Guido Altarelli

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Guido Altarelli

Guido Altarelli (born July 12, 1941 in Rome , † September 30, 2015 in Geneva ) was an Italian theoretical physicist .


Altarelli studied at the University of Rome (La Sapienza) with a diploma (Laurea) in 1963. He then went to the Scuola di perfezionamento in Fisica of the University of Florence , where he received his doctorate in 1965 under Raoul Gatto . In 1968/69 he was at New York University and 1969/70 at Rockefeller University . Since 1970 he was back at the University of Rome (La Sapienza), where he received a full professorship in theoretical physics in 1980. From 1992 he was a professor at the University of Rome III (Roma Tre). From 1987 to 2006 he was Senior Staff Member in the theory department at CERN , which he headed from 2000 to 2004. He then became an Emeritus Scientific Associate there. He also worked at the École normal supérieure and Boston University . He was on the advisory committees of DESY , CERN and the SSC .


Altarelli was a leading authority on perturbation quantum chromodynamics . Here evolution equations for the parton distribution ( structure functions ) are named after him and Giorgio Parisi (Altarelli-Parisi equations or DGLAP equations additionally after Yuri Dokshitzer , Gribov and Lipatov ). In the QCD he also dealt with the theory of the Drell-Yan process , corrections to the effective Hamilton operator of weak non-leponic processes (with a pioneering work on the explanation of the selection rule within the QCD with Luciano Maiani ), and polarized parton densities. He also dealt with the Standard Model and elementary particle physics beyond the Standard Model , for example GUTs , neutrino masses and neutrino mixtures, precision tests of the electroweak interaction, theoretical limits for the mass of the Higgs boson . He is the author or co-author of over 200 scientific publications.


  • 2011: Julius Wess Prize of the KIT Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Astroparticle Physics.
  • 2012: Sakurai Prize , for essential ideas for the detailed experimental confirmation of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which made it possible to obtain precise information about quantum chromodynamics, electroweak interaction and possible new physics from the experiments in high energy physics .
  • 2015: High Energy and Particle Physics Prize
  • Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (year unknown)


  • The Development of perturbative QCD. World Scientific, Singapore et al. a. 1994, ISBN 981-02-1702-1 .
  • as editor with Klaus Winter : Neutrino Mass (= Springer Tracts in modern Physics. Elementary Particle Physics. Vol. 190). Springer, Berlin a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-540-40328-0 .
  • Particle Physics in the LHC Era and Beyond. 2010, arxiv : 1002.4957

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Luciano Maiani, Guido Martinelli: Guido Altarelli . In: Annual Reviews (Ed.): Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science . 68, No. 1, October 19, 2018, ISSN  0163-8998 , pp. 1-15. doi : 10.1146 / annurev-nucl-101917-021029 .
  2. Altarelli, Maiani: Octet enhancement of nonleptonic weak interactions in asymptotically free gauge theories . In: Phys. Lett. B, 52, 1974, p. 351
  3. KCETA on the Julius Wess Prize 2011 ( Memento from March 20, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Laudation for the Sakurai Prize : For key ideas leading to the detailed confirmation of the Standard Model of particle physics, enabling high energy experiments to extract precise information about Quantum Chromodynamics, electroweak interactions and possible new physics.