Hans Moser (rider)

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Hans Moser (born January 19, 1901 in Oberdiessbach ; † November 18, 1974 in Thun ) was a Swiss dressage rider and Olympic champion .


Moser grew up in a family active in agriculture. He initially planned to become a veterinarian , but due to the First World War it did not come to that. After initially working on his parents' farm, he later went through a military career in the cavalry. After completing the cavalry riding school, he was trained as a rider at the Federal Horse Directorate . In 1933 he was recalled to the Spanish Riding School , where he worked as a rider.

Moser took part in the Olympic Games in Berlin for the first time in 1936 at the age of 35 , where he took 22nd place out of 29 participants in dressage with Revue . Here he also started in eventing, where he also came in 22nd with Sergius .

Due to the interruption due to the Second World War , he did not have the opportunity to compete in the Olympic Games in London again until 1948 . Here he competed with a lobster , although his superior had provided another horse for him.

"It was the trust between me and Hummer, this complete understanding of each other, that made me go to London with a very quiet but firm hope that I would definitely not look bad there."

With 492.5 points - and thus 12.5 points ahead of silver medalist André Jousseaume - Moser won the Olympic dressage singles there. He was part of the most successful Swiss team at the Olympic Games after World War II, which won a total of five gold medals.

In 1950, Moser's activity at the horse directorate in Thun ended as it was closed. This year the life of Moser's Olympic horse Hummer came to an end: he was slaughtered when the horse directorate was dissolved.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thun's almost forgotten Olympic champion , Nik Sarbach / Berner Zeitung , August 6, 2012
  2. Switzerland at the Olympics on sports-reference.com.