Gustav of German

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Gustav von Deutsch (born February 7, 1825 in Graventhien , Preußisch Eylau district , East Prussia ; † October 2, 1878 in Puspern , Gumbinnen district ) was a German lawyer who fought as an officer in the Civil War.


Gustav von Deutsch studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg and the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg . He was a cloth and silver litthauer from 1845 and was also active in the Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg in 1846 . After the first legal exam and the failed German Revolution in 1848/49 , he emigrated to the United States . He established himself as an attorney in St. Louis . When the civil war broke out, he joined the Unionist army . As a Captain he was company commander of the 1st Cavalry Company Milwaukee , consisting of 84 mainly German Dragoons was and autumn 1861 in a Cavalry - Regiment of Missouri was transferred. On October 3, 1862, he took his leave as Lieutenant-Colonel . In St. Louis von Deutsch headed the "Saengerbund" , from which the musician group "Arion of the West" was formed in 1866 . He was valued as a cellist and accompanist . Von Deutsch fell ill and returned to East Prussia. He died blind on Puspern, the manor of his childhood friend Theodor Kaeswurm .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corps lists 1910, 139/10; 140/236; 120/321
  2. Walter Passauer: Corp table of the Littuania zu Königsberg . Koenigsberg 1935
  3. This is Milwaukee
  4. ^ Governor of Wisconsin Reports (1861)
  5. ^ Military History of Wisconsin
  6. Official Army Register
  7. ^ The German Element in St. Louis
  8. Puspern (
  9. ^ List of members of the Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg (1930)