Hellish Neighbors (film)

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Original title Hellish neighbors
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1998
length 90 minutes
Director Maria Theresia Wagner
script Andreas Bauser
production Sam Davis
music Martin Grassl
camera Reinhard Köcher
cut Thorsten Knatz

Hellish Neighbors is a German television comedy from 1998 that was first broadcast on RTL Television .


Maike and Rudi Falkner have recently started living with their three children in a beautiful new semi-detached house in a new housing estate. One day Ingo Buck and his wife Katharina move to the other half of the house with their son. At first, both couples get along pretty well. But over time, the social differences between families make the situation tense. While the falconers live in rather modest circumstances, the Bucks live very luxuriously. However, this wealth comes from Katharina's mother Ingelore Merck, a very wealthy publishing house owner who is constantly transferring money to the Bucks.

When Maike Falkner embarrassed herself because of her too tight dress at a concert to which the Bucks invited her, she went crazy. To calm his wife down, Rudi Falkner first buys a new car, then new furniture and musical instruments for the children. Son Max is in the same choir as Ingos and Katharina's son Boris. Maike even works as a taxi driver again. Meanwhile, Ingelore threatens her daughter to turn off the money if the book business run by her and her husband is not back in the black soon. Rudi gets wind of the matter and wants to expose the Bucks by building a pool in the two families' gardens. But, contrary to expectations, Ingo Buck goes along. The two men have a contract drawn up with an extremely high contractual penalty .

When the falconers get into financial misery, Rudi, on the advice of his old school friend and banker Schober, tries to convince Ingo to call off the whole thing and forget the contract. But Ingo has already sold his mother-in-law's yacht to build the pool and wants to go through with the whole thing despite his own financial worries. Rudi learns that the Bucks are in extreme debt and continue to live on credit. The dispute escalates when Max Falkner is supposed to replace Boris at a concert. Katharina, who was previously neutral, is now also opposing the falconers. To get the contract, Rudi kidnaps an author who is supposed to read aloud in the Bucks bookstore. The attempt fails and Ingo and Rudi are injured in an accident. Katharina and Maike try to mediate, but without success.

As the pool construction begins, the situation of the falconers and the relationship between the two families worsens. The new car and everything else has to be sold again. Maike and Rudi are even getting ready to have to leave their house while the Bucks continue their lotter life and push ahead with building the pool. When Rudi learns that Ingo has sold Ingelore's yacht, he strikes up a new counterstrike: On Christmas Eve he jacks up the yacht in the Bucks garden, where Ingelore can see it and is horrified to see what her daughter and son-in-law have done. Angry and disappointed, she leaves the house without transferring the publisher to the two of them and thus getting them out of their debts.

Ingo is angry at Rudi. While Katharina gets drunk, the two fighters end up in the rain-filled, ice-cold pool, where they have to be rescued by the fire department. The Bucks are moving away. When the new neighbors want to introduce themselves, Rudi and Ingo slam the door in their face without a word.


The film had two sequels: Hellish Neighbors - Only Women Are Worse (1999) and Hellish Neighbors - Chaos in the Hotel (2000). In addition, a television series of the same name was produced from 1998 to 2000 .

In a repetition, scenes with Thomas Lang , the host of the series Hellish Neighbors , were occasionally inserted. These were not shown in later reruns.

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