Hatto Beyerle

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Hatto Beyerle (born June 20, 1933 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German-Austrian chamber musician , conductor and university professor .


Hatto Beyerle is the son of the legal historian Franz Beyerle . Hatto Beyerle studied at the Freiburg University of Music at Ulrich Koch Viola , in Vienna at Ricardo Odnoposoff violin with Alfred Uhl composition and Hans Swarovsky the conducting .

In 1960 he was one of the founders of the Vienna Soloist Chamber Orchestra with which he undertook numerous concert tours. In 1970 he founded the Alban Berg Quartet together with Günter Pichler . With this string quartet he won numerous national and international prizes, including a. the German Record Prize , several Japanese prizes, and was twice named Artist of the Year by the German Phono Academy . From 1982 to 1998 he was a member of the L'Ensemble .

Beyerle worked from 1964 to 1987 as professor for viola and chamber music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna . Since 1987 he has been a professor at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media and from 1990 to 2004 he was also professor at the Music Academy of the City of Basel . Since 1998 he has been giving master classes at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole (Florence) as well as guest courses for viola and chamber music in the USA and Canada .

As a conductor, Hatto Beyerle headed the concert association of the Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft from 1985 to 1998 .

His students included u. a. Veronika Hagen , Hartmut Rohde , Johannes Lüthy, the Hagen Quartet , the Leipzig String Quartet , the Szymanowski Quartet, the Trio Jean Paul, the Artis Quartet , the Galatea Quartet , Meta4 and the Iturriaga Quartet .

In 2004 Beyerle was the initiator of the European Chamber Music Academy and artistic director of the European Cultural Forum Grossraming ( Austria ).

The designer and museum director Tulga Beyerle is a daughter.

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