Hartmut Mitzenheim

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Hartmut Mitzenheim (born June 9, 1921 in Saalfeld ; † October 7, 2000 in Friedrichroda) was a German Protestant church lawyer , Thuringian senior church councilor , functionary of the GDR CDU block party and an unofficial employee of the GDR state security .


Mitzenheim was the son of the Thuringian regional bishop Moritz Mitzenheim . After he had obtained his university entrance qualification , he studied law in Berlin , Tübingen , Leipzig and Jena from 1946 to 1948 , where he passed his state examination in 1948 . From 1949 to 1952 he was employed as a trainee lawyer in the justice administration of the state of Thuringia. In 1953 he was appointed head of the Gera district church office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia - an office he held for 20 years. In 1973 he was appointed finance director to the regional church council in Eisenach . Since 1976 he was the legal head of this body and deputy to the regional bishop. At the same time he became a member of the Conference of Church Governments in the Federation of Evangelical Churches in the GDR . In 1986 he retired.

Since 1969 he was a member of the federal synod of the Thuringian regional church and at the same time chairman of its legal committee and since 1976 a member of the general synod of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church and its secretary.

Hartmut Mitzenheim joined the CDU in 1947. From 1950 he was a member of the Eisenach district council , from 1953 a member of the CDU district council in Gera and since 1963 a member of the district council of Gera, since 1974 a member of the CDU district council in Erfurt , since 1976 a member of the CDU main council in Berlin and at the same time a member the People's Chamber and its Rules Committee .

Mitzenheim was a member of the Christian Peace Conference (CFK), in whose GDR regional committee he acted as deputy chairman for several years. He participated in the IV., V. and VI. All-Christian Peace Assembly and was part of its committee to continue the work.

Mitzenheim was recruited as an unofficial employee (IM) by the MfS in 1971 (code name "Hans Klinger"). When he first met with the Stasi, he declared that he would not provide any information about people due to church law. In 1972, at the request of the Stasi officer Hermann, he sent a church paper (pledge) to a conspiratorial cover address for the first time, and soon afterwards he also reported on people and participated in the dismantling of critics.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official Journal of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia, 54th year, January 5, 2001, p. 63
  2. Thüringer Pfarrer-Taschenbuch 1986, ed. Regional Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia zu Eisenach, EVA Berlin 1986, p. 269
  3. ^ Clemens Vollnhals : The Church Policy of the SED and State Security. An interim balance sheet , Berlin 1996 , p. 226 and p. 337
  4. ^ Gerhard Besier / Stephan Wolf (ed.): Pastors, Christians and Catholics. The Ministry for State Security of the former GDR and the churches , p. 879, Neukirchener 1992, ISBN 3788714166