Guido Schneeberger

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Guido Federico Schneeberger (born April 1, 1927 in Milan , † 2002 in Fraubrunnen ) was a Swiss bibliographer and documentarist. He became known through a documentary on Martin Heidegger's year as rector at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau .


Schneeberger grew up in Switzerland by 1935 at the latest. After graduating from high school in 1946, he began studying philosophy in Basel that same year . In 1951 he was awarded a doctorate by Karl Jaspers at the University of Basel .

Schneeberger was not a public figure. After his work on Kant and Schelling , he led a life beyond the academic and media business.

His father Fritz owned the Schneeberger Kork AG in Dulliken, which possibly allowed his son Guido to pursue his studies without having to pursue a day-to-day job.


Schneeberger's philological approach is generally characterized by searching and finding, by opening up a work, and less by interpreting it.

To Kant and Schelling

Up to Kant's estate, his dissertation on Immanuel Kant compiled all relevant text passages on the complementary terms possibility, reality and necessity / chance. In a review by Ernst Konrad Specht, it was “clear and concise” that it remedied an “obvious deficiency” that arose from the interest in Martin Heidegger and Nicolai Hartmann's investigations into Kant.

In his essay “On Speculative Evidence. A critical - historical sketch “, Schneeberger considered the extent to which Schelling's romantic, speculative philosophy can be connected with Immanuel Kant's rational critique of reason. The article was printed separately with the addition: "[...] from the border area of ​​category theory" in the Studia Philosophica of the Swiss Society for Philosophy. Nevertheless, the work found no response.

The Schelling bibliography, which Schneeberger has now published, was highly valued by the scientists. It had over 1000 references. Karl Jaspers praised the "careful, rich and extremely clear" presentation, Gerhard Huber also wished such "renunciation" work for "other philosophical authors of rank".

To Heidegger

In 1960 and 1962, Schneeberger published two bibliographical publications on the philosopher Martin Heidegger. He had these printed himself at Buchdruckerei AG Suhr (in the canton of Aargau) and sold them privately. There is no indication that he offered it to a publisher in advance.

Helmut Heiber has placed Schneeberger's work in detail in the German discussion about the political Heidegger after 1945. Not without satirically tinged swipes at the dogged discussion as a whole and Schneeberger's personality in particular. Víctor Farías reports that he was still working on another edition on the subject of Heidegger in the 1980s .

Supplements to a Heidegger bibliography

The "Supplements to a Heidegger Bibliography Hermann Lübbes " contain 33 book and journal entries for the years 1929–1956. With three enclosed texts for the year 1933, Schneeberger proved that Heidegger had not only advocated Adolf Hitler and nationalistic defensiveness at the beginning of his time as rector. Title: “Loyalty rally. To the Führer ”,“ Professors at the German universities' commitment to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist state ”,“ University of Freiburg. Celebratory matriculation and Langemarck memory ”. He also had a picture of the Great Election rally of German science printed, subtitled: “Germany's scientists know each other with the Führer”, from the Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung of November 23, 1933. The photo shows Heidegger with Ferdinand Sauerbruch in front of powerful swastika flags . Schneeberger added a little-known protocol from the 1929 Davos University Days. There Heidegger had argued with Ernst Cassirer about the bourgeois enlightener Immanuel Kant. Dominic Kaegi presented the ideological interpretations of this encounter, but also the legal disputes about the publication of the discussion. Schneeberger had a hectographed copy for the participants at the time, which, as it turned out later, had been written by Otto Friedrich Bollnow and Joachim Ritter . The fourth edition of Heidegger's work “Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics” appeared in an expanded version, enriched among other things by Heidegger's own account of the debate.

In the foreword, Schneeberger stated that he did not want to “alienate his philosophical impetus from himself” through the bibliographical endeavors, which demand a great deal of restraint from the author. He preceded entries on Marxist works with the remark that he “did not sympathize with the authors [...]”.

Gleanings on Heidegger

Two years later, Schneeberger published a review. Later he became aware of other Heideggeriana from the years 1929 to 1961. For these references he published the corresponding 214 texts, in addition 23 further book references under No. 215, these too often provided with explanations and short quotations in a reader-friendly manner. Plus two additions to the text that showed how Johann Peter Hebel was to be brought closer to Nazism afterwards. In addition, opinions with critical judgments about Heidegger. Schneeberger commented and explained briefly and cautiously. A total of around 175 entries pertaining to the connections between the rectorate during the Nazi harmonization in 1933/1934.

The concept was to uncover Heidegger's political involvement during this time by documenting not only unpublished statements (17), but also "... to expand the horizon" indicative materials from the political environment with which Heidegger had become involved. In contrast to Hermann Heidegger, who in 2000 felt compelled to document the path of his father in the rectorate year in detail, but only with his own statements (120 texts). From Schneeberger's compilation it can be seen, for example, that Heidegger demanded an unusually high level of readiness for military service from the students.

This documentation broke the federal republican secrecy that had resumed after an initial processing phase in times of political and university restoration. Even with Heidegger. According to Lutz Hachmeister , the "gleanings" played a significant role in the creation of his Spiegel interview in 1966 . In 2001 the complete translation of the "gleanings" into Japanese took place. With an informative afterword. The effect of gleanings in English-speaking countries can be seen in the bibliographies of Joan Nordquist and Groth Miles. In Merkur , Beda Allemann reported important French disputes, which at the beginning also included Schneeberger's method, for German-speaking readers. Core argument: The gleanings distract from Heidegger's actual, philosophical work.

Schneeberger himself did not publicly participate in the discussion about his work.


  • Kant's conception of the modal terms. Publishing house for law and society, Bern 1952 (diss.)
  • About speculative evidence. A historical-critical sketch. In: Heinrich Popitz, Guido Schneeberger (Ed.): Karl Jaspers for his seventieth birthday. Three small essays by Gerhard Knauss. 1953 (typewritten gift copy). Pages 45-67
  • About speculative evidence - a historical-critical sketch from the border area of ​​category theory. In: Studia Philosophica. Yearbook of the Swiss Philosophical Society. Volume XIII, Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft, Basel 1954, pp. 113-134
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - A Bibliography. Francke Verlag, Bern 1954
  • Supplements to a Heidegger bibliography. With four supplements and a picture plate. Self-published, Bern 1960
  • Gleanings on Heidegger: Documents on his life and thinking. With two picture panels. Self-published, Bern 1962 [2] Digitized resource of the full text of the University of Konstanz, accessed December 19, 2019
  • Haidega-shui: sono-sei-to-shiso-no-dokyumento (= gleanings from Heidegger / Guido Shuneberuga). Translated and provided with explanations and an afterword by Yamamoto Yu. Michitani, Tokyo 2001


  • Lutz Hachmeister: Heidegger's will. The philosopher, the mirror and the SS. Propylaea, Berlin 2014
  • Haidega-shui: sono-sei-to-shiso-no-dokyumento (= gleanings from Heidegger / Guido Shuneberuga). Translated and provided with explanations and an afterword by Yamamoto Yu. Michitani, Tokyo 2001

Individual evidence

  1. Lutz Hachmeister: Heidegger's Testament. The philosopher, the mirror and the SS. Propylaea (Ullstein), Berlin 2014, p. 47ff.
  2. Guido Schneeberger: Kant's conception of the modal terms. Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft, Basel 1952 (curriculum vitae in the appendix, no page number)
  3. ^ Kant studies. Volume 46, Issue 1, 1954/1955, pp. 189-191, page 189
  4. In: Three small essays by Karl Jasper on the 70th birthday of Gerhard Knauss , Heinrich Popitz and Guido Schneeberger. Unprinted Festschrift 1953, pages 45–67
  5. Vol. XIII, 1953, pp. 113-134
  6. ^ Guido Schneeberger: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling. A bibliography. With eight faksilime reproductions and three supplements. Francke Verlag, Bern 1954
  7. ^ Karl Jaspers: Schelling: Greatness and fate. Piper, Munich 1955, p. 345
  8. In: Studia Philosophica. Vol. XV, 1955, p. 215
  9. Helmut Heiber: University under the swastika . Part 2: The Surrender of the High Schools, Volume 1 : The year 1933 and its themes. KG Saur, Munich et al. 1992, p. 480-483 .
  10. ^ Victor Farias: Heidegger and the National Socialism. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1989, p. 421, note 207
  11. ^ Hermann Lübbe: Bibliography of Heidegger - Literature 1917–1955. In: Journal for Philosophical Research. Volume 11, Issue 3, 1957, pages 401-452. Also as a special print by Anton Hain K G., Meisenheim am Glan 1957
  12. Guido Schneeberger: Supplements to a Heidegger bibliography. Self-published manuscript, Bern 1960
  13. Dominic Kaegi: Davos and before. On the argument between Heidegger and Cassirer. In: Claudius Strube (ed.): Heidegger and the Neo-Kantianism. Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009, pp. 131–165
  14. Martin Heidegger: Kant and the problem of metaphysics. Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1973⁴
  15. Guido Schneeberger: Gleanings on Heidegger. Documents on his life and thinking. With two picture panels. Self-published, Bern 1962, 288 pages. XVI (16) pages introduction, there page V (5)
  16. ^ Review, ibid.
  17. ^ Martin Heidegger: Complete edition. 1st section: Published writings 1919–1976. Volume 16: Speeches and other testimonies to a path in life. Editor: Hermann Heidegger. Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2000, pp. 81-274
  18. ^ Review, p. 75
  19. ^ Michael Haller: The philosopher dispute between Nazi justification and postmodern eco-philosophy. In: Jörg Altwegg (Hrsg.): The Heidegger controversy . Athenaeum, Frankfurt am Main 1988, p. 200-219, p. 205 ff .
  20. ^ Heidegger's will . S. 47, 198, 209, 247 ff .
  21. Guīdo Shunēberugā. Yamamoto Yū yaku: Haidegā-shūi: sono-sei-to-shisō-no-dokyumento = gleanings from Heidegger. Michitani, Tokyo 2001
  22. ^ Joan Nordquist: Martin Heidegger: A Bibliography. Reference and Research Services, Santa Cruz, CA 1990
  23. Miles Groth: A Bibliography of English Translations of the Writings of Martin Heidegger 1949–2011 [1]
  24. ^ Beda Allemann: Martin Heidegger and politics. In: Mercury. German magazine for European thinking. No. 235 = XXI. Jg.Heft 10, October 1967, pp. 962–976, see especially pp. 962–966, 968–971, 976. Also in: Otto Pöggeler (Ed.): Heidegger. Perspectives on the interpretation of his work. Kiepenheuer and Witsch, Cologne 1969, pp. 246–260