Hans-Hermann Hertle

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Hans-Hermann Hertle, 2010

Hans-Hermann Hertle (born June 29, 1955 in Eisern ) is a German historian , political scientist and publicist . His research focus is the contemporary history of the Federal Republic and the GDR , in particular the history of the division of Germany and the turnaround .

His 1996 work The Fall of the Wall. The unintentional self-dissolution of the SED state , which is based on its dissertation, is considered a standard work on the circumstances of the border opening and has since appeared in more than ten editions under the title Chronicle of the Fall of the Wall . Hertle has been a research assistant at the Center for Contemporary History (ZZF) in Potsdam since 1999 .


Hans-Hermann Hertle was born in the Westphalian town of Eisern (now part of Siegen ). He studied history and political science at the University of Marburg and at the Free University of Berlin . In 1983 he completed his studies with a diploma in political science at the Free University of Berlin. In his diploma thesis he dealt with a question from the history of trade unions in the Federal Republic. In 1983/84 he worked on a project led by Theo Pirker on the history of the labor movement in the US occupation zone , after which he was a research assistant at the Central Institute for Social Science Research at the Free University of Berlin until 1990.

With the peaceful revolution in the GDR in 1989, Hertle shifted his research focus: initially to the East German unified trade union FDGB and with his dissertation on the prehistory and the exact circumstances of the fall of the Berlin Wall. From 1990 to 1995 he was involved in various DFG research projects at the Free University of Berlin. In addition to studying the sources, Hertle conducted extensive interviews for his dissertation with actors in the events around November 9, 1989, including VP Colonel Gerhard Lauter , who had worked on the drafting of the travel policy, PKE Lieutenant Colonel Harald Jäger from GÜSt Bornholmer Strasse and border troop chief Klaus -Dieter Baumgarten , NVA Chief of Staff Fritz Streletz and Politburo member Wolfgang Herger . Hertle has been a research assistant at the Center for Contemporary History Research (ZZF) in Potsdam since 1999 , where, in addition to his own scientific work, he is also responsible for the ZZF's public relations.

In addition to numerous books and research articles that he published himself, Hertle publishes a number of volumes with conference results on behalf of the ZZF. He is also involved in television and radio productions on contemporary history as an author and scientific advisor. For the SFB documentary film When the Wall fell. 50 hours that changed the world he and the director Gunther Scholz received the Bavarian TV Prize in 2000 . Together with Stefan Wolle , Hertle was a scientific consultant in 2003/2004 for the four-part MDR television documentary Back in the GDR , which was awarded the Grimme Prize in 2005. Hertle and Wolle also wrote the book that accompanies the series together.


As a writer

  • Schabowski's note - Or the fall of the Berlin Wall. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86153-511-9 .
  • Schabowski's note - Or the fall of the Berlin Wall. Radio feature (co-production WDR / MDR, 55 min, 1997).
  • The Berlin Wall - Cold War Monument. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 3-86153-463-0 (bilingual, German / English).
  • With Stefan Wolle : Back then in the GDR: everyday life in the workers 'and peasants' state. Bertelsmann, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-442-15383-2 . (Book accompanying the four-part MDR television documentation, 2nd edition 2006).
  • With Kathrin Elsner: My 9th November. The day the wall fell. Nicolai Verlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-87584-774-1 .
  • With Jürgen Kädtler: Social partnership and industrial policy. Structural change in the organizational area of ​​the chemical, paper, ceramic industry union. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1997, ISBN 3-531-12654-7 (publications of the Central Institute for Social Science Research of the Free University of Berlin, Volume 78).
  • Chronicle of the fall of the wall. The dramatic events around November 9, 1989. Ch. Links, Berlin 1996, ISBN 978-3-86153-541-6 (11th edition 2009).
  • The Fall of the Wall. The unintended self-dissolution of the SED state. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1996, ISBN 3-531-32927-8 (also dissertation , 2nd edition 1999).
  • With Maria Nooke : The Fatalities on the Berlin Wall 1961–1989. A biographical manual. Edited by the Center for Contemporary History Potsdam and the Berlin Wall Foundation. Links, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86153-517-1 .

As editor

  • Hans-Hermann Hertle and Konrad H. Jarausch (eds.): Cracks in the brother union. The Honecker - Brezhnev talks 1974–1982. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-86153-419-3 .
  • Torsten Diedrich and Hans-Hermann Hertle (Eds.): "Hornet" alert. The secret chief reports of the People's Police on June 17, 1953 . Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-936411-27-1 .
  • Hans-Hermann Hertle (Ed.): Building and Fall of the Wall. Causes - course - effects . Ch. Links, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-86153-264-6 .
  • Hans Ehlert and Hans-Hermann Hertle (eds.): The shadow of the wall - the cemented split . Trafo Verlag, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89626-341-2 . (Documentation of a forum for contemporary witnesses on August 13, 1961 on behalf of MGFA and ZZF Potsdam)
  • Hans-Hermann Hertle (ed.): The end of the SED. The last days of the Central Committee . Ch. Links, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-86153-143-7 (4th edition 1999).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Dr. Stefan Wolle ( memento from January 26, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) on the series Back then in the GDR on the MDR website. (Retrieved May 6, 2009.)
  2. ^ Back then in the GDR - content and reasoning of the jury ( memento of October 10, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) at the Adolf Grimme Prize 2005; Retrieved May 6, 2009.