Hans Ulrich von Marchtaler

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Hans Ulrich von Marchtaler (born February 5, 1906 in Berlin ; † April 4, 1977 in Leuven , Belgium ) was a German diplomat .


In 1923, Hans Ulrich von Marchtaler graduated from the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium in Stuttgart . He first studied law at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen . In 1924 he was reciprocated in the Corps Suevia Tübingen . When he was inactive , he moved to the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich . In 1927 he passed the trainee exam. In 1930, he put his second state exam and he was in Tübingen Dr. iur. PhD . Marchtaler joined the foreign service in 1934 . Until 1945 he was counselor in Berlin , Budapest , Dublin and Tokyo . On April 1, 1940, he joined the NSDAP . Nothing is known about its denazification . In 1950 he was accepted into the Foreign Service of the Federal Republic of Germany as a first class counselor. From 1950 he was employed in the liaison office of the inter-allied high commission. From 1950 to 1951 he was Secretary General of the German delegation to the Montan Union in Paris. In 1954 he was counselor in Rio de Janeiro . From June 1958 Marchtaler worked as the German ambassador in Stockholm. After this position was transferred to Karl Werkmeister in April 1961 , he later held the position of Head of Department West II as the successor to Hasso von Etzdorf .


  • Maria Keipert (Red.): Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871–1945. Published by the Foreign Office, Historical Service. Volume 3: Gerhard Keiper, Martin Kröger: L – R. Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2008, ISBN 978-3-506-71842-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 129/867.
  2. Dissertation: The right to marital partnership and its protection .
  3. Alexander Muschik: The two German states and the neutral Sweden. ISBN 978-3-82589044-5
  4. Hans Ulrich von Marchtaler in the Munzinger archive , accessed on November 20, 2010 ( beginning of article freely available)
predecessor Office successor
Herbert Siegfried Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Stockholm / Sweden
Karl Werkmeister