Thank God Nathanael Fischer

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Gottlob Nathanael Fischer ( pseudonym : Franciscus Maria Xaver from Indagine ; born January 12, 1748 in Graba , † March 20, 1800 in Halberstadt ) was a German educator and theologian of the Enlightenment period .


Fischer came from a pastor's family . After his father was transferred, he was first trained at the city school of Saalfeld under Joachim Justus Breithaupt . After his father's death in 1763, he went to the Halle Education Center . After completing school in 1766, he enrolled at the University of Halle to mainly study theology. In addition, he also gained knowledge in the fields of philology , history and natural sciences through his studies . After completing his studies, he returned to the Pädagogium Halle as a full teacher in 1769.

At the initiative of Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim , to whose circle of poets he belonged to Halberstadt, Fischer followed in 1775 as rector of the Martineum in Halberstadt. In 1783 he received a call to the Halberstadt cathedral school Stephaneum , where he also worked as rector. However, he had a wide range of engagement alongside his work at the school, which hampered the positive development that the school was previously under. Among other things, Fischer was active in the Halberstadt literary society and also accompanied the events of his time as a writer and editor . He had many contacts with like-minded scholars in other German cities.

He was a member of the Halberstadt Literary Society, which existed from 1785 to 1810 .

Fischer turned down offers as a full professor at the universities of Halle and Breslau .

Publications (selection)


Fischer was the editor and mostly also the author of various periodicals, including:

  • Flying sheets for friends of tolerance, enlightenment and people improvement, Leipzig 1783–1784.
  • with Johann August Hermes and Christian Gotthilf Salzmann : Contributions to the improvement of Christian public worship , Leipzig 1785–1788.
  • as responsible editor: Halberstädter non-profit papers. For the good of the poor, published by the Litterarian Society of Halberstadt , Halberstadt 1785–1800.
  • with Andreas Riem : Berlin Journal for Enlightenment , Berlin 1788–1790.
  • with Friedrich von Gentz : Deutsche Montaszeitschrift , Braunschweig and Berlin 1790–1795.
  • Olavides and Rockow , 1779.
  • Frank letters on religious associations , Dessau and Leipzig 1782.
  • Florilegium latinum anni aerae christianae 1786 , Leipzig 1785.
  • Auserlesene Gedichte , Gross, Halberstadt 1805 (published posthumously by Christian Friedrich Bernhard Augustin ).


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