Hagersbach (cooker)

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also erroneously: Hägersbach
Water code DE : 2386516
location Swabian-Franconian forest mountains


River system Rhine
Drain over Kocher  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source in the Nonnenloch next to the upper Steigenkopf of the L 1066 from Winzenweiler down to Gaildorf
49 ° 0 ′ 50 ″  N , 9 ° 47 ′ 40 ″  E
Source height almost  490  m above sea level NHN
muzzle on the eastern edge of Gaildorf near Hölderlinstrasse from the right and overall northeast in the middle Kocher Coordinates: 49 ° 0 '9 "  N , 9 ° 46' 43"  E 49 ° 0 '9 "  N , 9 ° 46' 43"  E
Mouth height approx.  323  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 167 m
Bottom slope approx. 85 ‰
length 2 km
Catchment area approx. 1.7 km²

The Hagersbach is a 2 km long brook in the urban area of Gaildorf in the district of Schwäbisch Hall in north-eastern Baden-Württemberg , which flows into the middle Kocher on the eastern edge of the settlement area of ​​the city from the right and overall north-northeast . Its main source gorge is the Nonnenloch .


The creek is in the database of the official water card as H ä Gersbach listed and labeled at the polygon that. However, according to the official topographical map and the property map, the corridor surrounding the lower reaches is called H a ger , a path into the valley H a gerweg , a crossing Unterer H a gerweg . The chapter on Gaildorf in the description of the Oberamt Gaildorf from 1852 mentions the body of water as H a gersbach , the relevant measuring table from 1930 labels it as H a gersb. The offset from the bottom left to the top right current lettering on the current topographical map, opposite the Messtischblatt north and tilted, as can indeed H ä gersb. can be read. However, an a of the lettering, a vegetation symbol (horizontal colon for meadow) and a fragment of a contour line parallel to the stream seem to have combined to form the grapheme of the umlauts. The names of the form H ä Gersbach official watercard thus based on a misreading well.



The Hagersbach arises at an altitude of 490  m above sea level. NHN in the Nonnenloch , a Keuperschlucht , which leads a little to the left of the valley path route of the L 1066 from the height of the Limpurger Mountains west of the Gaildorf hamlet of Winzenweiler an der Brandhalde down to Gaildorf itself. The blade , which is a little further up in the corner of the last forest path, which leads off the state road at the height of the forest to the wind turbines of the natural electricity storage facility Gaildorf in the Krämersreute and Ladstatt tubs, is flatter and runs southwest in the slope forest of the fire pile, narrow and steeply to the valley and already crosses near the lower foot of the slope a forest path on which the geological nature trail of the city rises towards the Krämersreute .

A little later the Hagersbach flows from the north to about 375  m above sea level. NHN its right, more unstable and somewhat shorter source branch, which usually arises above in a rock hemisphere next to a curve of the Steigenstraße running on the mountain slope, which curves sharply into this. Immediately after this reinforcement, the Hagersbach emerges from the forest and changes to a more southerly, meandering run through a meadow hollow, still accompanied by a tree gallery, above which on the right slope under the Steigenhaus on the state road there are fruit tree meadows and hedges, partly on terraces, pull across the slope . In this section of the valley, the Kohlmannsklinge descends on the left side , which is markedly accompanied by a narrow strip of forest until close to the Hagersbach.

Further down, the out-of-town continuation of the Untere Hagerweg crosses it, followed by the Kirchbergweg , which also continues as a farm road . On its last 400 meters, its again narrow valley gully limits the eastern parts of the town's settlement around Hölderlinweg, opposite which the vineyard on the left over the course mainly slopes down to the receiving river.

Finally the Hagersbach flows from the right and at about 323  m above sea level. NHN immediately after crossing under a sandy path from the right into the northeast arch, which the middle Kocher on the eastern edge of Gaildorf makes around the wide Eschenau opposite.

After a 2 km long run, the Hagersbach flows with a mean bottom gradient of about 85 ‰, about 167 meters below its normal origin in the Nonnenloch.

Catchment area

The Hagersbach has an approx. 1.7 km² catchment area, which naturally belongs to the Swabian-Franconian Forest Mountains , with its predominant elevations and slopes in the north and east of the Limpurger Berge sub-area and the Gaildorf Basin near the mouth . Its highest point is at the northernmost point on the rather flat plateau of the mountains at 522.1  m above sea level. NHN high Herschel ; from there to a Wegstrern with a forest hut in the Krämersreute at 511.3  m above sea level. NHN remains the northern and then northeastern watershed consistently over 511.3  m above sea level. NHN .

In turn, the catchment areas of the following neighboring waters are adjacent:

  • Beyond the prominent north-northwest watershed to the Herschel, the Breitwiesenbach drains the western slope of the Limpurger Mountains via Bilmersbach and Steppach down to the Kocher .
  • In the north-northwest lies the headwaters of the Pfannenbach , the right upper course of the Eisbach, which runs much further up to the Kocher in the Limpurger Mountains .
  • In the northeast there is a nameless right tributary to the Eisbach.
  • In the southeast, the Dahnbach , the last big brook on the right to the Kocher in front of the Hagersbach, collects the runoff on the opposite side.
  • Behind the western watershed, which roughly follows Steigenstrasse, up again to the forest heights, there are only insignificant open channels to the Kocher and perhaps also rotten tributaries from the right-Kocher settlement area of ​​the town of Gaildorf.

Because of the large area of ​​the plateau and the upper slopes, the area is predominantly forested. In the open valley there are only meadows and pastures. The only settlement areas in it are part of the Gaildorf residential area east of the lowest Steigen section of the L 1066 around Hölderlinstrasse and perhaps also part of the Steigenhaus property , which is further halfway up the slope on the other side of the street. The entire area belongs to the town of Gaildorf .


List of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Hagersbach at almost 490  m above sea level. NHN in nuns hole next to the rising head of the national road 1066 Winzen Weiler-Gaildorf, an angle of the outgoing forest road for Krämer Reute incipient steep blade .

  • (Bach vom Herschel), from the right and north to about 375  m above sea level. NHN at the foot of the fire dump at the entrance of the geological Lthrpfad into the hillside forest, approx. 0.6 km and approx. 0.2 km². Arises inconsistently up to 490  m above sea level. NHN , but mostly only in a rocky hemisphere at about 450  m above sea level. NHN on the slope of the big bend in the Landesstraßensteige a little above the Gaildorfer Steigenhaus . Inconsistent.
  • (Bach from the Kohlmannsklinge ), from the left and east to about 350  m above sea level. NHN at the isolated building Hager No. 6, approx. 0.8 km and approx. 0.2 km². Arises up to about 490  m above sea level. NHN on the upper western slope of the Krämersreute . Very unstable.

Mouth of the Hagersbach from the right and finally north-northeast to about 323  m above sea level. NHN on the eastern edge of the settlement of Gaildorf near Hölderlinstrasse and opposite the Eschenau in the northeast arch of the middle Kocher before Gaildorf. The stream is 2.0 km long and has a catchment area of ​​around 1.7 km².


The vast majority of the catchment area is in the Mittelkeuper . The highest layer that occurs is its upper colored marl ( Mainhardt Formation ), which lies on both sides of the watershed at the height of the Limpurger Mountains in the north and east. Closer to the eaves of the plateau lies within a wide strip of silica sandstone ( Hassberge Formation ), below which the slopes then over the Lower Bunten Marl ( Steigerwald Formation ) and a narrow strip of reed sandstone ( Stuttgart Formation ) to the Gipskeuper ( Grabfeld Formation ), which takes up almost the entire other half of the area.

The Hägersbach itself rises in the silica sandstone, its spring gorge Nonnenklinge extends down into the Gipskeuper. In the flatter section of the slope after the gorge, it first runs in Holocene alluvial sediments, before the valley floor widens mainly to the right and is covered by loess-bearing floating earth . The valley trough narrows again along the edge of the Gaildorf settlement and for the last 200 meters the Hagersbach cuts into the Lettenkeuper ( Erfurt formation ) of the Unterkeuper , into the height of which it also flows.

There are three geotopes in the catchment area, all of which are located a little to the right of the valley path of the L 1066. The uppermost geotope is a former quarry on the roadside in the Upper Bunter Marln and in the silica sandstone still near the Steigenkopf, the middle one next to the serpentine curve of the brook from the Herschel down is a Small amphitheater made of steep mudstone cliffs of the Lower Bunter Marl, the lowest about 100 meters next to a parking lot next to the lane on the side of the valley and a little more in front of the Gaildorf outskirts is an embankment in the Gipskeuper, on which sometimes white chunks of gypsum from the Middle Gypsum horizon lie.

A geological path leads from the edge of Gaildorf through the Hagersbach valley up to the height of the Limpurger Mountains in the direction of Krämersreute , on which sections of the terrain and a dozen panels at the edge of the path explain the Keup layer sequence .

From 1753 to 1899 there was an alum and vitriol mine near Gaildorf, the main entrance of which was a little down the Hagersbach estuary, very close to the right of the Kocher below today's park school. The skull of a Mastodonsaurus giganteus was found there in 1832 . All entrances to the mine, in which the pyrite-containing Unterkeuper allegedly was mined northwards to under the Steigenhaus and therefore also in the Hagersbach valley, have been filled in today. The City Museum in the Old Castle (currently closed - August 2019) shows exhibits. See also New Castle .

Protected areas

More or less the lower slopes of the valley are in the nature reserve Kochertal with the adjacent mountain ranges . The 22.0 hectare Brandhaldenquellen water protection area on both sides of the northern watershed extends with its southern half to the upper valley slope of the L 1066.

See also

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Hagersbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c d Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  3. Length measured on the background layer topographic map .
  4. a b c Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  5. name Häger Bach to the layers water network (AWGN) and water name .
  6. With other map elements to ä falsified a of the lettering for the stream on the background layer topographic map .
  7. a b Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  8. Geotopes according to the relevant layer and according to your own view.
  9. Protected areas according to the relevant layers.

Other evidence

  1. Name Hagerbach after the chapter on Gaildorf in the description of Oberamts Gaildorf 1852, S. 117th
  2. Name Hagerbach after ordnance 6924 Gaildorf of 1930 in the German photo library .
  3. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  4. Geology according to the layers for Geological Map 1: 50,000 on: Map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes ). The geological map listed under → Literature shows roughly the same picture  .
  5. The Geological Path - Insights into the history of the result , page on the Geological Path on the website of the city of Gaildorf, requested on August 23, 2019.
  6. A mining town with a few peculiarities , report on a lecture by Dr. Hellmar Weber about the Gaildorf Vitriobergwerk on www.swp.de from June 24, 2013, requested on August 5, 2019. The information contradicts the topography somewhat, because there is talk of a network of tunnels “ almost a thousand meters” in length It also extends to the northwest, while the distance between the Kocherufer and the Steigenhaus is around 1.2 km as the crow flies.
  7. Article Gaildorf –Altgemeinde ~ Teilort at www.leo-bw.de among other things about the Vitriolbergwerk, requested on August 5, 2019.
  8. ^ Page on the New Town Hall on the website of the city of Gaildorf, requested on August 5, 2019.


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6924 Gaildorf
  • Geological map of the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park 1: 50,000, published by the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg i. Br. 2001.

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