State of Hanover

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State of Hanover
coat of arms flag
Coat of arms is missing Flag of Hanover in 1946
State capital Hanover
Form of government Parliamentary government system
Consist 1946
Arose from Hanover Province
Incorporated into Lower Saxony
Hanover within the British occupation zone 1946.svg
State of Hanover in the British zone of occupation

The state of Hanover was a state in northwest Germany. With Ordinance No. 46 of 23 August 1946, the military government of the British occupation zone gave some of the former provinces of Prussia the status of a country; thus, among other things, the state of Hanover emerged from the Prussian province of Hanover . It existed until the establishment of the State of Lower Saxony on November 1, 1946. The State of Hanover saw itself in the tradition of the Kingdom of Hanover annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia in 1866 , which was also reflected in the state symbolism.


The state of Hanover comprised the area of ​​the former Kingdom of Hanover excluding the parts of the country lying in the Soviet occupation zone , taking into account border corrections and area swaps during the time of the Prussian province of Hanover. It thus included the vast majority of what is now Lower Saxony.


After the Second World War , the state of Hanover was founded with Ordinance No. 46 of the British Military Government of 23 August 1946 regarding the dissolution of the provinces of the former state of Prussia in the British zone and their re-establishment as independent states . Hinrich Wilhelm Kopf was appointed first Prime Minister . From August 23, 1946, the Hanoverian Landtag was set up by the British military government to control the state government.

At the instigation of Kopf, the British military government approved the unification of the State of Braunschweig , the Free State of Oldenburg and the State of Schaumburg-Lippe with the State of Hanover to form the new State of Lower Saxony with effect from November 1, 1946. Hinrich Wilhelm Kopf at times discussed further territorial variants of Lower Saxony, including inclusion Bremen and East Westphalia-Lippes . Excepted from this rule were the hitherto Brunswick eastern part of the district Blankenburg and also belongs to Braunschweig exclave Calvörde as Office Calvörde the district of Helmstedt , in the Soviet occupation zone fell and in the land of Saxony-Anhalt were integrated, as well as the previously Hanoverian Amt Neuhaus and the districts of Bleckedes on the right bank of the Elbe , which fell under the Soviet occupation zone and were only reclassified to Lower Saxony in 1993.

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance No. 46, Dissolution of the Provinces of the former Land of Prussia in the British Zone and their re-establishment as independent countries (1946). In: August 23, 1946, accessed October 7, 2016 .
  2. Ordinance No. 55, Education of the State of Lower Saxony. In: November 1, 1946, archived from the original on May 14, 2018 ; accessed on October 7, 2016 .
  3. 1946 - Restoration of the state of Hanover and establishment of the state of Lower Saxony. ( Memento from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive )