Gottfried Michael Pündel

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Gottfried Michael Pfündel (born December 31, 1719 in Jena ; † May 20, 1762 ) was a German legal scholar .


Gottfried Michael Pfündel was the son of Johann Michael Pfündel, a businessman who worked in Jena. He lost his father at an early age. His maternal grandfather, Kaspar Gottfried Otto, who had previously served in the Saxon service as a hussar cavalry master, took care of his upbringing. He initially had him taught by private tutors. Later Pündel was sent to Naumburg by his grandfather. In the council school there, the principal Daniel Peucer was his main teacher. After spending four years in Naumburg, Pfündel returned to his native Jena, where he began his academic career. There he studied law in connection with history and philosophy . In Professor Estor he found a fatherly friend who cared for him. Heimburg , Buder , Engau , Hamberger, Daries, Herzog and other teachers at the University of Jena also provided for his scientific education .

After the University of Erlangen was founded , Pündel was given a secretary's position there in 1743. On the inauguration day of this college, November 5, 1743, he became a doctor of law . On February 8, 1744, chaired by Professor Carl Adolph von Braun , he defended his inaugural dissertation De possessione ipso jure in heredem transeunte tam secundum jura romana quam germanica examinata (Erlangen 1744). This gave him the rights of an academic lecturer . Since then he has held public lectures, which he opened with the program De dominiis rerum apud Germanos incertis (Erlangen 1744). A second program, printed the next year, was entitled De principio gentium universali: omnem peregrinum esse hostem, eiusque effectibus passim in jure obviis (Erlangen 1745). In addition to the position of secretary, Pündel also took over the syndicate of the university in 1752. In 1761 he was given the character of a judiciary . He died on May 20, 1762 at the age of 42.

His lectures and the offices entrusted to him gave Pündel little leisure to work as a writer. But as an employee he took part in the Erlangen learned advertisements . In this journal he wrote the following papers:

  • About the legal clause: With and without right , in: Erlanger learned advertisements , 1746, No. 5, pp. 33–40; No. 9, pp. 65-71; No. 17, pp. 129-136; No. 23, pp. 177-184; No. 25, p. 193 ff.
  • By strange and strange scholars , in: Erlanger learned advertisements , 1746, no. 25, pp. 196–199.
  • Legal thoughts on the issue: Whether the Fideikommissarius the deserted him under a random condition intestate Fideikommiss in that it to its sole advantage built kodizillarische Regulation until occurring case conceals the Ordinance of the legis C. 25 de legatis lose in : Erlanger learned advertisements , 1746, No. 30 and 31, pp. 240–244.


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