Gleb Ivanovich Boki

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Gleb Ivanovich Boki (1936)

Gleb Ivanovich Boki ( Russian Глеб Иванович Бокий ; born June 21 . Jul / 3. July  1879 greg. In Tbilisi ; † 15. November 1937 in Moscow ) was a Russian revolutionary and NKVD commissioner.


Boki's father Iwan Dmitrijewitsch Boki was a chemistry and physics teacher and a real state councilor (4th class ). Boki studied at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute and took part in the student movement.

Boki worked in the Kampfbund for the liberation of the working class . In 1900 he became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and in 1904 a member of the party's St. Petersburg Committee. He took part in the Russian Revolution from 1905 to 1907 . He was arrested twelve times and spent a year and a half in prison and two and a half years in Siberian exile, contracting tuberculosis . His party pseudonyms were Kusma, Djadja and Maxim Ivanovich .

After the February Revolution of 1917 , Boki became a member of the Russian Office of the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Bolsheviks) (RSDRP (B)) in March 1917 . He was a delegate at the 7th All-Russian Conference and the VI. Congress of the RSDRP (B). From April 1917 to March 1918 he was secretary of the Petrograd Committee of the RSDRP (B). He was an active participant in the October Revolution in Petrograd and a member of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. From February to March 1918 he was a member of the Committee for the Revolutionary Defense of Petrograd.

In March 1918, Boki became deputy chairman of the Petrograd Cheka Moissei Solomonowitsch Uritski . When Leonid Kannegiesser shot him on August 30, 1918 , Boki was chairman of the Petrograd Cheka from August to November 1918. Together with Jelena Dmitrijewna Stasowa , he argued against Grigory Evsejewitsch Zinoviev's aggravation of the Red Terror . At the VII Congress of the RSDRP (B) (1918) Boki joined the Left Communists . 1918-1919 he was a member of the College of the NKVD of the RSFSR . In 1919 he was chief of the special division of the Eastern Front of the Red Army in the Russian Civil War . From September 1919 to August 1920 he was chief of the special department of the Turkestan Front and a member of the Turkestan Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. From April to August 1920 he was authorized chairman of the Cheka in Turkestan. His assistant was Fyodor Ivanovich Eichmans .

From January 28, 1921 to December 25, 1936, Boki headed the special encryption department of the United State Political Administration at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (OGPU, since 1934 Central Administration for State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD of the USSR). On December 25, 1936, the special department became the 9th department of GUGB, of which Boki remained as chief. He founded a laboratory for the development of poisons and preparations for influencing the consciousness of those arrested or eliminating unwanted ones. Boki was interested in parapsychology . In his department he hired the occultist Alexander Wassiljewitsch Bartschenko , with whom he shared an interest in Buddhism in Tibet and in particular in the Kingdom of Shambhala as the origin of ancient culture and science in the mountains of Tibet . The steamship of the Solovetsky monastery , which supplied the Solovetsky special camp and visited the camp on Boki, was named Gleb Boki .

Boki was arrested on May 16, 1937 on the verbal orders of Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov . The Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced Boki to the maximum penalty for treason and counter-revolutionary activities. He was shot on November 15, 1937. He was buried in Moscow's Donskoy Cemetery. On June 27, 1956, Boki was rehabilitated by the Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Boki's daughter Oxana from his first marriage married Lev Emmanuilowitsch Rasgon , fell victim to the Stalinist purges and died in the Gulag .

Boki's brother was the mining scientist Boris Iwanowitsch Boki .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Список расстрелянных по ул. Б. Лубянка, Москва: Бокий Глеб Иванович (accessed October 17, 2018).
  2. a b c d e f g h Н.В.Петров, К.В.Скоркин: БОКИЙ ГЛЕБ ИВАНОВИЧ . In: Кто руководил НКВД. 1934-1941 . ( [accessed October 18, 2018]).
  3. Chronos: Глеб Иванович Бокий (accessed October 18, 2018).
  4. Большая российская энциклопедия: БО́КИЙ Глеб Иванович (accessed October 18, 2018).
  5. Первушин, А. И .: Оккультные войны НКВД и СС: Спецслужбы и Армагеддон XX в .: Святой Грааль Третьего рейха. НКВД против масонов. Гитлер и Тибет. Маги Советского Союза . Moscow 2003, ISBN 5-8153-0202-3 .
  6. Alexander Rabinowitch : The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Soviet Rule in Petrograd . 2007, ISBN 0-253-22042-4 .
  7. Царёв Л .: Кто убил дело Ленина? In: Журнал « Университет » . No. 4 , 2003 ( [accessed October 17, 2018]).
  8. Oleg Antonowitsch Gordijewski , полковник КГБ СССР . In: Radio Free Europe . July 27, 2002.
  9. Андреев А.И .: Время Шамбалы . Издательский Дом «Нева», St. Petersburg 2004, p. 29 .
  10. Брачев В. С .: Тайные общества в СССР . Стомма, St. Petersburg 2006, p. 161, 164, 184 .
  11. Andrei Znamensky: Red Shambhala: Magic, Prophesy, and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia . Quest Books , 2011, ISBN 0-8356-0891-3 .