Hans Konrad von Orelli

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Hans Konrad von Orelli (born January 25, 1846 in Zurich ; died November 7, 1912 in Basel ), mostly in the spelling Conrad von Orelli , was a Reformed theologian and professor of theology in Basel .

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Family grave, Hans Konrad von Orelli (1846–1912), Reformed theologian, professor of theology.  Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Family grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Hans Konrad von Orelli (1846–1912) Reformed theologian, professor of theology, grave in Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery , Basel

Hans Konrad von Orelli was born in Zurich in 1846, where he also went to school. He completed his theology studies in Lausanne , Zurich , Tübingen and Erlangen . He was friends with Franz Delitzsch and Wolf Wilhelm von Baudissin . In 1869 he was appointed preacher at the orphanage in Zurich. He received his doctorate from Delitzsch in Leipzig in 1870/71 and became a private lecturer at the University of Zurich in 1871 . In 1873 he went to Basel as a professor of theology ( Old Testament ) .

He made a trip through the Holy Land in 1876 (Travel Signs, published 1878). In 1881 he was promoted to full professor in Basel. In 1889 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Greifswald . In 1892 he was appointed rector of Basel University .

Orelli is the author of several commentaries on Old Testament prophets and a general history of religion that he dedicated to his friend, Count Wolf Baudissin . He also edited the magazine Der Kirchenfreund .

Publications (selection)

  • General history of religion. Bonn: Marcus & Weber 1899 ( digitized ; 2nd edition in two volumes: Bonn: A. Marcus & E. Weber's Verlag 1911–13; another edition of which appeared in Bonn, 1921)
  • The Hebrew synonyms of time and eternity / represented genetically and in a comparative way. Leipzig: Lorentz, 1871
  • The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. Explained by C. von Orelli (= brief commentary on the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and on the Apocrypha, Old Testament, 4th section). Nördlingen: CH Beck, 1887
  • The book of Ezekiel and the twelve minor prophets. Nördlingen 1888 - digitized
  • The Old Testament prophecy of the completion of the kingdom of God: presented in its historical development. Vienna: Faesy, 1882; engl. Übers. Edinburgh, 1885: The Old Testament prophecy of the consummation of God's Kingdom, traced in its historical development. Digitized
  • The Heavenly Hosts (Basel, 1889) ( Review )
  • Through the Holy Land. Diary sheets. Basel: CS Spitteler, 1878

References and footnotes

  1. ^ Digitized - Subdivided into «Turanian Group; Hamitic family; Semitic family; Indo-European family; African group; American Group; Oceanic Group ».


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