Hans-Dieter Deppe

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Hans-Dieter Deppe (born July 3, 1930 in Hanover ; † October 17, 2010 ) was a German economist.

After graduating from high school in Petershagen , Westphalia , he studied economics at the Technical University of Hanover (today TU) in the summer semester of 1952, at Indiana University , Bloomington , at the University of Kansas , Lawrence (academic year 1952/53) and at Christian Albrechts University in Kiel (1953–1956). In 1956 he graduated with the exam to graduate in economics from. He received his doctorate in 1959 in Kiel with the topic “Contributions to the theory of economic planning in the credit bank”.

Since 1959 he worked as a doctoral assistant to Ludwig Mülhaupt in Kiel and Münster and after his habilitation on the subject of “Investigations into the growth of a credit institution. A contribution to the teaching of functional interrelationships in banking "in 1964 as a permanent lecturer in Münster and a year later as a full professor at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen . Despite seven calls for other university teaching positions, he remained loyal to the University of Göttingen until he retired.

Gerhard Emmerich , Wolfgang Benner and Karl Lohmann , among others , worked as assistants at the Institute for Banking Management and Corporate Finance he founded (later: Institute for Business Management Money Management ) .

Among other things, Deppe researched the functional relationships of banking operations with the help of the methods of operations research . He understood functional relationships as a system of mechanisms that are controlled by means of business policy. Determining the main influencing factors of a decision is decisive for Deppe and he always referred to Bernard Baruch . For him, the main influencing variables were those variables that significantly influence the so-called conditions of existence (e.g. liquidity and debt coverage capacity ). In this way, the student should receive an instrument box that he can quickly adapt to changing reality.

Deppe gives an overview of his research and teaching methodology in his essay “A conception of scientific banking management in three double hours”, which he published in 1978 in the commemorative publication “Bankbetriebliches Lesebuch” on Ludwig Mülhaupt's 65th birthday .

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