Guillaume de Plaisians

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Guillaume de Plaisians († before 1314) was a lawyer in the service of the French King Philip IV († 1314) at the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century. He was a member of the Conseil du Roi and thus one of the king's most important advisors.

He used the much-cited formula "The King of France is Emperor in his kingdom". In order to consolidate the situation of the French king vis-à-vis the emperor and the pope, the legists wanted to use the Roman texts, but these only referred to the emperor's power. With his formula he eliminated these difficulties and confirmed the independence of the king from the emperor, but also from the pope, who, with the two-sword theory, gave priority to the holder of papal power over the holder of secular (here: imperial) power assigned. In addition, the formula also shows a tendency towards absolutism.

Guillaume de Plaisians also appeared in the long struggle of Philip IV against the Templar Order (cf. Templar Trial ), as well as in various documents alongside Guillaume de Nogaret († 1313), Pierre Flote († 1302), Gilles Aycelin († † 1318), Philippe de Villepreux and Enguerrand de Marigny († 1315).

Guillaume de Plaisians comes from the place Plaisians in the Baronnies ( Dauphiné ) in what is now the Drôme department , which at that time still belonged to the Holy Roman Empire , was thus originally a subject of the emperor. He died before the Templar Trial was completed in 1314 .


  1. Norbert Rouland: L 'Etat français et le pluralisme. Histoire politique des institutions publiques (de 476 à 1792). Jacob, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-7381-0333-2 , p. 180; the statement was already written down by Jean de Blanot half a century earlier: "Rex Franciæ in regno suo princeps est, nam in temporalibus superiorem non recognoscit - Le Roi de France est empereur en son royaume, car il ne se reconnaît pas de supérieur en matière temporelle ", in: Tractatus super feudis et homagiis , ed. v. Jean Acher, Notes sur le droit savant au Moyen Âge, Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger XXX, 1906, pp. 125–178
  2. ^ Charles-Victor Langlois: Les papiers de Guillaume de Nogaret et de Guillaume de Plaisians au Trésor des Chartes. In: Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et autres bibliothèques. Vol. 39, Part 1, 1908, ZDB -ID 207231-2 , pp. 211-254, ( digital copy ).
  3. also called Philippe le Convers, s. Jean Favier : Les légistes et le gouvernement de Philippe le Bel. In: Journal des Savants . No. 2, 1969, pp. 92-108, doi : 10.3406 / jds.1969.1196 .