Hans-Joachim Koellreutter

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Hans-Joachim Koellreutter.

Hans-Joachim Koellreutter (born September 2, 1915 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † September 13, 2005 in São Paulo , Brazil ) was a German - Brazilian composer , flautist , conductor and music teacher .


After studying music, he emigrated to Brazil before the Nazis in 1937 , where he began teaching music in Salvador . He founded a new movement in Brazil, the Música Viva , which stood up against nationalism in folklore . Other members of the movement were Cláudio Santoro , Guerra Peixe , Edino Krieger and Eunice Catunda . He fought against fellow composers, such as Mozart Camargo Guarnieri , who accused him of robbing the composers of their roots. He also introduced the twelve-tone music that Arnold Schönberg had developed in Brazil and came into contact with the music of the indigenous people of Brazil , which also influenced his work.

In the 1940s Koellreutter was one of the most influential music professors in Brazil. His students included Antônio Carlos Jobim , who received piano and harmony lessons from Koellreutter in his youth, but also Moacir Santos , João Mendes and many more. He also founded music schools in São Paulo and Salvador .

Several other European composers came to Brazil under Koellreutter's influence. One of them is Ernst Widmer , who came to Bahia from Switzerland in the 1950s to take part in Koellreutter's newly founded free music seminars . Even Henry Jolles was launched by Koellreutter to Brazil, he worked from 1952 at the Escola Livre de Música in São Paulo .

In 1964 Koellreutter first moved to Rio de Janeiro until he worked for the Goethe Institute in India and Japan in the late 1960s and 1970s , where he studied classical music from both countries. In 1975 he returned to Brazil and continued there as a teacher and composer.

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