Guillaume Leriche

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Guillaume Leriche (born June 6, 1975 in Boulogne-Billancourt , Hauts-de-Seine department ) is a French sound engineer .


Leriche began his career in 2000 with the comedy Liebeslust und Freiheit by Gabriel Aghion . Already for his third film, Amélie , he was in 2002 , together with Vincent Arnardi and Jean Umansky , for the Oscar in the category Best Sound nominated. He continued his career in France, where, in addition to major cinema productions such as The Empire of the Wolves , 96 Hours - Taken 2 and 96 Hours - Taken 3, he also worked for television. Among other things, he worked on the Luc Besson - television series Transporter: The Series and Taxi Brooklyn with.

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oscars 2002 (English)