Guda von Dalberg

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Guda von Dalberg (named since 1464 ; † 1518 ) was 1494–1506 prioress of the Maria Himmelskron monastery in Horchheim and later of the Marienberg monastery in Boppard .


Guda was a daughter of Wolfgang III. Chamberlain of Worms , called von Dalberg (1426–1476), and his wife, Gertrud von Greiffenclau zu Vollrads . One of Guda's brothers was Johann III. (1455–1503), Bishop of Worms (1482–1503).


Guda first became a nun in the Marienberg monastery in Boppard. In 1494 she became prioress of the Dominican convent Maria Himmelskron in Horchheim, today a district of Worms . Her brother Johann was elected Bishop of Worms as early as 1482. She served as prioress there until 1506, until three years after the death of her brother. She then returned to Marienberg Monastery, where she also became prioress at an unknown time. She is attested as such there in 1515 and in her grave inscription.

During this time, a number of other women from the von Dalberg family and the related family of the Chamberlain von Worms were nuns in Marienberg Monastery. Apollonia von Dalberg , a niece of Guda, followed in the year of Guda's death, in April 1518, as abbess of the late Cäcilia von Ingelheim and held office until 1524.

When Guda died in 1518, she received a grave slab, which has not been preserved and was destroyed in the major fire in 1738 or the subsequent reconstruction of the monastery. Part of the inscription on the grave slab has survived: Anno 1518 obiit soror Guda de Dalberg priorissa (“In 1518 Sister Guda von Dalberg, prioress, died”).


  • Johannes Bollinger: 100 families of the chamberlain from Worms and the lords of Dalberg . Bollinger, Worms-Herrnsheim 1989. Without ISBN.
  • Detlev Schwennicke: European family tables. Family tables on the history of the European states . New series, vol. 9: Families from the Middle and Upper Rhine and from Burgundy . Marburg 1986. Without ISBN, plate 56.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ So: Schwennicke; Bollinger, p. 34, and with reference to him Nikitsch: DI 60 , interpret this as the year of birth.
  2. Nikitsch: DI 60 .
  3. Schwennicke; Bollinger, p. 34.
  4. Nikitsch: DI 60 .
  5. Bollinger, p. 34.