Juraj Dragišić

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Juraj Dragišić ( Latin Georgius Benignus , Italian Giorgio Benigno Salviati * 1445 in Srebrenica , Kingdom of Bosnia , † 1520 in the Papal States ) was a Croatian Franciscan , Bishop , titular archbishop , significant theologian and philosopher .


Juraj Dragišić was born in 1445 in what is now Srebrenica. He received his school education in what was then the Franciscan Vicariate of today's Franciscan Province of Bosnia .

During the conquest of today's territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina by the Ottomans in 1463, Dragišić fled westwards to the Bosnian city of Jajce at the age of 18 , then from Jajce to Zadar together with his friar named Ivan vom See . Despite his young age, he was already ordained a deacon .


In September 1464, their Franciscan general took the two Franciscans with him to Italy, where they could continue their theological and philosophical studies in the Franciscan monastery of Ferrari. Juraj Dragišić continued his studies in Pavia , Bologna and Padua . In 1469 he received the sacrament of ordination .

At that time, two currents were strongly represented in the Franciscan order, one more monastic and contemporaneous and one more pastorally oriented. Due to his devotion to studies, Dragišić can be assigned to the first current. In addition, his superiors tended to motivate him to continue studying. In 1469 he came to Rome . There he met Cardinal Bessarion , who had emigrated to Rome from Trebizond and was an excellent expert on Greek philosophy and Orthodox theology .

It is believed that Bessarion suggested the Urbiner Duke Federico da Montefeltro Dragišić as a mentor for his son, and Dragišić was friends with the extended Felici family. Dragišić continued his studies at the University of Oxford and at the Sorbonne in Paris . He stayed in France until 1482. He visited the Holy Land for a short time , and then returned to Italy to the city of Florence , where he prepared for his professorship in the Holy Cross Monastery at the local university and obtained it there. From 1488 he became head of the monastic college.

In Florence he met the important Salviati family who formally adopted him . From then on, Dragišić was listed in historical sources as Salviati . In Florence he had many admirers, including Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de 'Medici . When Florence became French territory in 1494, Dragišić briefly returned to his native Srebrenica. Then he went to the Republic of Dubrovnik . There he worked, among other things, as a lecturer .


In 1500 he returned to Rome and taught at La Sapienza University , of which he later became director. On May 21, 1507 Dragišić became Bishop of Cagli and in 1512 titular Archbishop of Nazareth . He was a participant in the Fifth Lateran Council . As a papal legate , Dragišić stayed at the court of Maximilian I in Innsbruck . In 1514 Dragišić presented the reform of the Julian calendar , which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. was implemented with the Gregorian calendar . In 1515 Dragišić was accused of heresy , during which time Erasmus of Rotterdam stood up for Dragišić.

Juraj Dragišić died in 1520.

Scientific activity

Dragišić was characterized by his thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of a higher position within the church . His main scientific theological-philosophical works include the Propeheticae solutiones , Fridericus, de animae regni principe and De natura coelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus (De natura angelica) .


  • Propeheticae solutiones : The creation of this work was inspired by the life and work of Girolamo Savonarola . Juraj Dragišić tried specifically to portray and prove the life and work of Savonarola as truthful and truthful. The subject of prophecy is the focus of the work. For Dragišić, this meant a constant possible reality, apart from the view that "older" prophecies were tended to be more truthful. Dragišić also defended his thesis that God could not forbid anyone to reveal the future. For God, a revelation of the future is evident, so Dragišić's thesis. The real one

Judeo - Christian prophets are gifted by God for this and reasonably by what has been seen "in visione". The ability to reason would be the elementary requirement for this vision.

  • Fridericus, de animae regni principe : In this work Dragišić deals with human free will . Dragišić also judges will and common sense.
  • De natura coelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus (De natura angelica) : In this work, Dragišić devotes himself entirely to angelology . In his work he deals with the existence of angels , their number and the possibility of their revelation and the recognition of them.
  • Defensio praestantissimi viri Ioannis Reuchlin LL Doctoris , Cologne 1517
  • Artis dialectis praecepta , Rome 1520

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