Gerd Zikeli

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Gerd Dieter Zikeli (born February 10, 1937 in Agnita , Romania ) is a German Reformed clergyman .


Zikeli belongs to the German-speaking minority of the Transylvanian Saxons and studied theology in Sibiu and Cluj-Napoca before he was ordained in Alba Iulia in 1962 . There he worked as a parish administrator until he emigrated to Germany in 1964 . From 1964 to 1967 Zikeli worked in the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck as vicar, but was not eligible for election as pastor. This prompted him to apply for the pastor's position in Stallikon, Switzerland, and received the position from the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich after passing the oral exam .

Zikeli was later a personal secretary to Otto Ernst Remer and wrote a. a. for the magazines Nation Europa , Die Bauernschaft and Der Bismarckdeutsche .

In the mid-1970s, Zikeli founded the Swiss National Base together with Rudolf Keller , Konrad Hess and a few right-wing extremists .

From 1976 Zikeli was pastor in Bruggen (St. Gallen) ; In 1979 he was exposed as a neo-Nazi in the book The Unheimlichen Patrioten ; In 1980 the local parish voted for him with 96.5% of the vote. In the same year he wrote a statement on this with the title “Eerie Patriot” or Eerie Kettle Drift? In 1981 he moved to Munich (Switzerland and Austria had entry bans on him); he appealed in vain to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court .

In 1990 Zikeli took part in the revisionist meeting Truth makes you free in Munich. He then wrote about Corneliu Zelea Codreanu , whose ideas he disseminated, among other things, at an event organized by the National Democratic University Association on November 28, 1998 in Augsburg . Even after 2000 he was still active as an old man in the European School Arminia Zurich in Heidelberg . He now lives with his family in Vilgertshofen .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Graf: Pastors of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of St. Gallen 1971–2009 , p. 16
  2. a b c d The speaker Gerd Zikeli - not a blank slate. Short biography on the website of the Antifascist Initiative Heidelberg
  3. Jürg Frischknecht : Generation Schwarzenbach goodbye: From black sheep . In: WOZ The weekly newspaper . No. 49 , December 6, 2007 ( online [accessed January 2, 2013]).
  4. Jürg Frischknecht: Racism and policy on foreigners in Switzerland , 1983, in Das Argument 138 , p. 252
  5. Gerd Zikeli: “Unheimlicher Patriot” or eerie kettle-drift ?: A documentation . D-Druck Spescha, St. Gallen 1980, DNB  931548292 (134 pages).
  6. ^ Anton Maegerle : The International of Nationalists: Connections of German right-wing extremists - using the example of NPD / JN - to like-minded people in selected Eastern European countries in strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers , p. 469
  7. Where the whole family feels comfortable , Augsburger Allgemeine from June 17, 2011, accessed on June 10, 2018