Hans Meyersahm

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Hans Hermann Adolf Meyersahm (born September 25, 1867 in Oldenburg in Holstein , † March 3, 1951 in Kiel ) was a German teacher.


His father worked as a lawyer in Oldenburg, his mother, b. Petersen, was the daughter of a judiciary and mayor of Heiligenhafen . Hans Meyersahm attended high school in Plön and studied in Bonn and Kiel. He belonged to the philological student association Bonner Kreis . After graduating as Dr. phil. at the University of Kiel on August 8, 1891, he worked as an assistant teacher in Neumünster and Ratzeburg . In 1901 he became senior teacher in Husum and in 1909 professor. During the First World War he was a captain, battery leader and, most recently, major in the reserve. From 1917 to 1918 he worked for the war press department. In 1920 he married the merchant's daughter Gussi. He was teacher at the Kieler Gelehrtenschule and participant in the Kapp Putsch . In 1951 he died in Kiel. His estate is in the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives .

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Individual evidence

  1. Meyersahm, Hans Herm. Ad. In: Degeners Who is it? 10th edition, Degener, Berlin 1935.
  2. Dept. 399.1263: Meyersahm, Hans bestaendeuebersicht.schleswig-holstein.de. Retrieved May 29, 2020.