le Vie del'Arte Sette Artisti Aquisgranesi a Belluno, Comune di Belluno
  • 1982 Catalog for the exhibition "100 selected graphics"
  • 1983 Catalog for the exhibition "100 selected graphics"

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