Giuseppe Filippi (Bishop)

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Giuseppe Filippi MCCJ (born March 17, 1945 in Baselga del Bondone ) is Bishop of Kotido .


Giuseppe Filippi joined the order of the Comboni Missionaries , made his profession on April 28, 1977 and was ordained a priest on June 26, 1978 . Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Kotido on August 17, 2009 .

The Archbishop of Kampala , Cyprian Kizito Lwanga , donated him the episcopal ordination on December 19 of the same year; Co- consecrators were Denis Kiwanuka Lote , Archbishop of Tororo , and Giuseppe Franzelli MCCI, Bishop of Lira .

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predecessor Office successor
Denis Kiwanuka plumb bobs Bishop of Kotido
since 2009