Gustav Friedrich Hänel

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Gustav Friedrich Hänel (born October 5, 1792 in Leipzig ; † October 18, 1878 there ) was a German lawyer and legal historian .


Gustav Friedrich Hänel, usually just called Gustav in contrast to his cousin of the same name, completed his habilitation in Leipzig in 1817 and received an extraordinary professorship in 1821.

In the same year he went on a seven-year journey through Italy , Switzerland , France , Spain , Portugal , England and the Netherlands to search the libraries of these countries for manuscript treasures, particularly those relating to Roman law .

The next result of this journey appeared his Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum (Leipzig 1829-30) and the Dissensiones dominorum, sive controversiae veterum juris romani interpretum, qui glossatores vocantur (1834).

This was followed by the variants of Arndt's edition of Paul (Bonn 1834), the Antiqua summaria codicis Theodosiani (1834) and the Codicis Gregoriani et codicis Hermogeniani fragmenta (Bonn 1837).

The latter works were the forerunners of a complete critical edition of the Codex Theodosianus (Bonn 1837-42), which great company Hänel published an edition of the Novellae constitutiones imperatorum Theodosii II., Valentiniani III., Maximi, Majoriani, Severi, Anthemii (1844) with the XVIII constitutiones, quas Jac. Sirmondus divulgavit followed.

We have also received valuable individual communications from him in Richter's critical yearbooks and other magazines, the Festschrift on Gustav by Hugo Legis Romanae Visigothorum particula cum codd. monac. et Phillipps. imagine lapide expressa (1838) and the edition of the work on the trial known under the name of Ulpianus de edendo (1838).

In 1838, Hänel was appointed court advisor and full professor. The Lex romana Visigothorum (1849), which he published after 76 manuscripts, concluded the investigations into this important code of law.

His last major works are the Corpus legum ab imperatoribus romanis ante Justinianum latarum (1857-60), a collection of the laws of the Roman emperors that were scattered outside the constitutional codes, and the edition of Juliani epitome latina Novellarum Justiniani . Hänel was a member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig. As a representative of Leipzig University, he was a member of the First Chamber of the Saxon State Parliament from 1857 to 1864 .

His cousin of the same name, Gustav Friedrich, usually just Friedrich, geb. April 18, 1792 zu Annaberg, received his doctorate in Leipzig in 1817, was there in 1818 extraordinary professor of law, 1823 senior consistorial advisor in Dresden , 1827 appellate judge, 1831 secret church advisor in the ministry of culture, 1841 councilor and later first vice president of the higher appeal court. From him we still have the processing of the 4th part by Carl Friedrich Curtius Handbook of the civil law applicable in the Kingdom of Saxony (Leipzig 1819-20, 2nd edition 1831) and a small monograph on the theory of damages (that. 1823).


Web links

Wikisource: Gustav Hänel  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History - Presidents and Members of Parliament from 1833 to 1952 , Sächsischer Landtag 2001, p. 42
  2. According to “Pierer's Universal Lexikon” (Volume 7, 1859) , this Friedrich Hänel was born in 1791 in Annaberg and died on August 2, 1858.