Hans Schuster (journalist)

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Hans Schuster (born January 24, 1915 in Berlin , † June 9, 2002 in Munich ) was a German lawyer, journalist , non-fiction author and editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung .


time of the nationalsocialism

After graduating from a humanistic grammar school in his hometown in 1933, Schuster did military service in 1934/35. He then studied law and political science at the universities in Berlin, Munich and Kiel. He completed his studies in 1938 with the state examination in law.

At the University of Leipzig Schuster was on 10 May 1939 the work The Jewish question in Romania Dr. jur. PhD . In his dissertation he criticized the anti-Semitism, which was virulent in Romania, as not sharp enough, because it saw the Jews as merely a national or religious minority instead of "fighting against a race alien to the occidental peoples in Judaism". Schuster saw the Nuremberg Race Laws as the "starting point of every new national group law in Southeast Europe". For the author Knud von Harbou , the content of the work is “a scientifically disguised call for mass murder”. Joachim Käppner characterizes the text as “still shocking in its perfidy today”. Schuster himself does not call for genocide directly, but between the lines. His work is a horrific example of the “murderous spirit” in the “population planning” projects in Hitler's Germany ”.

Schuster initially worked as a research assistant at the University of Leipzig and then in the Foreign Office . Meanwhile, a study visit to England and Scotland followed. From 1939 he was employed as a research assistant at the German legation in Bucharest . In May 1941, Schuster became an economic attaché at the German embassy in Zagreb (Agram) and witnessed the establishment of the Ustasha state of Croatia. In 1942 he described the events of the previous year in a private letter to his friend Hellmut Becker with the words: “... a lot has been achieved almost too smoothly - albeit with great tension and dangers for weeks. That was the coup d'état in Belgrade and then the war and our coup d'état here in Agram. ”In addition, he was“ lucky ”to take part in the arduous construction of this state for a good six months under the SA Obergruppenführer and envoy Kasche to be able to ”. Schuster, who joined the NSDAP in 1937 , did military service in the Wehrmacht from 1942 . Most recently he held the rank of first lieutenant .

post war period

After the war, Schuster lived in Munich as a freelance writer. From 1948 he worked for the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and became the newspaper's editor. He also took on a teaching position at the Munich School of Politics . In 1960 he took over the management of the domestic affairs department of this newspaper and from September 1970 until his departure in July 1976 was its chief editor. In an obituary in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in 2002, Gernot Sittner certified Schuster's high level of expertise, liberal attitudes and social empathy. "Since he was there as a young reporter in Herrenchiemsee in 1948/49 when the Basic Law was drafted, all his journalistic passion has been focused on making his contribution to ensuring that the second attempt at a democratic republic in Germany does not fail".

In September 2014, the Süddeutsche Zeitung announced that the historian and former SZ editor Knud von Harbou would examine Schuster's biography in more detail as part of a publication on the history of the SZ in the late 1940s and 1950s.


  • The Jewish question in Romania . Meiner, Leipzig 1939 (= treatises of the Institute for Politics, Foreign Public Law and International Law at the University of Leipzig , also a dissertation at the University of Leipzig DNB 362698678 ).
  • Economic cooperation with underdeveloped countries. Problems, experiences and possibilities within the framework of the "Punkt-Vier-Programm" . Trüjen, Bremen 1951.
  • Overpopulation and emigration . Trüjen, Bremen 1951.
  • Eastern conceptions of the western world (= political education: series of publications of the University of Political Sciences, Munich, issue 34). Isar-Verlag, Munich 1953.
  • with Leo Sillner: Die Zeitung. How it informs us, how it informs itself. With a lexicon for your reader . Olzog, Munich / Vienna 1968 (= History and State , Volume 128 DNB 458908843 ).


  • Joachim Käppner : SZ editors' Nazi past. The internal split. In: Sueddeutsche Zeitung , October 1, 2014; Announcement and excerpt of the article on September 30, 2014 at Sueddeutsche.de ( online here ).
  • Maria Keipert (Red.): Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871–1945. Published by the Foreign Office, Historical Service. Volume 4: Bernd Isphording, Gerhard Keiper, Martin Kröger: Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2012, ISBN 978-3-506-71843-3 , pp. 209 f.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871–1945 , 2012, p. 209 f.
  2. a b c Political education: Series of publications by the University of Political Sciences Munich , issues 30–35, Isar 1953, p. 194.
  3. a b c d Joachim Käppner: The internal split . In: Sueddeutsche Zeitung , October 1, 2014.
  4. ^ A b Götz Aly , Federal Archives, Institute for Contemporary History : The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945 , Volume 2: German Reich 1938 - August 1939. Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-486-58523-0 , Pp. 812f.
  5. Götz Aly: Hitler's People's State. Robbery, Race War and National Socialism . S. Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. 2005, ISBN 3-10-000420-5 , p. 13; see also Götz Aly: I am the people. Everyone is talking about Hitler, we are talking about Hitler's Germany . In: Perlentaucher , September 3, 2004 (first published in Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 1, 2004).
  6. ^ Walter Greiff: The Boberhaus in Löwenburg / Silesia 1933-1937. Self-assertion by a non-phonetic group . Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1985, p. 131
  7. Gernot Sittner: With passion for the republic. Former SZ editor-in-chief Hans Schuster has died. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , June 11, 2002; Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers : Hans Schuster died . bdzv intern, June 28, 2002.