Guido Schenkendorf

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Guido Schenkendorf

Guido Schenkendorf (born December 16, 1970 in Konstanz ) is a German painter and sculptor .


Guido Schenkendorf worked from 1998 to 2005 in Bardenitz-Pechüle near Treuenbrietzen in Brandenburg , from 2006 to 2018 in the Fläming city of Jüterbog and has lived in Zerbst, Anhalt, since 2019 .

His work ranges from graphics to acrylic and pastel paintings , from mixed media works to watercolors to sculptures made of wood and stone.

He experimented for a long time in order to find very special sculpture forms, which he finally defined as floral sculptures and with which he is successful.

His two- and three-dimensional thematic works encompass philosophical, sensitive human, personal and world-political thoughts. Also portraits are among his works.


Floral sculptures by Guido Schenkendorf in a park in Bad Belzig

Bad Belzig:

In 2005 Schenkendorf was awarded a public tender for Berlin and Brandenburg artists to create a central eye-catcher in a park (Klinkengrund). He created two coordinated, corresponding, floral wood sculptures.


In memory of historically authentic events in Jüterbog around the horse dealer Hans Kohlhase in the 16th century, whose contentious life later provided the basis for Heinrich von Kleist's novella Michael Kohlhaas , the city of Jüterbog commissioned Guido Schenkendorf in 2007 to design a related sculpture on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary the city.
This figural sculpture found its place in the arcades of the court arbor in the entrance area of ​​the historic Jüterbog town hall , exactly where negotiations between the Brandenburg and Saxon electors for the purpose of attempting to settle the disputes that went down in German history as the Kohlhaas feud took place.

Other sculptures by Guido Schenkendorf can be found in the Nuthe-Nieplitz Nature Park in Bardenitz and in Fürstenwalde / Spree in the local zoo.

Solo exhibitions

View from the port of Tangermünde , painting by Schenkendorf (acrylic)
  • 2002/2003: Painting and Sculptures , Landtag Brandenburg December 10, 2002 to January 10, 2003
  • 2004: Brandenburg landscape painting and sculptures , Brandenburg summer evening of the state government on the Bornstedt Crown Estate under the motto Märkische Landscapes and Gardens , press release from the State Chancellery on June 17, 2004
  • 2004: Sculptor and painter Guido Schenkendorf , Art Gallery Burg Beeskow, Beeskow
  • 2010: Nature and Light , Niederlausitz Museum, Luckau
  • 2012: Pictures and sculptures , Volksbank Stendal
  • 2013: Kulturquartier Mönchenkloster Jüterbog (sales exhibition )
  • 2013: Abstract Romanticism , Old Castle in Baruth
  • 2014: In the light and back light exhibition in the Schulze-Delitzsch-Haus Luckenwalde

Participation in exhibitions

  • 2010: Klangkunsthöfe Bärwalde near Dresden
  • 2007: Upheaval - Change - Awakening , Wood Sculptor Symposium, Luckenwalde District Hall
  • 2005: Exhibition at Neuhardenberg Castle for the award of the Brandenburg Art Prize with works by the winners and selected works by other applicants, Märkische Oderzeitung online showcase of cultural diversity on October 9, 2005, print October 11, 2005.
  • 2004: Exhibition in the gallery at the Neuen Palais in Potsdam, opening with art auction for the 13th gallery festival on July 3, 2004


  • Ingrid Feix : You can keep silent about the wonders of the world. In: Disput , June 2003 ( accessed online at on March 6, 2015)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. One can also remain silent about the wonders of the world ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Disput , June 2003
  2. Märkische Allgemeine / Fläming-Echo Friday, May 27, 2005 Blossoms versus meadow butterflies - Guido Schenkendorf wins competition for the design of the clasp base
  3. RBB-Fernsehen, April 11, 2007, 7.30 p.m., Brandenburg aktuell, contribution to the 1000th anniversary of the city of Jüterbog, interview with Guido Schenkendorf
  4. [1]
  5. [2]
  6. Gloomy and easy art in Luckau: Jüterbog artist Guido Schenkendorf shows pictures and sculptures in the Niederlausitz Museum , Lausitzer Rundschau , August 10, 2010
  8. Sales exhibition until August 18th. In: Official Journal for the City of Jüterbog. from June 19, 2013
  9. Martina Jäger: The charm of simplicity Guido Schenkendorf presents pictures and sculptures in the monastic monastery cultural quarter. In: Märkische Allgemeine from June 20, 2013 limited preview, full article subject to charge
  10. Abstract Romanticism: Vernissage with the Jüterbog painter and sculptor Guido Schenkendorf, Märkische Allgemeine from November 25, 2013 limited preview, full article subject to charge
  13. art from wood to, accessed on March 6, 2015
  14. Wood sculptor symposium ended - exhibition opened , Official Gazette for the City of Luckenwalde, No. 16/2007, p. 7