coat of arms | Germany map | |
![]() |
Coordinates: 50 ° 14 ' N , 7 ° 35' E |
Basic data | ||
State : | Rhineland-Palatinate | |
County : | Rhein-Hunsrück district | |
Height : | 82 m above sea level NHN | |
Area : | 75.27 km 2 | |
Residents: | 15,413 (Dec 31, 2019) | |
Population density : | 205 inhabitants per km 2 | |
Postal code : | 56154 | |
Primaries : | 06741, 06742, 06745 | |
License plate : | SIM, GOA | |
Community key : | 07 1 40 501 | |
City structure: | 10 districts | |
City administration address : |
Karmeliterstraße 2 56154 Boppard |
Website : | ||
Mayor : | Walter Bersch ( SPD ) | |
Location of the city of Boppard in the Rhein-Hunsrück district | ||
The former imperial city of Boppard ( Latin Baudobriga ) is an association-free city in the UNESCO World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine Valley in the Rhine-Hunsrück district in Rhineland-Palatinate . The city is a state-approved climatic health resort and is characterized by viticulture . It was re-established on December 31, 1975, information from before 1976 in this article only refers to the current district of Boppard, which is the largest of the ten districts of the city of Boppard.
Spatial location
Boppard is located on the upper Middle Rhine , the so-called Middle Rhine Valley . This characteristic, narrow valley shape was created by deep erosion of the Rhine . The Upper Middle Rhine Valley belongs since 2002 to the World Heritage of UNESCO . The Rhine forms the eastern border of the city over a length of seventeen kilometers. The districts of Hirzenach, Bad Salzig and Boppard lie on it.
The Rhine makes its largest loop directly north of Boppard. This is called Bopparder Hamm . However, this term is usually used to describe the wine-growing area located there.
Boppard is stated to the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy at 74 m above sea level. NHN .
The Fleckertshöhe is 531 m above sea level. NN the highest point in the city.
The city of Boppard has been part of the Rhein-Hunsrück district since 1969 and is its northernmost district. Boppard is a medium-sized center , the closest regional center is Koblenz, about twenty-two kilometers away .
Expansion and use of the urban area
The city extends over an area of 75.27 km². The urban area has a maximum extension in east-west direction of around 14.5 km and in north-south direction of around 11.8 km.
While the settlement and traffic areas make up around 15.3% of the urban area, the majority of the land (62.1%) is forest areas and 18.8% is agricultural areas.
City structure
The area of the city of Boppard is divided into ten districts, some of which still have their own districts. The three districts of Boppard, Bad Salzig and Hirzenach are located on the Rhine . The Buchenau district , which is not directly on the Rhine, also belongs to the district of Boppard . In the Rhine heights are the districts of Holzfeld , Rheinbay and Weiler with the district of Fleckertshöhe and in the Vorderhunsrück are the districts of Buchholz with the three districts of Bahnhof, Mitte and Ohlenfeld, Herschwiesen with the district of Windhausen, Oppenhausen with the district of Hübingen and finally Udenhausen .
District | Residents |
Boppard | 7,540 |
Bad Salty | 2,445 |
Buchholz | 2,777 |
Herschwiesen | 310 |
Hirzenach | 272 |
Wood field | 431 |
Oppenhausen | 853 |
Rhine Bay | 206 |
Udenhausen | 531 |
hamlet | 750 |
Entire city of Boppard | 16,115 |
Residents of Boppard (primary and secondary residences) as of December 31, 2019
The annual average temperature is 10.1 ° C. The warmest month is July with a temperature of 18.6 ° C, the coldest is January with 1.3 ° C. The annual precipitation is 598 mm. The driest month is February or April, the most precipitation falls in August.
Boppard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Climate diagram | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average monthly temperatures and rainfall for Boppard
Source: [4]
Flora and fauna
With an area of 43.6 km², the Boppard city forest is the second largest in Rhineland-Palatinate after Neustadt an der Weinstrasse , making the city 15th among the largest municipal forest owners in Germany. Due to the management according to ecological standards, the city forest has a Naturland and FSC certification, this also means that around 300 hectares of forest area are not managed at all and remain natural.
The world's only occurrence of the Iberis boppardensis , the Boppard candytuft , and one of the northernmost occurrences of the western green lizard in Central Europe is located in Bopparder Hamm .
In the urban area, there is a nature reserve in the Buchenau district ( Hintere Dick-Eisenbolz ) with an area of 54.63 hectares; Boppard is also in the FFH area Middle Rhine and the European bird sanctuary Middle Rhine Valley .
Old Stone Age
During the inspection of a construction pit not far from the main train station, the ARRATA e. V. in 2001 a sensational discovery in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage Site: the archaeologist Wolfgang Welker recognized typical stone tools of the so-called penknife culture on the floor of the excavation pit . In later excavations of the state archeology, a fireplace, bones from red deer and stone tools, including typical arrowheads ("penknives") were discovered. The campsite, which lies beneath a pumice layer from the Laacher See eruption , is around 13,000 years old and dates to the end of the Paleolithic (Late Paleolithic). A special find is an ornate bone device that may have served as a straightener for working leather, see Boppard's late Paleolithic straightener .
Roman times

In the course of the conquest of Gaul by Caesar and the subsequent Roman settlement of the area on the left bank of the Rhine, the " Vicus Baudobriga" (Bodobriga, Bontobrica) was founded directly on the Rhine at the entrance to the Mühltal. The Rheintalstrasse was connected to the Ausoniusstrasse through the Mühltal . The fishing and trading village had its heyday between the 1st and 3rd centuries.
The name of the settlement is of Celtic origin, which is why it can be assumed that there was Celtic settlement before or at the same time. The Celtic form of the name Boudobriga can not only be reconstructed, but is documented in this sound in two Latin inscriptions. The name means "fame castle" or "victory castle", although it is unclear whether this name refers to a specific historical event.
Due to the expansion of the Limes around 160 AD, the Middle Rhine temporarily lost its strategic importance, the Roman-Germanic border now ran about 20 kilometers northeast of Boppard on the line from Bad Ems to Hunzel . However, the Rhine became more and more important for supplies and long-distance trade. In the Peutinger tablet from around 222/235, today's Boppard was mentioned under the name Bontobrice and in the late Roman state manual Notitia dignitatum as Bodobrica . In the year 260 the areas on the right bank of the Rhine had to be given up and left to the Germans . This made the Rhine again the border of the Roman Empire. Emperor Julian stopped another Germanic invasion in 355 and began securing the Middle Rhine, which his successor, Emperor Valentinian I , completed. During this time the late Roman fort Baudobriga was built on the Roman Rhine Valley Road , about one kilometer southeast of the civilian settlement at that time. Towards the end of 405, the Roman troops were withdrawn to protect Italy. Probably in the first half of the 5th century, the Boppard fort, like the other Roman forts on the Middle Rhine, was conquered by the Teutons, and Roman rule here finally ended in AD 454.
Early Middle Ages
After the withdrawal of the Roman troops, the civilian population continued to live in the former, still intact, Roman fort. Around 406 the former military bath was destroyed by fire, at this point on the inside of the northern fort wall the first predecessor of today's St. Severus Church was built from the remains of the abandoned bath in the 6th century. In the 5th century, the former Roman fort Boppard became a Merovingian royal seat, to which not only the fiscal district but also the wider area belonged, especially the huge Hunsrück groves .
The first written mention of the city comes from the early Middle Ages in 643 as Bodo fricense . According to the cosmography of Ravenna from around 700, Boppard was still a fortified settlement under the name Bodorecas . In the year 803 Boppard was already designated as an imperial city. Another document dates from the year 814, in which u. a. a chapel and a fiscal estate in Bodobrio (Boppard). From this fiscal estate, a Franconian royal court and the administrative center of the Boppard Empire developed .
During the Middle Ages, Boppard was often visited by the German kings, who then resided in the royal court, which was located at the end of the Mühltal directly on the Rhine. Documented include a first visit by Emperor Otto II in 975 and two stays by King Otto III in March 992 and January 995, who was emperor from 996. A visit by Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa to Boppard is documented for the spring of 1180.
Boppard as a free imperial city
In the course of the Middle Ages, Boppard developed into a free imperial city , already under Emperor Heinrich III. The city received market rights in 1050 , under Henry IV also a customs , it had already been a mint under the Merovingians. The town and the surrounding imperial property were administered by imperial ministers , the highest official on site was the mayor . A number of the ministerials lived in the city (see noble courts ). It can be proven that (among other things) the Beyer von Boppard , the family “among the Jews”, von Schöneck and von Bickenbach (named after the place Bickenbach in the Hunsrück). The great city seal from 1236, which Boppard calls the “free city of the empire”, also dates from this heyday of Boppard . The imperial city was self-governing through two senates: the first senate consisted of the nobles resident in Boppard, the second senate consisted of elected, non-noble citizens of the city.
Immediately after the deposition of Emperor Frederick II by the Pope in 1245, disputes over the legacy of the Hohenstaufen dynasty broke out. The Middle Rhine was also affected by this. When Wilhelm von Holland , the opposing king elected in 1247, attacked the Hohenstaufen on the Middle Rhine, Boppard sided with the Hohenstaufen. Three times, in 1247, 1249 and 1250, Wilhelm failed in his attempts to take the city. It was not until after a siege in the autumn of 1251 that he finally succeeded in occupying it, and the city subsequently paid tribute to Brabant for several years. In 1250 the Archbishop of Trier supported the king militarily in front of Boppard, which may already indicate the interest of the influential Trier territorial lord in the development of the imperial city of Boppard.
A contract for dealing with debtors and granting mutual legal assistance was concluded with the city of Cologne in 1252, followed by a similar contract with the city of Koblenz in 1253.
In 1254 numerous cities, including Boppard, joined together to form the Rhenish Association of Cities . In this way the cities tried to safeguard their economic interests and protect the trade routes.
After the coronation of Richard of Cornwall , several stays in Boppard are documented for him, in 1265 he had the construction of the keep on the banks of the Rhine begin, from which today's castle was to develop later.
In 1278, King Rudolf I pledged the Boppard Customs to the Count of Jülich , and only a little later (1283) he also pledged the Boppard Mint to the Dukes of Brabant .
Under the rule of the Trier electors
In 1309, King Heinrich VII placed the administration of the two imperial cities of Boppard and Oberwesel under his brother, Archbishop Baldwin of Trier , as Reich Governor and Vogt. On August 12, 1312, the two imperial monasteries were pledged by King Henry VII in the camp in front of Rome; the pledge was initially 4,000 silver marks. The Archbishop of Trier was one of the seven electors of the empire and his vote in favor of Heinrich, who was elected Roman-German King at the end of November 1308 and was crowned Roman-German Emperor at the end of June 1312, is directly related to the pledging of the two imperial cities . Although King Ludwig IV confirmed the pledge in 1314 and increased the pledge amount to 24,000 silver marks in March 1315, the residents of Boppard felt the incorporation into the electoral state was illegal. After the citizens of the city refused to pay homage to the elector again in October 1318, despite Ludwig's request, the king granted him the right to feud against the city. At the same time, however, he assures the city, regardless of its pledge, that its usual rights and freedoms will be maintained, so there was only a brief siege of the city without further consequences. Since the citizens continued to defend themselves against foreign rule and in 1327 again set up their own council, Baldwin stormed the city after a short siege and subjugated it. With the signing of the certificate of submission on September 29, 1327, Boppard finally belonged to the Electorate of Trier . However, this did not prevent the noble family Schöneck , who came from Boppard, from participating in the Eltz feud against the elector only a short time later .
Baldwin had the existing Boppard city fortifications expanded. The upper and lower town were protected by walls and the previously erected on the Rhine keep expanded into a toll castle that was both secure the control of the city.
Within the electorate Boppard formed by the towns of Brey , Niederspay , Oberspay, salty, Weiler, Kamp , Bornhofen, Ehrenthal , Filsen , Niederkestert , Oberkestert and Lykershausen the Office Boppard . At that time the city was ruled and represented by two senates, the first senate was made up of the local noble families, the second senate was made up of elected, non-noble citizens. The Boppard office in turn formed the Boppard office together with the offices of Oberwesel, Wellmich and Gallscheider Court. The elector also entrusted the Boppard city nobility with administrative tasks and thus won him over. The only hope remained for the citizens of becoming imperial again by redeeming the pledge . But Emperor Charles IV destroyed this hope and promised that neither he nor his successor would redeem the pledge. By 1374 the deposit amount was increased to 60,000 silver marks.
The members of the Boppard Knights' Council sent to the Reichstag in Worms achieved the liberation of the city from electoral jurisdiction and customs by the Roman-German king and later Emperor Maximilian I on June 27, 1495 , with the granting of the Great Privilege, he not only renewed the previous rights of the city, but gave it even more. However, by redeeming the pledge, Maximilian exceeded his authority and had to revise his decision on August 26th after an objection by the Elector of Trier, Johann II of Baden . Since negotiations between the elector and the city council did not lead to any result and a subsequent court judgment was not recognized, the Boppard War finally broke out in 1497 . Even the imposition of the interdict on the city had not led to any relenting. The Elector of Trier then allied himself with the Elector Philip of the Palatinate and the Landgrave Wilhelm III. von Hessen and declared war on the city on June 7, 1497. As a reaction, under the leadership of the Boppard knight von Schwalbach, the electoral castle was stormed, and the associated customs house went up in flames. Then the Elector of Trier and his allies advanced with an army of 12,000 soldiers and fire guns. The neighboring towns of Bad Salzig and Weiler capitulated without a fight. Boppard was only able to withstand the siege for a few weeks and finally had to recognize the Elector as sovereign again on July 1st. The elector then moved into the city "accompanied by princes and nobles, with a flying banner and glorious splendor", he picked up the Interdickt and celebrated a mass in St. Severus, and all citizens had to pay homage to him on the city's market square.
Johann II had the city constitution changed in the summer of 1498 and basically excluded nobles from the office of lay judges, one of whom was Johann von Eltz . After the Trier cathedral chapter split into two camps in December 1499, Johann von Eltz penetrated Boppard by ship on Epiphany 1501 with 200 to 250 mercenaries . With the agreement of the Boppard council and the knighthood, he occupied the electoral castle as well as the walls and towers of the city and, in addition to the customs house and the Rhine crane, also had the court of the Beyer von Boppard , who always stood on the side of the elector, plundered. On the same day Johann von Eltz wrote to the Elector of Trier explaining the reasons for his actions, then went to the service of Elector Philip of the Palatinate, who had been at the side of the Elector of Trier during the Boppard war, now but was allied with the minority of the Trier cathedral chapter. While Johann von Eltz was bailiff in Kaub , he subordinated Boppard to the minority faction in the cathedral chapter. However, this did not see itself in a position to defend the city and handed it over to the care of Philip on February 8, 1501, who formally placed it under his protection on July 1. When the disputes within the cathedral chapter ended in 1502 and Johann II and Philip also reconciled, Boppard was forced to make another peace agreement with Kurtrier on November 2, 1502.
In the Thirty Years War Boppard lost a third of its inhabitants. Swedish troops under the Rhine Count Otto Ludwig von Salm-Kyrburg-Mörchingen occupied the city on January 18, 1632. In the Palatinate War of Succession (1688–1697), the attack by French troops was repelled in 1689. In the War of the Polish Succession in 1735, French troops under General de Court Boppard attacked. In 1785, the cemetery, which had been in the churchyard until then, was moved to the Säuerling.
In the 18th century, the city was ruled by a city council, which was composed of five noble knight councils and twelve civil councilors as well as the city clerk and the respective electoral trier administrator, the mayor was alternately for two years from the ranks of the knight councils and the civil councilors elected. When a civil councilor resigned, the city council itself had the right to choose a successor from the citizenry. The city court consisted of the city councilor appointed by Kurtrier and 14 lay judges. If a lay judge died, the court had to name three citizens, one of whom was appointed as lay judge by the elector.
The new electoral town order of 1789 was intended to strengthen the influence of the elector. But as early as 1794, French revolutionary troops occupied the city in the First Coalition War , which had been French for 20 years from then on . From 1798 to 1814, Boppard was the capital of the canton of the same name with around 10,000 inhabitants in the Rhine-Moselle department . At that time, the towns of Salzig, Hirzenach, Rheinbay and Weiler also belonged to the Boppard mayor's office with around 4,000 inhabitants.
Under Prussian administration
City panorama by Jakob Becker 1833
Until the beginning of 1814, Boppard and the entire left bank of the Rhine belonged to France . After the French troops were defeated by Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher , the victorious powers divided the administration of the territories among themselves. For one and a half years, Boppard was administered by the Imperial Austrian and the Royal Bavarian joint regional administration commission.
By the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the city with the left bank of the Rhine to Bingerbrück was assigned to the Kingdom of Prussia . In 1816 new districts were established and the town of Boppard was assigned to the Sankt Goar district . A year later, the mayor's offices were re-established , with the result that Brey, Niederspay, Oberspay, Salzig and Weiler were now assigned to the Boppard mayor , which (in the form of the later offices of Boppard-Stadt and Boppard-Land) finally went up to Formation of the Verbandsgemeinde Boppard in 1970.
During the pre-March period , political tensions also arose in Boppard. This caught fire in particular on the person of the long-time mayor Matthias Jacobs. As a representative of the long-established Catholic middle and lower classes, he tried again and again to assert himself against the wealthy, liberal upper class of the city. Only in the revolutionary year of 1848 could his opponents push him out of office.
The doctor Carl Heusner and the local merchant Jacob Mallmann opened the Mühlbad on Remigiusplatz in 1841. Under Jacobs' successor Josef Syrée, who was mayor from 1848 to 1892, Boppard developed into a tourist resort and spa . Tourism was also promoted by the construction of the Koblenz-Bingerbrück railway line and today's main train station in 1859. Steam shipping also contributed to the increase in tourism. As part of the beautification of the banks of the Rhine, the old Rhine crane at the height of the Kronentor was demolished in 1855, and in the same year a representative fountain was built in the churchyard (today Upper Market Square). On October 30, 1862, the municipal gasworks on the Säuerling was put into operation.
The conflict between the Catholic middle and lower classes and the newly arrived, liberal upper class reignited for several years in the Kulturkampf in 1872 . In particular, with the conversion of the mayor Syrée and his liberal supporters to Old Catholicism , a denominational conflict was added to the political conflict. As a representative of the Catholic middle and lower classes, the long-time dean Johann Baptist Berger , who also became famous as a poet, was the mayor's opponent. As a result of several major fires in the second half of the 18th century, some of the old quarters that had been densely built up until then were redesigned and open spaces such as the Karmeliterplatz were created. Around 100 years earlier, the pastor of Koblenz, Joseph Gregor Lang, described the narrow medieval town of Boppard in his work Journey on the Rhine and feared such conflagrations. He explained that on cloudy days you almost need a lantern, as the old buildings still overhanged the streets near the Rhine. The population of Boppard grew from around 3,000 at the beginning of the 19th century to over 5,000 by around 1875. Due to the proximity to the government seat of the Rhine Province in Koblenz and the policy of Mayor Syrée, many pensioners also settled in Boppard. In this context, the villa districts arose along the previously hardly built-up arterial roads towards Koblenz, Mainz and Simmern.
20th and 21st centuries
Around 1903, work began on connecting the Hunsrück Railway to the Boppard train station (today's main train station). However, since the Säuerlingsturm, which belonged to the medieval city fortifications , stood in the way, it was demolished in the years 1906-1908 and rebuilt with a thinner wall north of its old position. The last section of this line was completed in 1908 and opened in the same year.
Even after the First World War , the Rhine Province and thus Boppard belonged to Prussia. Between 1919 and 1923 there were efforts throughout the Rhineland to break away from Prussia. However, these efforts were unsuccessful. The seizure of power by the Nazis in 1933 brought Boppard initially no changes since the Center Party in the elections was in 1933 fifty percent of the vote. On November 10, 1938, however, the National Socialists destroyed the synagogue in Binger Gasse, which was only opened in 1867. Numerous Jews were arrested and some were deported to concentration camps. About two thirds of the 100 or so Jews living in Boppard emigrated. The remainder were deported in 1942. In 1940 the Marienberg monastery and the associated school were closed due to government pressure. In 1941 the Bopparder Zeitung , which had been published on workdays since 1873, had to be discontinued. Boppard was not attacked directly by bomber groups, but bombs were dropped over the city. Since March 19, 1945, the left bank of the Rhine was under the control of the American armed forces. They built an emergency bridge in Boppard to reach the opposite side of the Rhine.
Since 1946 the place has been part of the then newly formed state of Rhineland-Palatinate . After the war, tourism quickly recovered as an important economic factor in the city, and the number of overnight stays increased by over 200% between 1951 and 1962. Due to the acute housing shortage in the post-war period, the Boppard-Buchenau settlement was founded in a side valley in 1952. Since the population and thus the water consumption increased steadily, planning for a dam in the Steinigbachtal (a side valley of the Mühltal) began in the early 1960s. Due to protests by environmentalists, however, these plans never came to fruition. Instead, in 1968 Boppard joined the Rheinhöhen water supply association. Plans for the expansion of Bundesstraße 9 began around 1960, while a route along the Rheinallee (as it was finally implemented in other municipalities on the Middle Rhine) was rejected from the start, the then Boppard mayor Stollenwerk favored a bypass road on the mountain side. However, a route north of the railway has prevailed, which resulted in a massive intervention in the cityscape and meant that the bypass could not be finally completed until 1991.
Due to the state's municipal reform in the 1960s, the district of Sankt Goar was dissolved in 1969 and Boppard was assigned to the Rhein-Hunsrück district . In addition, there was a reorganization at community level. For the town of Boppard, this meant that they have a beginning July 28, 1970, the municipalities of Bad Salty, Buchholz, Herschwiesen, Hirzenach, wooden box, Oppenhausen, Rheinbay, Udenhausen and hamlets community association was formed. As early as 1970 the idea came up to restructure Boppard with the new other municipalities into a city free of associations . This was supposed to simplify the administration and would have been subsidized by the state with a premium of DM 12 million. With the promise to invest this money especially in the local congregations outside Boppard, eight congregations were persuaded to agree to the idea. The municipality of Bad Salzig only wanted to agree if the future municipality was called Boppard-Bad Salzig. The Oppenhausen community rejected the proposal entirely. Since more than two thirds of the inhabitants of the association lived in the local communities that agreed and the association council also voted for the non-association community, the Minister of the Interior was initially able to convert the association community into a non-association community by means of a statutory ordinance . This was implemented on December 31, 1975. The newly formed community was named 'Boppard'. This prompted the local community of Bad Salzig to appeal to the state's constitutional court on the day of the new formation . A request has been made to repeal the Interior Ministry's ordinance. In the judgment of May 8, 1977, the court rejected the application. Since the old town of Boppard was dissolved with the ordinance went out with it the town charter . At the request of the state government, Boppard was granted city charter on July 10, 1976.
At the beginning of 1973, an old town renovation was carried out in three stages, in the course of which a total of around 22 million euros had been invested by 2016. The focus was on the surroundings of the hospital and the castle, the courtship, various streets of the old town and the establishment and redesign of the pedestrian zone.
The district court, which had previously been located in the electoral castle, was dissolved on February 1, 1975, and jurisdiction has been with the district court in St. Goar since then.
In 1993 and 1995, Boppard was also affected by the floods of the century on the Middle Rhine.
Population development
The development of the population in relation to today's urban area of Boppard; the values from 1871 to 1987 are based on censuses:
Since 1976 the city administration has been housed in the former Carmelite monastery, where the incumbent mayor also has his seat. Due to a planned renovation of the former monastery, however, the temporary headquarters of the city administration is the Villa Grillo. The city council meetings are still held in the historic old town hall on the market square.
City council
The city council in Boppard consists of 32 honorary council members, who were last elected in the local elections on May 26, 2019 , and the full-time mayor (elected every eight years) as chairman.
The distribution of seats in the city council:
choice | SPD | CDU | FDP | GREEN | LEFT | BfB | FWG | LB | total |
2019 | 9 | 10 | 1 | 4th | 1 | 5 | 2 | - | 32 seats |
2014 | 11 | 11 | 1 | 2 | - | 3 | 3 | 1 | 32 seats |
2009 | 11 | 12 | 1 | 3 | - | 3 | 2 | - | 32 seats |
2004 | 10 | 15th | 1 | 2 | - | 2 | 2 | - | 32 seats |
1999 | 12 | 15th | 2 | 1 | - | - | 2 | - | 32 seats |
- BfB = Citizens for Boppard eV
- FWG = Free Voting Group Boppard eV
- LB = List Bengart
Acting mayor of the city of Boppard has been Walter Bersch since October 15, 2013 . He already held this office from August 1, 1997 to July 31, 2013, after he was elected to this office on November 17, 1996 and confirmed as mayor on April 10, 2005. On November 4, 2012, he was elected as mayor after the Administrative Court Koblenz more in July 2013, the election of 2012 due to, as inadmissible rated, choice call again mayor favor Berschs declared invalid and a new election was made necessary renounced this both an appointment (which was legally possible) for the new term of office and, in principle, a challenge to the court ruling. At the same time he announced that he wanted to run again. On July 31, 2013, the last day of his electoral term, Bersch handed over the official duties to the then First Alderman Heinz Bengart, who continued to act provisionally until October 15, 2013. In the city council meeting that took place on that day, Bersch was reappointed Mayor of the city of Boppard due to the election on September 22nd and the required runoff on October 6th, 2013.
Former mayors after World War II were:
- 1987–1997: Wolfgang Gipp
- 1965–1987: Günter Linnenweber
- 1949–1965: Alexander Stollenwerk
- 1947–1948: Jakob Clotten
- 1945–1947: Hans Christ
- 1945: Gerhard Radtke
Number and importance
Since December 31, 1975, Boppard consists of ten local districts . In the local elections, these elect their own local advisory board and local councilor . The local advisory board of Boppard has 15 members, those of Bad Salzig and Buchholz have 13 members each. The three districts of Oppenhausen, Udenhausen and Weiler have seven members and the four districts of Herschwiesen, Hirzenach, Holzfeld and Rheinbay are each represented by five members. The districts of the local districts do not have their own representatives.
The local advisory councils are involved in the consultation and decision-making process on issues that affect the local district. They are allowed to decide independently about participation in competitions of the district and the state and about the naming of streets and squares. In addition, they can dispose of funds that have been specified in the budget for the respective local district. The mayors take part in city council and committee meetings that affect the respective local district without voting rights.
Local Advisory Board Boppard
The local advisory council for the core city including the Buchenau district consists of 15 honorary council members, who were last elected in the local elections on May 26, 2019 , and the also honorary mayor as chairman. The local elections from 2019 (in brackets: changes to the 2014 election) brought five (minus one) for the SPD , four for CDU , three for Boppard for citizens, two for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen (plus one) and Boppard for one seat. Details on the other local councils can be found on the pages of the respective local district.
Mayor Boppard
Mayor is Niko Neuser (SPD). In the runoff election on June 16, 2019, he prevailed with a share of 52.7% of the vote, after none of the original three candidates achieved the necessary majority in the local election on May 26, 2019. He is the successor to Martin Strömann (SPD).
Representatives in the Land and Bundestag
In state elections, Boppard belongs to the Rhein-Hunsrück constituency (constituency 16). The directly elected MP is Hans-Josef Bracht , CDU. Sylvia Groß ( AfD ) also moved into the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament via the state list .
The city belongs to the federal electoral district Mosel / Rhein-Hunsrück (constituency 200), electoral district member is Peter Bleser from the CDU. Carina Konrad (FDP) also entered the Bundestag via the state list .
Town twinning
Ōme in Japan since 1965
Amboise in France since 1985
Truro in England since 1991
Keszthely in Hungary since 1997
Nyabitekeri in Rwanda , since 2008
Arroio do Meio in Brazil , since 2013
coat of arms
Blazon : "In gold, a red-tongued and red-armored black eagle with silver claws, covered with a heart shield, in it a red cross in silver." | |
Founding of the coat of arms: Since Boppard was a free imperial city as early as the 13th century, it has had the imperial eagle in its coat of arms since that time (the city's oldest seal from 1216 and the large town seal from 1236 each show the imperial eagle above the city wall-enclosed St. Severus Church ). In the 14th century the eagle appears alone, in the 15th century with the Trier cross as a breastplate; The reason for this is the pledge of the city to the Elector of Trier in 1312. From 1817 the single eagle was reintroduced as shown above, in 1911 the coat of arms with the Trier cross again and in 1962 the simple one was confirmed again.
With the rebuilding of the city of Boppard, the old coat of arms also lost its validity. It was not until 1985 that the Boppard city council was able to agree on a new coat of arms. The problem was, among other things, that you wanted to choose a coat of arms with which all local districts can identify. However, apart from the former town of Boppard and the municipality of Bad Salzig, the others did not have their own coat of arms. So it was agreed on the black imperial eagle of the old coat of arms, which has a coat of arms with the Trier cross on its chest . The imperial eagle is intended to remind of the time as a free imperial city and the red cross on a silver background of belonging to Kurtrier . In addition, a common feature of the ten local districts is seen in the Trier cross, since all local districts had belonged to the Electorate of Trier except for Holzfeld ( Electoral Palatinate ). |
Denomination statistics
According to the 2011 census , 19.4% of the population in 2011 were Protestant , 59.3% were predominantly Roman Catholic and 21.3% were non-denominational , belonged to another religious community or did not provide any information. The number of Protestants and Catholics has fallen since then. Currently (as of June 30, 2019) 52.3% are Catholic, 18.0% Protestant of the population are Roman Catholic and 29.7% either belong to another religion or are non-denominational.
Boppard had (as of July 1, 2017) a share of the population of 54.2% Catholic and 18.6% Protestant Christians.
According to Pauly, the tombstones found in Boppard from the 4th century indicate that there was a Christian community in Boppard as early as Roman times .
The Catholics are organized in the Boppard parish association , consisting of the Boppard parish community (St. Severus Boppard, St. Agiduis Bad Salzig and St. Bartholomäus Hirzenach) as well as the parishes of St. Sebastian Buchholz and St. Pankratius Herschwiesen and belong to the Deanery St. Goar ( based in Boppard) in the Diocese of Trier .
Various Catholic associations and groups such as the Catholic Women's Community of Germany (KFD), the Vinzenzkonferenz, the Kolping Society , youth associations and institutions such as Caritas with their diverse social institutions and activities shape social life in Boppard.
Other Catholic institutions in Boppard are three kindergartens, an episcopal secondary school, a youth meeting place, a community center and the Sabelsberg house of the Fazenda da Esperança .
Because it belonged to the Archbishopric of Trier , the city of Boppard was ruled by the bishops of Trier for centuries after losing its imperial immediacy .
Monasteries and orders
Today there is only a convention of the Borromean Sisters in Boppard, who work in the hospital and a nursing home, as well as a convention of Indian Sacred Heart Sisters . In the past, however, there were numerous monasteries and religious orders ( Benedictines , Carmelites , Franciscans , Augustinians and Franciscans ), some of which are still impressive today, such as the Marienberg Monastery, which defines the cityscape. The end of this first monastic heyday came with the secularization at the time of Napoleon, when in 1802 all monasteries that still existed in Boppard were abolished. Only in the middle of the 19th century did an order return to Boppard with the Börromäerinnen to take over the management of the hospital in 1855. The Ursulines followed as early as 1868 , who first settled in Knoodt's house and founded a girls' school. In 1921 they merged these with the boarding school they had founded three years earlier in the former Marienberg monastery. In 1981 the convention was dissolved for personnel reasons. From 1911, the Franciscan Sisters also settled in Boppard again and entertained a. a. an old people's home on Simmerner Strasse, until the convention had to be dissolved in 1988 due to a lack of young people. They were followed in 1929 by the teaching sisters of the Holy Cross , who ran a missionary school in Boppard. This branch was also closed in 1997 due to a lack of new staff. In addition, there were religious orders of the Franciscan Brothers of the Holy Cross as well as the Sisters of the Poor Child of Jesus and the Sacred Heart missionaries in the 20th century .
It was not until Koblenz became the capital of the Prussian Rhine Province in 1815 that the number of Protestant residents also increased more rapidly in Boppard. In the middle of the 19th century, therefore, an independent parish developed, which from 1852 had its own church with the Christ Church. In 1936 a Protestant chapel was built in the Bad Salzig district due to the growing population. In 1974 the Protestant church in the Buchholz district followed, which, however, is a specialty of the Protestant parish of Emmelshausen-Pfalzfeld. Both Protestant parishes belong to the Koblenz parish of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland .
The Free Christian Community of Boppard also exists.
A Jewish community had formed in Boppard by the second half of the 12th century at the latest. The first synagogue was not mentioned in a document until 1356, when it fell to the Archbishop of Trier. This is proof that a Jewish community no longer existed in Boppard after the persecution of the plague.
The Jewish community, which developed again in the following centuries, existed until the persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich. Today the former synagogue, inaugurated in 1867, as well as the two former Jewish cemeteries in today's Buchenau and in the Holzfeld district still bear witness to the former Jewish community.
Public facilities
In the city center there is a police station and a DRK rescue station with an emergency ambulance.
Boppard is the seat of the Boppard Forestry Office and there are branches of the Bad Kreuznach Employment Agency, the Rhein-Hunsrück job center and the Rhein-Hunsrück district's motor vehicle registration office.
Boppard has three primary schools that are located in the three largest districts of the city. The secondary schools are all located in the Boppard district. These are the Fritz-Straßmann-Schule ( Realschule plus ), the Bischöfliche Realschule Marienberg, the Kant-Gymnasium and the vocational school. There is also a special school, the Helene Pagés School.
Other educational institutions in Boppard are the Federal Academy for Public Administration in the former Franciscan monastery , the Rhineland-Palatinate Municipal Academy in the Villa Belgrano and the medical seminar of the German Society for Manual Medicine . The Rhineland-Palatinate Educational State Institute also existed until 2016, and from 1964 to 1999 there was a branch of the Goethe Institute in Boppard . a. Today's Pope Francis also learned German. From 1955 to 1990, the Kurberiebsgesellschaft Boppard also ran the Kneipp health school.
The Carmelite building also houses the city library and the Boppard adult education center is located in the city hall on the market square .
fire Department
The voluntary fire brigade of the city of Boppard is divided into three fire engines in the largest districts (Bad Salzig, Boppard, Buchholz) and three other fire fighting groups in smaller districts (Hirzenach, Holzfeld, Weiler). A total of 18 vehicles and two boats are available for use throughout the city.
In addition, there is one of the six Rhineland-Palatinate height rescue departments in Boppard, which is made up of members from various fire engines. Each fire engine also has a youth fire brigade. The main guard is guard 1 in the Boppard district. Every year there are around 230 missions in the city, which are carried out exclusively by volunteers.
The main hazards include the BAB 61, the B 327, the B 9, the second largest urban forest in Rhineland-Palatinate, a via ferrata, a cable car, the Hellerwald industrial area, the railway line on the left bank of the Rhine and the Rhine.
The Boppard fire brigade was founded on October 22nd, 1875, making it the oldest fire brigade in what is now the Rhein-Hunsrück district.
The Hospital of the Holy Spirit is the oldest social institution in the city of Boppard. It has two roots that go back to the Middle Ages . On the one hand, the hospital goes back to a donation from the middle of the 13th century by the Boppard knights and civil families. On the other hand, Boppard aldermen families founded the church or aldermen brotherhood with the small hospital in 1349. After the French Revolution, both social institutions were combined in the Hospital of the Holy Spirit Foundation. In 1855, the Sisters of Mercy were called to the hospital by St. Charles Borromeo . After the Second World War , the hospital was rebuilt and expanded in several construction phases.
In January 1999 the focus on psychosomatic medicine was established. Four years later, in 2003, the Boppard hospital merged with the Evangelical Abbey of St. Martin Koblenz and the Paulinenstift Nastätten and founded the Mittelrhein Foundation Clinic. After another merger with the Kemperhof hospitals in Koblenz and St. Elisabeth in Mayen in 2014, today's Mittelrhein Hospital was created . Today the hospital has 152 beds. In addition, the Abbey of the Holy Spirit at Villa Belgrano belongs to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit and has 102 fully inpatient places for senior citizens.
City Hall
In November 2008 the new town hall was opened in Boppard directly on the market square. This hall offers significantly more space than the previously used rooms in the former Hotel Römer, which had to be demolished due to the risk of collapse. The hall is used for congresses and citizens' meetings as well as for theater performances, concerts and performances by comedians . The carnival meetings of KG Bälzer Knorrköpp and KG Schwarz-Gold Baudobriga are also held here. In addition to the large hall for up to 900 people, there is also a small hall for up to 100 people, rooms for the adult education center and a cinema in the same building.
swimming pool
In the district of Boppard-Buchenau there is a municipal indoor and outdoor swimming pool. The outdoor pool was completed in 1962 and the indoor pool in 1973. The outdoor swimming pool was no longer opened in 2009 due to an acute need for renovation. The indoor pool was closed in spring 2010 for the same reason. The city of Boppard has negotiated a concept with the investor monte mare to build a new swimming pool. This new complex will be called Römer-Therme Monte Mare and will be fed with thermal water that has already been successfully drilled. However, at the beginning of December 2009, the city council postponed the start of construction indefinitely. The current resolution now provides for a renovation of the outdoor pool by summer 2019, while at the same time the planning for an existing indoor pool is to be worked out.
The town museum was housed in the electoral castle at the beginning of the 20th century. Permanent exhibitions on the city's history, Michael Thonet and his bentwood furniture, the composer Engelbert Humperdinck and other people associated with Boppard were established there.
In November 2009, the museum was temporarily closed because the electoral castle was to be restored at a planned cost of around nine million euros over an expected period of four years. Most of this work was financed from the federal world heritage program.
In autumn 2015 the renovated castle and the newly established museum were able to reopen.
As a result of the work that has been carried out in the old electoral castle for around 13.5 million euros since 2010, a completely refurbished facility has been created that presents its exhibits in bright, modern rooms. The museum complex continues to see itself primarily as a museum for city history, but offers not only the permanent exhibition but also changing exhibitions on different topics. A large proportion of the exhibition space was dedicated to the city's most famous son, Michael Thonet.
Economy and Infrastructure
In the city of Boppard there are around 5800 jobs subject to social security contributions (as of February 2018), the service sector dominates with 63.9% of all employees, followed by the manufacturing industry with 35.2%. The balance between inbound and outbound commuters is around -560, especially in the nearby city of Koblenz. The unemployment rate for the Boppard branch was 3.3% in May 2018.
Boppard is shaped by viticulture , which was first mentioned in a document from 643 (on the history of viticulture ). With 75 hectares of planted vineyards, which are mainly located in the Rhine loop of the Bopparder Hamm, Boppard is the largest wine- growing community in the Middle Rhine wine-growing region . Essentially the grape varieties Riesling , Müller-Thurgau and Pinot Noir are cultivated . Together with numerous festivals (Middle Rhine wine spring, fair, wine festival) and historical sights (Roman fort walls from the 4th century, Romanesque Severus church, Gothic Carmelite church , old castle from the 14th century), viticulture forms the basis for tourism .
In 2016 there were over 355,000 overnight stays by tourists in Boppard . It is estimated that around 1200 people made their living from tourism . In the same year there were also 88 accommodation establishments with a total of around 2,100 beds. This makes tourism an important pillar of the Boppard economy .
In addition to the wineries and the location in the UNESCO World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine Valley , long-distance hiking is an important aspect of tourism. The Rheinburgenweg leads through Boppard . The Rheinsteig long - distance hiking trail on the right bank of the Rhine can also be reached by ferry and the 400 km long Saar-Hunsrück-Steig leads from Boppard to Perl on the Moselle. In Boppard there are the circular hiking trails Mittelrhein-Klettersteig and Traumschleife Ehrbachklamm , which have been awarded by the German hiking institute . In addition, the Hasenkammer, Elfenlay, Fünfseenblick and Rheingold circular hiking trails were laid out in Boppard between 2012 and 2013. Since these hiking trails were created in the course of the extension of the Saar-Hunsrück-Steig, they are called dream loops .
Boppard is also located on the Rhine Cycle Route, which mostly runs along federal highway 9 in the city area, but in the Boppard district itself along the car-poor Rheinallee.
Industrial and commercial areas
Commercial and industrial area Hellerwald I
The commercial and industrial area Hellerwald I is located south of the Buchholz district and covers an area of 75 hectares. It belongs to the Boppard district and not, as the location might suggest, to the Buchholz district. At the end of the 1960s, in the course of the construction of the federal motorway 61 , the city of Boppard had the current site developed. In 1969, the mechanical engineering company BOMAG was the first to set up shop in the Hellerwald commercial and industrial area. Today it is the largest industrial company and at the same time by far the largest employer in Boppard, world market leader in the soil compaction sector and employs around 1400 people at its headquarters in the Boppard Hellerwald. This makes the company one of the 30 largest employers in Rhineland-Palatinate. The company Selfsan Consult GmbH is also located in the area. It is the winner of the Innovation Prize of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate from 2010 for the development of a sensor for the early detection of corrosion in reinforced concrete .
Hellerwald II business park
Since the Hellerwald II business park crosses the boundary of the city of Boppard, the Hellerwald II association was founded. The members of this association are the city of Boppard, the local community of Kratzenburg and the community of Emmelshausen . The association assembly includes the mayor and three other representatives of the city of Boppard, the local mayor and another representative of the local community of Kratzenburg as well as the mayor and another representative of the community of Emmelshausen. Therefore the city of Boppard has four votes in the association assembly and the other two municipalities each have 2 votes.
The Hellerwald II business park is directly adjacent to the Hellerwald I commercial and industrial area and covers an area of 25 hectares. In 2011, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economics, Hendrik Hering, announced that it would promote the development of the business park.
In May 2011, the BOMAG company acquired 90,000 square meters of this industrial park in order to enlarge its production area in Hellerwald I. In addition, the largest Rhineland-Palatinate bio natural gas plant was built in the Hellerwald II business park from September 2011 to November 2012 . The client is BEE Bioenergieproduktion Koblenz, a subsidiary of Energieversorgung Mittelrhein .
The cosmetics company Sebapharma GmbH & Co. KG has its headquarters in the Bad Salzig district and not in one of the commercial areas. It's known for soap-free skin cleanser. The company founder was the first to produce such a soap-free and skin-friendly skin cleanser.
Rail transport
Boppard is connected to the left Rhine route ( Cologne - Mainz ) and to the Hunsrück Railway (Boppard - Emmelshausen ). The city of Boppard has the main train station Boppard and the five train stations Boppard Süd , Boppard-Buchholz , Boppard-Hirzenach, Boppard-Bad Salzig and Boppard-Fleckertshöhe.
Three Intercitys stop at the main train station every day : One to Frankfurt (Main), the other two via Cologne to Hamburg and Westerland (Sylt). Furthermore, a regional express runs every two hours on the Koblenz – Bingen – Mainz – Frankfurt (Main) route or in the opposite direction, operated by DB Regio . Another regional express, which is operated by Vlexx , commutes between Kaiserslautern and Koblenz every two hours. Local traffic between Koblenz and Mainz or in the opposite direction has been served by TransRegio every hour since December 2008 . Passenger traffic on the Hunsrück Railway has been operated by Rhenus Veniro since December 2009 .
The city area belongs to the tariff area of the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Mosel for both rail and bus transport .
Bus transport
The following regional bus routes operated by the Rhein-Mosel Verkehrsgesellschaft exist from the main station :
- 650 Koblenz - Stolzenfels - Rhens - Spay - Boppard
- 651 Boppard - St. Goar - Oberwesel
In the Buchholz district there is also a connection to the following regional lines of Zickenheiner GmbH :
- 620 Koblenz - Buchholz - Emmelshausen
- 621 Koblenz - Waldesch - Buchholz - Emmelshausen
The following inner-city lines are also served by the Zickenheiner company:
- 611 Boppard city traffic (Hauptbahnhof-Buchenau-Bad Salzig-Weiler-Holzfeld)
- 613 City traffic Boppard (Buchholz-Herschwiesen-Oppenhausen)
- 614 Boppard city traffic (Hauptbahnhof-Buchholz-Oppenhausen / Nörtershauen / Halsenbach)
- 615 Boppard city traffic (Hauptbahnhof-Mühltal)
Road traffic
The federal road 9 runs through the districts of Boppard, Bad Salzig and Hirzenach as an important direct trunk road connection . In the Buchholz district , the Boppard junction also provides access to the federal motorway 61 , which is used for heavy goods traffic and the transport of dangerous goods via the L 210 (Simmerner Straße) or for vehicles up to 10.5 t and coaches via the L 209 (Buchholzer Straße) Core city is reachable. In addition, the federal highway 327 leads directly past the districts of Buchholz and Udenhausen . Due to the course of the main road over the high elevations of the Hunsrück , it is also known as the Hunsrückhöhenstraße .

Boppard has moorings for excursion boats and river cruise ships of various Rhine shipping lines, u. a. the Cologne-Düsseldorfer -Rheinschifffahrt and other local lines. There are also several landing stages in the Bad Salzig district.
Ferry traffic
Boppard is the pier for the Rhine ferry from Boppard to Filsen , built in 1892 , which is currently limited to vehicles up to 8 t. The pier on the right bank of the Rhine near Filsen is directly connected to federal highway 42 .
The daily newspaper is the Rhein-Hunsrück-Zeitung , published by Mittelrhein-Verlag GmbH based in Koblenz.
In addition to the advertising papers Boppard im Blick, Rhein-Hunsrück-Anzeiger and Wochenspiegel, the paid weekly Rund um Boppard, founded in 1954, is also known for its articles on local history in addition to its editorial section.
Boppard also belongs to the broadcasting area of the Koblenz-based private regional broadcaster TV Mittelrhein .
Culture and sights
Cultural monuments
city wall
The Roman park with ruins of the Roman fort fortifications from the 4th century AD is located near the market square . In 2009, parts of the western Roman wall were exposed in the course of the renovation of the core city.
The Roman fort walls were used until the Middle Ages. After the northern fort wall was laid down in the 12th century and replaced by a wall further towards the Rhine, the city was expanded in the 14th century to the west (Niederstadt) and east (Oberstadt) and the new parts of the city were each surrounded by a city wall with towers. The Säuerlingsturm mentioned in the history section belonged to the western city fortifications. With the construction of the railway, large parts of the city wall were dismantled for the first time. However, despite many losses, numerous remains of the Roman and medieval city walls can still be seen today.
Castles and Palaces

- Electoral Castle : The Old Castle, built by the Elector Baldwin of Luxembourg from Trier, is located on the Rhine . Today it houses the municipal museum.
- Schöneck Castle : The castle is in Ehrbachklamm near the district of Windhausen. It was built around 1200 by the Reichsministerial Konrad von Boppard.
Sacred buildings
- St. Severus Church : The late Romanesque St. Severus Church (1236), built on the foundations of a Roman military bath, is located on the market square . During excavations under St. Severus, the remains of an early Christian church from the 6th century with a keyhole-shaped pulpit (ambo) and a baptismal font were found. Comparable piscines (baths) can be found in Cologne, England, Spain, Italy and southern France.
- Christ Church : Protestant town church from the 19th century.
- Carmelite Church : The church was built in the 14th and 15th centuries as a monastery church of the monastery of the same name (founded in 1265). Their interiors include grave monuments, choir stalls and death shields.
- Carmelite Monastery ; today's seat of the city administration
- Franciscan monastery with associated church ; today's seat of the Federal Academy for Public Administration
- Augustinian convent Jakobsberg ; today a golf hotel
- Franciscan convent of St. Martin ; today the seat of the Bethesda-St. Martin
- Marienberg Monastery : The monastery was founded around 1120. After a fire, the entire monastery was built from scratch (1738). The largest cultural monument in the Rhein-Hunsrück district is currently in a very poor condition.
- former episcopal alumnate in Rheinallee
- Former synagogue : The old synagogue in Boppard is a former synagogue (1867–1938).
- St. Aegidius Church : The parish church of St. Aegidius is located in the Bad Salzig district and was consecrated in 1904. A chapel named after St. Aegidius stood in its place as early as the 13th century .
- Stations path / Way of the Cross to Kreuzberg : Between 1849 and 1859, the traditional 14 stations of Jesus Christ's path of suffering up to Kreuzberg were built on the initiative of Johann Baptist Berger . 7 devotional chapels and 7 sandstone steles will be built. Around 1930 the first station was rededicated to the St. Antonius Chapel. Instead, a new 1st station is created further uphill, which shortens the distance of the station path. Vandalism, the effects of war and the weather make renovation measures necessary again and again. The third station was closed in the mid-1960s. The other devotional marks are in such poor condition that demolition is being seriously discussed. Various partial renovations save the 6 chapels and 7 steles that still exist over the next few decades. Between 2007 and 2012, the Boppard Transport and Improvement Association took care of the objects and carried out a thorough renovation. The 13 stations are now in an aesthetically pleasing condition. The end of the Way of the Cross is the Kreuzberg Chapel, which was built between 1709 and 1724 and has a cross from the 15th century.
Profane structures
- Noble courts: In the Middle Ages, numerous noble families lived in the city. Some of the residential buildings and farms have been preserved: Ritter-Schwalbach-Haus (15th century), Eltzer Hof (1566 and 1738), Templerhaus (essentially from the 13th century), the Wasserfasshof, the Hof zum Rebstock and remains of the Court of the Boos of Waldeck .
- House Sabelsberg : The villa on the outskirts of Boppard was built at the beginning of the 20th century. For a long time it served as a convent for the Borromean women living in Boppard .
- Villa Belgrano : The villa was originally built at the end of the 19th century as a summer house for Franz Mallmann, who lived in Argentina.
- Half-timbered houses : In the old town of Boppard there are several restored half-timbered houses from the 16th to 18th centuries.
- Old town hall on the market square
- former Imperial Post Office; compared to today's city administration
Hunsrück Railway
This railway line from Boppard to Emmelshausen is one of the steepest in Germany. Only the Rübelandbahn and the Rennsteigbahn are steeper railway lines that are still in operation today. The Hunsrück Railway is one of the most scenic routes in Rhineland-Palatinate. The train travels over two viaducts and through five tunnels to Buchholz. This section of the route between Boppard and Buchholz has been a listed building since 1987.
Other cultural monuments
The old market fountain now stands on the lower market square , which was first built in 1855 on the upper market square in front of the town hall. When the market square was renovated in 1968 and it was also to be made more car-friendly, the fountain was in the way of construction work. The Bopparder Schützengesellschaft, however, saved it from final destruction and rebuilt it on the shooting range in Schlaningtal. It was not until 1990 that there was a rethink and the historic fountain was placed in its current location. The upper market square is now adorned with a modern fountain, which is supposed to be reminiscent of the bentwood furniture by Michael Thonet .
Parks and green spaces
In addition to the partly park-like layout of the Rhine, Marienberger Park is the most important park in Boppard with around 20,000 m². The so-called World Heritage Gardens also include the partnership gardens of the Bethesda Foundation and the baroque Propsteigarten in Hirzenach. All four green spaces are intended to be included in the Federal Horticultural Show 2031 on the Middle Rhine.
From various vantage points above Boppard there is a view of the city and the Middle Rhine Valley, one of the most famous is the Cäcilienhöhe on the L210, which can also be reached by car . The Boppard chairlift leads into the immediate vicinity of two well-known viewpoints over the Rheinschleife Bopparder Hamm , the Gedeonseck and the Vierseenblick . The latter gets its name from the fact that, viewed from this point, the Rhine Valley looks as if it consisted of four lakes. In fact, this view is due to the fact that the Rhine flowing in a loop is covered by the surrounding landscape at certain points. On the other hand, from the nearby Gedeonseck you have a view over the entire Rhine loop and also towards the city. Both viewpoints have gastronomic offers. In 2006 the Mittelrhein-Klettersteig was opened in the Gedeonseck / Vierseenblick area . Eleven climbing passages are overcome in a circular course.
Between Bad Salzig and the Fleckertshöhe, inaugurated in 2014, is the 27.4 m high five-lake view tower with a view of the Rhine Valley and the surrounding low mountain range.
On the right bank of the Rhine, the enemy brothers (the Liebenstein and Sterrenberg castles) and the Bornhofen monastery are popular excursion destinations.
There are around 40 sports clubs in Boppard, the largest being TV Bad Salzig with around 1150 members and TG Boppard with around 1050 members. Before the swimming pools were closed, the DLRG Boppard, with formerly more than 1000 members, was one of the largest sports clubs in the city and in the entire DLRG district.
The largest sports facility in the urban area is the BOMAG stadium in the Buchenau district of Boppard, with a natural grass pitch with standing room and an artificial turf pitch (each with floodlights), a 6-lane running track, a basketball court and other athletics facilities. There are other natural grass pitches in the Buchholz and Weiler districts.
Other sports facilities in the city include an 18-hole golf course and an official mountain bike park in the city forest.
“Bubberder Platt” is spoken. The districts have their own dialects. These still belong to the group of Moselle-Franconian dialects, which are closely related to Luxembourgish . Relationships with the Rhenish and Hessian are also audible. In addition, Yiddish influences can also be found in the “Bubberder Platt” , as a large Jewish community lived in Boppard up until the Nazi era . The Boppard Line , the language border between Korf (north) and Korb (south), runs south of Boppard .
Regular events
- Several parades take place in Boppard during the carnival season . The largest is the evening parade of KG Schwarz-Gold Baudobriga, which runs through the city center on Carnival Sunday at 6:11 p.m.
- Mittelrheinischer Weinfrühling (wine festival along the vineyard trails in Bopparder Hamm , since 1996 on the last Sunday in April)
- Boppard May (numerous events and small festivals in mid-May)
- Traditional neighborhood fair in May and June: The neighborhoods used to be permanent institutions in Boppard. These were officially mentioned for the first time in 1663, but today's historical research assumes that the neighborhoods emerged in the 13th century at the latest. The neighborhoods were not only central to daily life and the administration of Boppard, they also celebrated a party together once a year. This tradition is maintained today, but the neighborhoods have partially reorganized. The larger neighborhood fair includes the Bälzer fair and the Orgelborn fair in the Märkt neighborhood.
- Shooting festival with parade on Corpus Christi
- Middle Rhine Marathon from Oberwesel to Koblenz in June (2005 to 2015)
- Tal Total : On this Sunday, federal highway 9 between Bingen am Rhein and Koblenz-Stolzenfels and federal highway 42 between Rüdesheim am Rhein and Lahnstein will be closed to traffic. Both roads are only available to non-motorized traffic on this day.
- Rheinuferfest (third weekend in July, until 2012)
- Zwiwwelsmat (onion market, second Wednesday and Thursday in September)
- The wine festival on the Boppard market square takes place on the last weekend in September and the first weekend in October. On the initiative of the winemaker Leopold Grillo (1881–1927), the first public wine festival in Boppard took place in 1926. On one of the wine festival Sundays, the city of Boppard's annual "Great Wine Tasting" takes place, during which the city's honorary winemakers are appointed at irregular intervals. For example, the former Prime Minister Kurt Beck in 1999. In 2014 the wine festival was voted "Wine Festival of the Year" by Reader's Digest Verlag.
- Boppard Winter Magic (Christmas market, first weekend in Advent)
Bearer of the great city seal from 1236
On July 24, 1958, the Boppard city council passed a local statute “regarding honoring deserving personalities”. This regulates that people who have made a special contribution to the city of Boppard receive an award. This honor is a replica of the great city seal from 1236 together with a deed of ownership . The local statutes also stipulate that only two people may be honored annually and that this must be decided by a 3/4 majority in the city council.
The large city seal from 1236 is an extension of the city seal from 1216. It depicts the Saint Severus Church surrounded by a huge city wall. In the city gate in the lower part of the seal stands the church patron and bishop Severus of Ravenna with staff and miter . The imperial eagle flies with outstretched wings on the roof pommel above the west end of the nave of the Saint Severus Church . The inscription of the seal reads: BOPPARDIA LIBERVM ET SPETIALE OPIDVM ROMANI IMPERII. Translated this means: Boppard, free and special city of the Roman Empire.
The original seal is now in the British Museum in London and, along with the Gothic seal of the city of Cologne, may be one of the best-preserved seals of the Middle Ages.
Until 2001, the following people were awarded a replica of the seal:
- Jean Nick on January 2, 1959
- Fritz Stammer on January 2, 1959
- Franz Büchner on March 26, 1960
- Fritz Straßmann on March 26, 1960
- Georg Goebel on November 10, 1962
- Alexander Stollenwerk on July 30, 1965
- Rudolf Koelges on December 4, 1970
- Paul Piwowarsky on November 27, 1971
- Josef Dany on November 27, 1971
- Editha Schell on November 24, 1973
- Lorenz Wolf on June 10, 1978.
- Karl Scherer on January 9, 1982
- Hermann Holz on July 29, 1987
- Ferdinand Pauly on July 29, 1987
- Heinz Maurer on November 29, 1991
- Ferdinand Benner on March 26, 2000
- Franz Schell on September 17, 2000
- Karl-Heinz Schwamborn on November 25, 2001
- Lea Ackermann on December 9, 2001
sons and daughters of the town
This list includes people who were born in Boppard and who have an article on Wikipedia. The fact that people are named here does not mean, however, that they were or are formative for the history of Boppard.
- Dietrich Bayer von Boppard (≈1330–1384), Bishop of Worms and then Bishop of Metz
- Nikolaus Lauxen (1722–1791), late baroque architect
- Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Fier (1792–1884), member of the Reichstag (center)
- Michael Thonet (1796–1871), master carpenter, industrialist and is considered a pioneer of furniture design worldwide
- Michael Bach (1808–1878), teacher, botanist and entomologist
- Franz Peter Knoodt (1811–1889), philosopher and theologian, Old Catholic Vicar General
- Anton Goebel (1824–1898), classical philologist and grammar school director
- Franz Brentano (1838–1917), philosopher, psychologist and founder of nude psychology
- Heinrich von Siebold (1852–1908), younger son of Philipp Franz von Siebolds , called himself Henry von Siebold , first worked at the Austro-Hungarian embassy in Tokyo and later for the Japanese government. Like his brother Alexander von Siebold, he collected Japanese cultural assets and gave Nippon together with him in 1896 . Archive of Japan , the work of his father for his 100th birthday reissued.
- Gustav Kampmann (1859–1917), painter and graphic artist
- Franz Büchner (1895–1991), pathologist
- Jakob Breitbach (1896–1949), politician (FDP)
- Joachim Caesar (1901–1974), agricultural scientist, politician (NSDAP), head of the farms in Auschwitz
- Johannes Büchner (1902–1973), educator and writer
- Fritz Straßmann (1902–1980), chemist and one of the discoverers of nuclear fission
- Heinrich Kahlefeld (1903–1980), theologian and Catholic priest and author of theological writings and liturgical chants
- Robert Claussen (1909–1941), politician (NSDAP)
- Georg Goebel (1909–1987), choirmaster and composer
- Maria Terwiel (1910–1943), resistance fighter in the Third Reich; she belonged to the circle of the Red Chapel
- Heinz Maurer (1921–2016), entrepreneur, inventor of Sebamed
- Hermann Josef Sieben (* 1934), Catholic theologian
- Hermann Bollinger (1937–2015), blacksmith, master locksmith and politician
- Gunter Berger (1943–2015), actor
- Martin Kämchen (* 1948), author, translator and journalist
- Josef Mallmann (1795–1857), German politician
- Norbert Neuser (* 1949), politician
- Aloys Rump (* 1949), visual artist
- Hermann Schnorbach (* 1949), educator, author
- Rudolf Nickenig (* 1953), General Secretary of the German Viticulture Association
- Henri Bach (* 1956), chef, awarded two stars in the Michelin Guide
- Hermann-Josef Lamberti (* 1956), finance manager
- Paul Rheinbay (* 1959), theologian and university professor
- Naika Foroutan (* 1971), social scientist
- Daniel Tosh (* 1975), American comedian
- Michael Falkenmayer (* 1982), soccer player
- André Weis (* 1989), football player
- Werner Wirth (1922–2007), lawyer and police chief of Leverkusen
Personalities who have worked on site
- Ottokar I. Přemysl (1155–1230), King of Bohemia from the Přemyslid dynasty , he was crowned king in Boppard in 1198.
- Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796–1866), doctor and Japan researcher, lived for a few years in the St. Martin monastery and worked here on his great work Nippon. Archives of Japan .
- Luise Hensel (1798–1876) was a teacher at the Marienberg girls' boarding school .
- Johann Baptist Berger (1806–1888) was pastor of the Boppard parish of St. Severus and a poet.
- Peter Piel (1835–1904) worked as a composer, church musician, music theorist and teacher at the royal school teachers' seminar in Boppard.
- Engelbert Humperdinck (1854–1921), composer (fairy tale opera Hansel and Gretel ), lived and worked for several years in Boppard and therefore received a memorial from the citizens of Boppard.
- Helene Pagés (1863–1944) was both a teacher in Boppard and a writer and editor from 1885–1913.
- Boris Michailowitsch Skossyrew (1900–1989), a Russian nobleman and diplomat and, as Boris I, King of Andorra for a short time , lived in Boppard from 1956 until his death.
- Hans Kruzwicki (1885–1971) was a high school drawing teacher a. visual artist (painter) active.
- Stefan Utsch (1896–1978), writer, was honored in 2012 with a memorial in Boppard.
- Mariano Freiherr von Droste zu Hülshoff (1907–1997), head forest master, lived temporarily in Boppard-Buchholz and is buried there
- Christian W. Schenk (* 1951), German-Romanian poet, essayist, translator and publisher, lives in Boppard-Buchholz.
- Martin Ebbertz (* 1962), writer and screenwriter, lives in Boppard.
- Bernhard Wessel (* 1936), former Borussia Dortmund goalkeeper, lives in Boppard.
Honorary winemaker of the city of Boppard
As part of the city's big wine tasting on the occasion of the annual wine festival, since 1981 a national personality from politics, business or sport has been awarded the honorary winemaker at irregular intervals. The activity at the time of the award is named.
- 1981 Bernhard Vogel - Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate
- 1982 Rudi Altig - professional cyclist
- 1985 Michel Debré - Mayor of the twin town of Amboise
- 1992 Rudolf Scharping - Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate
- 1995 Werner Treichel - former traffic director of the city of Boppard
- 1996 Rainer Brüderle - Minister for Transport, Agriculture, Viticulture and Forests of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
- 1998 Kunisada Kume - Japanese Ambassador in Boppard
- 1999 Kurt Beck - Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate
- 2000 Hans-Artur Bauckhage - Deputy Prime Minister of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate and Minister for Viticulture, Economics, Transport and Agriculture
- 2001 Joachim Hofmann-Göttig - State Secretary , Government Commissioner for the Unesco World Heritage Middle Rhine recognition procedure
- 2002 Bertram Fleck - District Administrator of the Rhein-Hunsrück District
- 2004 Christoph Böhr - member of the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament, chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament
- 2005 Günter Verheugen - Commissioner and Vice President of the European Commission
- 2006 Joachim Mertes - President of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament
- 2007 Hendrik Hering - Minister for Viticulture, Economy, Transport and Agriculture
- 2008 Norbert Schmitz - CEO of Cologne-Düsseldorfer Rheinschiffahrt AG
- 2012 Ulrike Höfken - Minister for the Environment, Agriculture, Food, Viticulture and Forests of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
- 2013 Weinkollegium Königliches Kelterhaus to St. Remigius in Boppard
- 2014 Toshio Takeuchi - Mayor of the twin town Ome
- 2017 Manuel Andrack - Author
- 2018 Roger Lewentz - Minister of the Interior, Sport and Infrastructure
- 2019 Julia Klöckner - Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
- Johann Josef Klein: History of Boppard , Boppard: Keil, 1909 (online edition dilibri Rhineland-Palatinate)
- Ludwig Bischoff: The city of Boppard on the Rhine. Your sanatoriums and surroundings. A topographical image for travelers on the Rhine and spa guests . Cologne 1861. (online edition dilibri Rhineland-Palatinate)
- Heinz Kähne: The station path in Boppard. Boppard 2013.
- Heinz E. Missling (Ed.): Boppard. History of a city on the Middle Rhine . 3 volumes; Boppard 1997.
- Hildburg-Helene Thill, Karl-Josef Burkard : Among the Jews. Eight hundred years of Jews in Boppard . Dausner, Boppard 1996, ISBN 3-930051-05-2 .
- Vogel: FC Vogel's panorama of the Rhine or views of the right and left banks of the Rhine from Mainz to Coblenz / the right bank of the Rhine drawn from nature by JF Dielmann…. Frankfurt am Main 1833, pp. 157-171. (Online edition dilibri Rhineland-Palatinate)
- Heinz E. Missling / Rudolf Decker: Boppard . In: The archive pictures series . Karl M. Sutton-Verlag, Erfurt 2003, ISBN 3-89702-578-7 .
- Hildegard Tschenett: The Bopparder Eltzer Hof - A former aristocratic settlement in the Spiegel der Zeit , Boppard 2018
- Achim Machwirth / Heinz Kähne / Berthold Neubauer: The choir stalls of the Carmelite Church , Boppard 2020
Web links

- Website of the city of Boppard
- Historical information about Boppard at
- Literature about Boppard in the Rhineland-Palatinate State Bibliography
Individual evidence
- ↑ State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, communities, association communities ( help on this ).
- ^ A b State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate: My village, my city. Retrieved March 5, 2020 .
- ↑ Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy on the location of Boppard: Height 74 m above sea level. NHN
- ↑ A children's forest will be planted in Boppard on Saturday , accessed on March 15, 2011.
- ↑ List of the largest German urban forests: [1] Retrieved on March 15, 2018.
- ↑ Boppard Is Getting More Natural , accessed March 15, 2018.
- ↑ Wolfgang Welker: Archaeological Findings from ARRATA e. V. - The discovery of the late Paleolithic site Boppard / Rhine. In: Adventure archeology. Issue 4, 2002, ISSN 1615-7125 , pp. 49-51.
- ↑ Stefan Wenzel: A decorated bone device from the late Stone Age deer hunters from Boppard, Rhein-Hunsrück district. In: Archeology in Rhineland-Palatinate. Mainz 2003, pp. 13-15.
- ↑ Historical local dictionary
- ↑ Heinz E. Missling (Ed.): Boppard. History of a city on the Middle Rhine. First volume. From the early days to the end of the electoral rule . Dausner Verlag, Boppard 1997, ISBN 3-930051-04-4 , p. 64 .
- ↑ On the history of Boppard . Retrieved January 9, 2014.
- ^ Heinrich Gengler: Regesta and documents on the constitutional and legal history of German cities in the Middle Ages. Erlangen 1863, pp. 255-261. .
- ↑ a b Paul Dolan: Boppard's mysterious Templar house in Rund um Boppard No. 51/52 of December 21, 2018
- ^ A b c Heinrich Gottfried Philipp Gengler: Codex juris municipalis Germaniae medii aevi. F. Enke, 1863, p. 256. ( limited preview in Google book search)
- ^ Lorenz Frank: Historical building research . In: Renovation and redesign of the Electoral Castle Boppard . Berlin 2004 ( online ). Online ( Memento from November 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Boppard the Roman Bontobrica, Bandobriga or Bodobriga. , Yearbooks of the Society of Friends of Antiquity in the Rhineland, Booklet L and LI. Bonn 1871. page 68,
- ↑ a b c d e f Hildegard Tschenett: The Bopparder Eltzer Hof - A former aristocratic settlement in the Spiegel der Zeit, Boppard 2018
- ↑ a b All about Boppard Journal No. 130: "This is how they were deprived of their sacred freedom ... - The urban siege in the Bopparder Kirieg of 1497", author: Jürgen Johann
- ↑ a b Boppard VVV booklet No. 22: “The description of the Electoral Trier office of Boppard (1789/1790) - Edition and explanation”, author: Michael Koelges, Boppard 2015
- ^ Ferdinand Pauly : The Eltzer Hof . In: Contributions to the history of the city of Boppard 1 . Rhine printing Boppard, Boppard 1989.
- ↑ a b c History Association for Middle Rhine and Vorderhunsrück (Ed.): From the old Boppard - A continuous chronicle for the years 1855 to 1876 by Wilhelm Schlad . Rhedruck, Boppard 1989.
- ^ Joseph Gregor Lang: Reise auf dem Rhein - Volume 1: Von Mainz bis Andernach , 1789, page 155 ( online version ), accessed on April 26, 2018.
- ↑ city fortifications ; Retrieved April 9, 2010.
- ↑ a b Official municipality directory (= State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate [Hrsg.]: Statistical volumes . Volume 407 ). Bad Ems February 2016, p. 186 (PDF; 2.8 MB; see also p. 160).
- ^ The Regional Returning Officer RLP: City Council Election 2019 Boppard. Retrieved October 3, 2019 .
- ^ The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Municipal elections 2014, city and municipal council elections .
- ↑ VG Koblenz press release No. 22/2013. (No longer available online.) VG Koblenz, archived from the original ; Retrieved August 9, 2013 .
- ↑ Bersch refuses appointment: Boppard re-elects. (No longer available online.) Rhein-Zeitung, July 15, 2013, archived from the original on August 20, 2013 ; Retrieved August 9, 2013 .
- ↑ Boppard Mayor Bersch hands over official business. Rhein-Zeitung, July 31, 2013, accessed on August 9, 2013 .
- ↑ Invitation to the city council meeting on October 15, 2013. (PDF) City of Boppard, accessed on January 9, 2014 .
- ^ Result of the mayoral election of the city of Boppard on September 22, 2013. (PDF) City of Boppard, accessed on January 9, 2014 .
- ↑ Result of the runoff election mayoral election of the city of Boppard on October 6, 2013. (PDF) City of Boppard, accessed on January 9, 2014 .
- ↑ Main Statute Accessed on June 6, 2011 (PDF; 62 kB)
- ^ City of Boppard: Results of the Boppard local council 2019. Accessed on October 3, 2019 .
- ↑ City of Boppard: Run-off election for Boppard Mayor 2019. Accessed on October 3, 2019 .
- ^ The Regional Returning Officer: Results of the 2017 federal election
- ^ City of Boppard Religion , 2011 census
- ↑ Budget of the city of Boppard 2020 - residents broken down by religious affiliation , accessed on April 23, 2020
- ↑ Budget of the city of Boppard - residents broken down by religious affiliation, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ↑ Boppard Church Community Association, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ↑ Borromean Sisters in Boppard Hospital, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ^ Monasteries and religious orders in Boppard, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ↑ Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Boppard, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ↑ Evangelical Church Community Emmelshausen-Pfalzfeld, accessed on January 9, 2018
- ^ "Goethe" brought the Jesuit priest to the Rhine , accessed on January 25, 2018.
- ↑ ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: Our house ) Retrieved on May 5, 2011.
- ↑ Stadthalle Boppard, accessed on January 10, 2018.
- ↑ Swimming pool discussion Boppard goes into the next round. City of Boppard, September 8, 2010, accessed December 6, 2012 .
- ^ Rhein-Zeitung: Boppard is hot for Römer-Therme ; Retrieved February 22, 2010.
- ^ Mittelrhein-Kurier: Section: Römertherme before the end? Retrieved February 22, 2010.
- ^ Rhein-Zeitung: Agreement reached at the swimming pool , accessed on January 25, 2018.
- ^ Homepage Museum of the City of Boppard, Museum History. Retrieved October 20, 2017 .
- ↑ Museum in the "Electoral Castle" . Retrieved March 15, 2011.
- ↑ State Secretary for Culture suggests invitation: Will Prince Charles visit Boppard Castle? (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 21, 2017 ; accessed on October 20, 2017 .
- ↑ State Statistical Office: ( page no longer available , search in web archives: municipal data profile ), accessed on June 4, 2018.
- ↑ The unemployment rate in the district is still falling , accessed on June 4, 2018.
- ↑ Boppard reports record number of overnight stays , accessed on March 17, 2012.
- ↑ The mayor informs about the past year and the future prospects for Boppard . Retrieved March 17, 2012.
- ↑ IHK Rhein-Hessen: The largest employers in Rhineland-Palatinate , accessed on June 4, 2018
- ↑ Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Prize 2010 goes to Boppard . Retrieved February 21, 2011.
- ↑ Association regulations of the Zweckverband “Gewerbepark Hellerwald II” (PDF; 99 kB). Accessed on February 21, 2011.
- ↑ "Hellerwald II" industrial park directly on the A 61 / Hunsrückhöhenstrasse motorway at the very front of the Rhine-Moselle triangle . Retrieved February 21, 2011.
- ↑ State of Rhineland-Palatinate funds Hellerwald II business park. Accessed on February 21, 2011.
- ↑ Bomag is investing heavily in the Boppard site . Retrieved May 27, 2011.
- ↑ ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: Boppard: Energy supplier relies on bio natural gas system ) Retrieved on August 7, 2012.
- ↑ Construction of the bio natural gas plant near Boppard. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved August 29, 2013 . ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )
- ↑ The citizens have their fountain again , accessed on April 17, 2018.
- ↑ VVV refreshes the market fountain , accessed on April 17, 2018.
- ↑ Route of the World Heritage Gardens , accessed on January 10, 2018.
- ↑ Will Boppard fall short with the Buga 2031? ( Memento of January 10, 2018 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 10, 2018.
- ↑ Sportvereine in Boppard , accessed on January 18, 2018.
- ↑ Sportbund Rheinland: Ranking list of clubs according to members , accessed on January 18, 2018.
- ^ Boppard local association celebrates 50th birthday: DLRG hopes for a new swimming pool , accessed on January 10, 2018.
- ↑ BOMAG Stadium , accessed on January 18, 2018.
- ↑ Carnival. Retrieved February 10, 2013 .
- ↑ Information on the Middle Rhine Wine Spring at Bopparder Hamm . Retrieved March 25, 2014.
- ↑ ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: "Leopold Grillo" information board ceremoniously unveiled ) Retrieved on March 24, 2012.
- ↑ local statutes - regarding honoring deserving personalities (PDF; 3 kB)
- ↑ a b Jürgen Johann: Boppard seal stamp in the middle of a unique exhibition . In: All about Boppard . No. 14 , 2013, p. 7 .
- ^ British Museum [2]
- ↑ Heinz E. Missling (Ed.): Boppard. History of a City on the Middle Rhine, Volume Three . Boppard 2001, ISBN 3-930051-02-8 , pp. 477 .
- ↑ Large city seal for Karl-Heinz Schwamborn: highest award of the city of Boppard for the BOMAG founder . In: All about Boppard . No. 48 , 2001, p. 1-2 .
- ↑ Sister Lea Ackermann honored with city seal. December 12, 2001, accessed May 16, 2013 .
- ↑ Monument for Stefan Utsch . Retrieved August 27, 2012.
- ↑ Rudolf Decker (Ed.): The Boppard Wine Book . Graphic workshop, Neuwied 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-029537-9 , p. 165 .
- ↑ Roger Lewentz is the new honorary winemaker from Boppard , accessed on October 25, 2018.
- ^ Boppard Wine Festival: Minister Julia Klöckner appointed honorary winemaker. Rhein-Hunsrück-Zeitung, September 29, 2019, accessed on July 4, 2020 .