Gerhard Sauthoff

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Gerhard Sauthoff (born November 28, 1939 in Berlin ) is a German physicist and metallurgist.

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Sauthoff, son of the mechanical engineer Friedrich Sauthoff , studied physics at the Technical University of Hanover from 1959 . The topic of his diploma thesis under the direction of Andreas Steudel was: Zeeman effect investigations in the samarium I spectrum . He then specialized in the field of physical metal science. Until 1972 he carried out research in Manfred Kahlweit's department at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen , where he received his doctorate from the University of Göttingen in 1969 with his dissertation on the excretion in the Ni ( Si ) system .

In 1972 Sauthoff moved to the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf , where he was appointed group leader from 1976. From 1988 to 1991 he was given a teaching position at the University of Düsseldorf and then at the RWTH Aachen , which appointed him a private lecturer in 1995 and later an associate professor . In addition, he was a member of the Chemical-Physical-Technical Section of the Max Planck Society (MPG) from 1982 to 1988 and a member of the MPG Senate from 1985 to 1988.

Sauthoff deals with deformation mechanisms and material behavior at high temperatures, intermetallic compounds and the microstructure of steel .

In 1977 Sauthoff received the Chemistry Prize from the Göttingen Academy of Sciences . From 1990 Sauthoff headed the technical committee for intermetallic phases of the German Society for Material Science (DGM), of which he became honorary chairman in 2018. The DGM honored him with the Werner Köster Prize in 1993 and the Tammann commemorative coin in 1995 . Finally, Sauthoff received the innovation award from North Rhine-Westphalia in 1994 and was made an honorary member of the DGM in 2011.

Sauthoff was one of the founding editors of Intermetallics magazine together with Robert W. Cahn (Chief Editor), CT Liu and Masaharu Yamaguchi (1993 to February 2014).

Sauthoff was a member of the finance committee of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland .

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Individual evidence

  1. Date of birth Kürschner, German Scholar Calendar 2009
  2. a b c DGM: Gerhard Sauthoff on his 65th birthday (accessed on October 19, 2019).
  3. ^ Prize winner chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen , on
  4. DGM: 26th meeting of the Intermetallic Phases Technical Committee (accessed on October 19, 2019).
  5. DGM aktuell 2011
  6. Editorial . In: Intermetallics . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1993, p. 1 , doi : 10.1016 / 0966-9795 (93) 90015-N .
  7. Editorial Board . In: Intermetallics . tape 45 , February, 2014, pp. IFC .
  8. Template of the church leadership for the regional synod (accessed on April 10, 2019).