Gustave Chauvet

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Gustave Chauvet (born February 17, 1840 in Pérignac ; † April 3, 1933 ) was a French geologist , prehistorian and archaeologist .


Gustave Chauvet was born in Charente in 1840, the son of Louis-Jacques-Camille Chauvet, who was born on July 25, 1814 and who had graduated from the University of Poitiers in 1834 with his Bacalaureate . Almost nothing is known about Gustave's childhood, except that he grew up in an educated home. On July 31, 1858, like his father two decades earlier, he was awarded the title of bachelier ès sciences . On June 17, 1867 he became a member of the Société géologique de France . Chauvet lived in Paris for nine years , but then went to Pons in the Charente , as he was fascinated by the prehistoric discoveries there and the teachings of Darwin .

In the vicinity of his new place of residence, numerous artifacts had been unearthed for more than three decades , as well as enthusiasts from beyond the specialist world to explore the megaliths . As early as 1870, Chauvet was able to publish a find from Marjolence not far from Pons, including several skeletons that belonged to a small dolmen . Chauvet moved to Édon , about 40 km from Angoulême , and six years later to Ruffec . In 1872 he reported his finds from the Grotte du Ménieux to the Congrès de l'association française pour l'Avancement des Sciences . In 1873 he described the Neolithic burial cave of la Gélie near Edon. In 1881 he dug in La Quina , where an almost complete Neanderthal skeleton later came to light. Moustérien finds from Edon led him to the hypothesis that at that time an instrument similar to the South American bola had already been hunted. In 1883, Chauvet dug in Gros-Guignon de Savigné ( Vienne ), a site from the early Iron Age .

In addition to this expansion of his archaeological interests, he also published on current topics, such as viticulture, or the American salmon species, but also on Gallic coins and Gallo-Roman monuments, up to religious iconography.

Essential monographs on prehistory were created in addition to the one mentioned from 1882 in 1896 with Une cachette d'objets en bronze trouvée à Vénat , then on Stations humaines quaternaires de la Charente , the comparative work published in 1899 on Sepultures prehistoriques de la Charente et de l 'Egypte , then the work from 1903 on the bronze work of the Charente, finally the 40-page work on the objects in the Museum of Angoulême published in 1915 and on the Grotte du Chaffaud from 1919.

After his retirement , Chauvet tried to make knowledge of the prehistory of the region known, initially focusing on his collection, which he bequeathed to the University of Poitiers along with his records and books. He was several times President of the Société archéologique de la Charente (December 12 and 9 December 1883–1885, 1894–1896, 1902–1904, 1909), corresponding member of the Société des antiquaires de France , member of the geological society, the Société géologique de France and other scientific institutions; in addition, he has received a long series of awards.

Publications (selection)

  • Stations humaines quaternaires de la Charente , in: Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente (1896) 221–336. ( Digitized version )
  • Silex taillés du Nil et de la Charente (comparaisons) G. Chasseignac, Angoulême 1899.
  • La préhistoire en Charente , Mans 1913. ( digitized version )



  1. Le Gros-Guignon, commune de Savigné , in: Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de l'Ouest 7 (1884).
  2. Les vignes américaines au congrès de Mâcon; de leur plantation dans l'arrondissement de Ruffec , Picat, Ruffec 1888; Note sur l'établissement de pisciculture de Nanteuil-enVallée , Ruffec 1889.
  3. Sol et Luna. Notes d'iconographie religieuse , in: Extrait des Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente (1915).
  4. Une cachette d'objets en bronze trouvée à Vénat, commune de St-Yrieix près Angoulême , in: Bulletin et Memoires de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente 4 (1896) 141–393.
  5. Stations humaines quaternaires de la Charente , in: Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente (1896) 221–336.
  6. ^ Sepultures prehistoriques de la Charente et de l'Egypte , in: Bulletin de la Societe Archeologique et Historique de la Charente, 7ième série, 4 (1903-1904) 89-93.
  7. Analysis de bronzes anciens du département de la Charente , 1903.
  8. ^ Petites notes d'archéologie charentaise . No. 3. Angoulême 1909. No. 5. Au musée archéologique d'Angoulême , Angoulême 1915.
  9. Grotte du Chaffaud. L'art primitif , Poitiers 1919.