Gregório Warmeling

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Gregório Warmeling (born April 17, 1918 in Orleães , Santa Catarina , Brazil , † January 3, 1997 ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and bishop of Joinville .


Gregório Warmeling was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Tubarão on September 5, 1943 .

Pope Pius XII appointed him on April 3, 1957 Bishop of Joinville . The Archbishop of Florianópolis , Joaquim Domingues de Oliveira , donated him episcopal ordination on June 29 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Anselmo Pietrulla OFM , Bishop of Tubarão, and Ignácio Krause CM , Bishop of Xingtai .

He participated in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council as a council father.

Pope John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation on March 9, 1994.

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predecessor Office successor
Pio de Freitas Silveira CM Bishop of Joinville
Orlando Brandes