Hans Lehmann (art historian)

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Hans Lehmann, 1914

Hans Lehmann (born March 28, 1861 in Zofingen ; † January 16, 1946 in Zurich , reformed , resident in Zofingen) was a Swiss art historian and director of the Swiss National Museum in Zurich.

Live and act

Hans Lehmann was born on March 28, 1861 in Zofingen as the son of the baker and landlord Johann Lehmann and Bryner, born in Albertine. He studied in Basel with Jacob Burckhardt and in Leipzig . 1885 doctorate Lehmann in Goettingen to the Dr. phil. Subsequently he was employed as a district teacher in Muri from 1887 to 1894 .

From 1896 he worked as a research assistant, from 1903 as deputy director and from 1904 to 1936 as director of the Swiss National Museum in Zurich. His predecessor was Heinrich Angst . In 1911 he was given a teaching position at the University of Zurich , where he taught from 1915 to 1931 as an associate professor of archeology . He was also president of the Zurich Antiquarian Society from 1922 to 1934 . In 1911 he became an honorary citizen of Zurich.

The cultural historian Hans Lehmann made a name for himself in his specialist areas of history of stained glass , castle history , museums and didactics.

Hans Lehmann, who married Martha Grübel from Leipzig , born in 1888 , died in Zurich on January 16, 1946, just before he was 85 years old.

Publications (selection)

  • From the founding history of the Swiss National Museum, Part 1 , Part 2 In: Schweizer Illustrierte , Vol. 2, 1898
  • The good old days, 1904; In French in 1905, new edition in 1937 under the title "Switzerland in the mirror of the centuries" .
  • Wildegg Castle and its residents , Aarau 1922.
  • History of Lucerne stained glass from its beginnings to the beginning of the 18th century, 1942.
  • The destroyed glass paintings in the Hindelbank church and their relationships with the von Erlach family , KJ Wyss Verlag, Bern 1913.


  • Ernst Lehmann: Necrology for Hans Lehmann . In: Argovia, annual journal of the Historical Society of the Canton of Aargau, vol. 68–69, 1958, pp. 486–488 ( digitized version ).
  • Lucas Wüthrich: Lehmann, Hans. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Ceremony for the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Hans Lehmann, 1931, V – X
  • Annual report of the Swiss National Museum 55, 1946, p. 7 f.
  • Zofinger Neujahrsblatt , 1947, pp. 3–12
  • Biographisches Lexikon des Aargau, 1803 1957, 1958, pp. 486–488

Individual evidence

  1. The new management of the Swiss National Museum