Giulio Mencuccini

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Giulio Mencuccini, 2017

Giulio Mencuccini CP (born March 13, 1946 in Fossacesia ) is an Italian religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Sanggau in Indonesia .


Giulio Mencuccini joined the religious order of the Passionists , made his profession on September 5, 1964 and was ordained a priest on August 6, 1973 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Sanggau on January 22, 1990 . The Archbishop of Pontianak , Hieronymus Herculanus Bumbun OFMCap , donated him episcopal ordination on June 3 of the same year ; Co -consecrators were Archbishop Francesco Canalini , Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Indonesia, and Julius Riyadi Cardinal Darmaatmadja SJ , Archbishop of Jakarta and Military Bishop of Indonesia .

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predecessor Office successor
Domenico Luca Spinosi CP Bishop of Sanggau
since 1990