Gregori Maria Sunyol i Baulenes

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Gregori Maria Sunyol i Baulenes , Spanish Gregorio Maria Suñol y Baulenas , real name Ramon Sunyol i Baulenes , OSB (born September 7, 1879 in Barcelona , † October 26, 1946 in Rome ) was a Catalan musicologist, specialist in Gregorian and Ambrosian chant and monk of the Montserrat monastery .

life and work

After an initial school education at a Jesuit school in Barcelona, ​​Gregori Maria Sunyol completed an apprenticeship at the Escola de Montserrat from 1893 . In 1900 Suñol entered the Benedictine order. After completing his theological studies, Sunyol was ordained a presbyter in 1902. He soon devoted himself to Gregorian chant and expanded his knowledge in this regard in the Solesmes Abbey with André Mocquereau and Joseph Pothier .

From 1907 to 1928 he directed the monks' choir of Montserrat. He was prior and later became titular abbot of the monastery. He organized numerous courses and congresses on the subject of Gregorian chant. In 1931, at the request of Cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, he moved to Milan, where he directed the Nova Scuola Arcivescovile Superiore di Musica Sacra de Milà and restored Ambrosian singing. In 1938 he was appointed president of the Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra (Pontifical Institute for Sacred Music) and advisor to the Congregation for the Roman Rite. In 1942 he was awarded the honorary title Abat of Santa Cecília de Montserrat .

His most notable works are the Método completo de ... canto gregoriano (1905, Complete Method for Gregorian Chant), a multi-published work, El cant dels romeus (1917, The 14th Century Song of the Pilgrims to Rome ), an introduction to the Gregorian musical palaeography (1925), the history of occidental liturgical chant (1933) and the work Cantus Missalis Ambrosiani (1933).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Gregori Maria Sunyol i Baulenes. In: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  2. a b c d e f g Gregori Maria Sunyol i Baulenes. In: Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música.
  3. a b Wilibald Gurlitt: Gregori Maria Sunyol i Baulenes. In: Riemann Musiklexikon.