Gustav Zouhar (engineer, 1914)

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Gustav Zouhar (born July 10, 1914 in Brno , † November 1, 1980 in Freiberg ) was a German engineer and university professor.


Zouhar graduated from high school in Brno in 1931 and then studied mechanical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology . After earning his diploma in July 1936, he worked for a year as a design engineer in the Bernhard Roth hat machine factory in Vienna, then moved to Hartha in Saxony , where he took up a position as a production engineer in the spindle factory . In 1945 he became technical director. In the same year he joined the SPD , in 1946 he became a member of the SED .

In 1949 Gustav Zouhar accepted a position as senior assistant at the Institute for Metal Forming of the Freiberg Mining Academy . In 1956 he became secretary and in 1962 head of the central working group for rolling mill equipment in the GDR. In addition to his work in Freiberg, he also taught at the Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences from 1957 to 1968 . On June 29, 1959, he was awarded a Dr.-Ing. PhD.

In 1961, Gustav Zouhar was appointed professor for metal cutting, mechanical technology and the theory of the plastic forming of metals in Freiberg. From 1966 to 1968 he was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, and after the third university reform of the GDR in 1968 he became director of the newly established Metallurgy and Materials Technology Section. He held this position until 1971, after which he was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences until 1974. He retired in 1975 for health reasons.

Zouhar was very gifted at languages. He translated specialist literature from Russian, Polish and Czech into German, e.g. B. the Polish standard work Podstawy walcowania ( Basics of rolling ) by Zygmunt Wusatowski.

Gustav Zouhar died in Freiberg in 1980. His grave is on the Donatsfriedhof in Freiberg . His three children studied and did their doctorate at the Freiberg Bergakademie, their son Gustav junior (1939–2005) taught as a professor for materials technology at the TU Dresden .


Publications (selection)

As an author

  • Deformation forces when rolling in rows of stretching passages (dissertation, 1960)
  • Basics of sculptural shaping (series of educational series, 1966–1967)
  • Metal forming (series of teaching series, 1963–1968)

As translator

  • PM Schilow: Repair and assembly of mining machines (1956)
  • Alexander Iwanowitsch Zelikow : Textbook of rolling mill construction (1957)
  • Zygmunt Wusatowski (among others): Heating furnaces for rolling mills and forges (1957)
  • Zygmund Wusatowski: Basics of Rolling (1963)


  • Arno Hensel: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gustav Zouhar - 30 years at the Bergakademie Freiberg . In: Neue Hütte , Volume 25, 1980, ISSN  0028-3207 , p. 40
  • Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Gustav Zouhar, * July 10th, 1914, † November 1st, 1980 . In: Neue Hütte , Volume 26, 1981, ISSN  0028-3207 , p. 80
  • Hartmut Schleiff, Roland Volkmer, Herbert Kaden : Catalogus Professorum Fribergensis: Professors and teachers at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg 1765 to 2015. Freiberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86012-492-5 , p. 244
  • Margerete Rühlicke, Wolfgang Lehnert: 100th birthday of Gustav Zouhar . In: ACAMONTA , year 22, 2015, ISSN  2193-309X , p. 167 ( online )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hartmut Schleiff, Roland Volkmer, Herbert Kaden : Catalogus Professorum Fribergensis: Professors and teachers at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg 1765 to 2015. Freiberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86012-492-5 , p. 244
  2. a b Margerete Rühlicke, Wolfgang Lehnert: 100th birthday of Gustav Zouhar . In: ACAMONTA , year 22, 2015, ISSN  2193-309X , p. 167 ( online )
  3. Bergakademische professor graves in Freiberg cemeteries . Freiberg, 2006. ISBN 978-3-86012-285-3 . P. 68