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Hüngsberg is a part of the local community Windhagen in the Rhineland-Palatinate district of Neuwied .


The hamlet of Hüngsberg is located two kilometers east of the center of Windhagen on a ridge that slopes east to the Pfaffenbach valley. The village covers altitudes between 245 and 260  m above sea level. NHN . The closest places are Johannisberg in the northwest and the Adamstal residential area in the south. District road 30, which leads to Windhagen, ends in Hüngsberg .


The original name of Hüngsberg and the neighboring Johannisberg was Heunsburg , which denotes the seat of a Honnen, the head of an honor . Hüngsberg was later given the name "Hunsberg" ( dialect "(Nöü-) Hüsbrich"), while Johannesberg appeared under the name "old Hunsberg" (dialect "Althüsbrich"). Hüngsberg belonged to the Honschaft Windhagen in the parish of the same name and was under the administration of the Electoral Cologne office of Altenwied . At the beginning of the 15th century, the noble family of the lords of racesberg , residing in the castle of the same name above Linz, were wealthy in the place. In an inventory of all settlements in the Altenwied office in 1660, four houses were counted in Hunsberg (Hüngsberg).

In Prussian times (from 1815) Hüngsberg remained part of the Honschaft, later the municipality of Windhagen, since 1823 in the administrative district of the Asbach mayor . In 1822 the residents of the village built a chapel, which was consecrated to the Virgin Mary in 1825 . In censuses in the first half of the 19th century, Hüngsberg was listed as a hamlet , in 1843 it comprised six residential and farm buildings. Hüngsberg never grew beyond the size reached at the end of the 19th century. At the end of the Second World War , the village suffered severe damage in March 1945, to which the chapel fell victim. In 1950 the chapel was rebuilt elsewhere and was named “St. Visitation of the Virgin ".

Population development
year Residents
1816 39
1828 44
1843 37
1885 53
1987 34


  • The Catholic Chapel of St. Mary's Visitation from 1950 is located at the eastern end of the village. It is a white plastered building on a rectangular floor plan with a slate and gable roof and a bell tower on top . The barrel vaulted interior houses a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary from the previous building, which is dated around 1470. During a renovation in 1988, the chapel forecourt was redesigned, which also houses a war memorial for the eight who died in Hüngsberg during World War II. The predecessor of the chapel from 1822, which was destroyed in the war, was a broken stone building made of clay and offered space for about six people.
  • Is a partly solid built on the through road (County Road 30) timbered house from the 18th century, as a cultural heritage under conservation is.


  • Josef Rüddel (* 1925), long-time mayor of Windhagen, lives in Hüngsberg
  • Erwin Rüddel (* 1955), member of the German Bundestag, grew up in Hüngsberg

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Wolff: The Windhagen dialect. In: Windhagen - Ein Heimatbuch , Economica Verlag, Bonn 1994, p. 196.
  2. Dieter Ehlen: Place names and field names in the municipality of Windhagen. In: Windhagen - Ein Heimatbuch , Economica Verlag, Bonn 1994, pp. 77/78.
  3. ^ August Welker: Inventory in the Altenwied office in 1660 , in: Heimat-Jahrbuch des Landkreis Neuwied, 1977, pp. 101-103.
  4. ^ The government district of Coblenz according to its location, limitation, size, population and division ... , Coblenz: Pauli, 1817; Page 88
  5. Friedrich von Restorff : Topographical-Statistical Description of the Royal Prussian Rhine Province , Nicolaische Buchhandlung, Berlin and Stettin 1830, p. 693
  6. Topographical-statistical overview of the government district of Coblenz , Coblenz: Hölscher, 1843, page 66
  7. ^ Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia , Volume XII Provinz Rheinland, Verlag des Königlich Statistischen Bureaus (ed.), 1888, page 44
  8. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate - Official directory of the municipalities and parts of the municipality
  9. ^ Erwin Rüddel : Chapel of St. Mary's Visitation Hüngsberg. In: Windhagen - A home book . Economica Verlag, Bonn 1994, pp. 172-174.
  10. ^ Heinrich Neu, Hans Weigert: Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kreis Neuwied ( Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz Volume 16, Section II), Düsseldorf, Schwann, 1940, p. 181.
  11. ^ General Directorate for Cultural Heritage Rhineland-Palatinate (ed.): Informational directory of cultural monuments - Neuwied district. Mainz 2019, p. 70 (PDF; 6.4 MB).

Coordinates: 50 ° 38 ′ 28 "  N , 7 ° 22 ′ 45"  E