Giulio Carpegna

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Giulio Carpegna (born October 6, 1760 in Rome ; † December 1826 there ; also Giulio di Carpegna ) was an Italian papal diplomat and the last inquisitor in Malta .


He came from a family raised to the papal nobility by Benedict XIV , from which the cardinals Ulderico Carpegna (1595–1679) and Gaspare Carpegna (1625–1714) also came. He was also a relative of Cardinal Giulio Gabrielli (1748-1822). Giulio Carpegna studied at the Collegio Clementino and entered the service of the Curia in 1777 as Apostolic Protonotary .

Pope Pius VI appointed him on August 7, 1792 as Inquisitor and Apostolic Visitator of Malta, in this position Giulio Carpegna was equal to a legate . He arrived in Malta on January 24, 1793. During his tenure in 1797 Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim was elected Grand Master of the Order of Malta . Shortly before the conquest of the Maltese islands by Napoleonic troops, he was ordered back to Rome and fled on May 26, 1798. In Rome he became a member of the Giunta di Stato (Council of State), which was brought into being by the Kingdom of Naples as part of the first restoration of the Papal States has been. As Apostolic Protonotary he took part in the entry of Pius VII on July 3, 1800. Giulio Carpegna became secretary of the Congregation for Rites on February 23, 1801 . A little later he suffered almost complete paralysis, which left him with only his mental abilities. His duties as secretary of the Congregation for Rites were carried out by coadjutors with the right of succession.

Giulio Carpegna died in Rome in December 1826.


  • Philippe Bountry: Prélats Référendaires et officers de curie en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 143–144 (French, online edition [accessed January 13, 2020]).