Skin heads

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Skin heads
Dermocybe sp.

Dermocybe sp.

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Veil relatives (Cortinariaceae)
Genre : Veils ( Cortinarius )
Subgenus : Skin heads
Scientific name
Cortinarius subg. Dermocybe
( Fr. ) trough

The skin heads ( dermocybe ) represent a subgenus of the genus Schleierlinge ( Cortinarius ).

The most important features are extractable anthraquinone pigments, which give these mushrooms strong colors and which are partly suitable for dyeing textiles. Because of these ingredients, the skin heads are separated from the veils by some taxonomists as a separate genus.

The subgenus contains over 20 recognized species as well as a number of uncertain taxa.


  • The hat diameter ranges from 1 to 8 cm; the shape is convex, conical to bell-shaped, often hunched, but never deepened. When dry, the top layer of the hat is often silky, shiny, bare, felty, fibrous to fibrous and flaky. The edge of the hat is never grooved, with rare remains of cortine . The hat is brightly colored, with yellow to green, orange to red and reddish brown to brown tones. When it is dry, the hats often brighten up significantly, but without being hygrophan.
  • The stem is usually in the center of the hat, the foot is never bulbous, but sometimes rooted. Like the hat, it is usually brightly colored. The surface is belted, ruffled or provided with rather inconspicuous remnants of velum .
  • When young, the lamellae are yellow to olive green, orange to red or reddish brown to brown. As the spores ripen, they become more and more brown. It is not uncommon for them to contrast strongly with the color of the hat.
  • The meat is rather thin.
  • The taste is often bitter.
  • The color of the spore powder is rusty brown.

Microscopic features

  • The spores are 5 to 10 (rarely larger) μm long and ellipsoidal, seed to almond-shaped and with fine warts on the surface.

Determination tests

Fungi of different ages and a precise survey of the location (mycorrhizal partner) are necessary for reliable identification. Further possibilities for more detailed determination:

  • Chemical reactions to alkalis: strong reaction of hat and lamellas.
  • Blotter paper with alcohol soak and fungal put on it, discoloration of the paper red, yellow, orange, olive indicate Dermocybe out.


The skin heads usually grow individually or in small numbers on earth or in moss in deciduous or coniferous forests or in Sphagnum bogs. The time of publication is mainly from autumn to late autumn. They are most likely all mycorrhizal builders .

Generic delimitation

The skin heads are most likely to be confused with other cortinaries. Representatives from the Telamonia and Leprocybe subgenus come into question . But also scarfs ( Gymnopilus ) and saplings ( Hygrocybe ) can come up with very similar species.

Food value

The skin heads are all inedible, suspected or poisonous species.


The subdivision into sections (+ example type) is based on Bon (2005):

List of species

The purple-black water head and vermilion belt foot were placed in the subgenus Telamonia for a long time . They have therefore been included in the list, but marked with an asterisk.

Skin heads in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Species name author Popular name synonym
Cortinarius anthracinus * (Fr.) Sacc. (1887) Dark red skin head , purple-black water head C. anthracinus (Fr.) Sacc. ; C. apparens var. Pinetorum Britzelm. ; C. purpureobadius P. Karst. ; C. sanguineus var. Anthracinus Fr .; C. subanthracinus Rob. Henry
Cortinarius cinnabarinus * Fr. (1838) Vermilion belt foot , vermilion skin head
Cortinarius bataillei (J. Favre ex MM Moser) Høil. (1984) Orange-footed skin head C. fucatophyllus (Lasch) Fr. ss. Bataille
Cortinarius cinnamofulvus Rob. Henry (1940) D. cinnamofulva
Cortinarius cinnamomeobadius Rob. Henry (1940) Orange-leaved skin head unclear taxon
Cortinarius cinnamomeofulvus Rob. Henry (1988) Cinnamon fox head
Cortinarius cinnamomeoluteus PD Orton (1960) ss.str. Yellow-leaved cinnamon skin head C. cinnamomeolutescens Rob. Henry ; D. saligna M.M. Moser & Gerw. Basement ,

Cortinarius cinnamomeus (L.) Fr. (1838) Cinnamon skin head D. cinnamomea (L .: Fr.) Wünsche non Ricken , Bres.

Cortinarius croceoconus Fr. (1863) Pointed conical saffron skin head , saffron cone skin head , pointed hunched saffron skin head D. croceocona , C. malicorius Fr.

Cortinarius croceus (Schaeff.) Gray (1821) Saffron-leaved skin head , Norwegian skin head ( ssp.Norvegicus ) C. cinnamomeobadius Rob. Henry ; C. cinnamomeolutescens var. Meridionalis (Rob. Henry & Contu) Contu ; C. cinnamomeus f. badius Rob. Henry ex Nespiak ; C. cinnamomeus subsp. croceus ; D. cinnamomea ss. Ricken, Bres.

Cortinarius cruentus Bidaud & Reumaux (1994) Red-brown skin head

Cortinarius fervidus PD Orton (1964) Rust-leaved skin head

Cortinarius holoxanthus MM Moser & I. Gruber Nezdojm. (1980) All-yellow skin head

Cortinarius huronensis Ammirati & AH Sm. (1972) Brown-capped swamp skin head , swamp skin head , olive-colored swamp skin head C. chrysolitus Kauffmann ; C. palustris M.M. Moser
Cortinarius lignicolus Bidaud (1994) Wood-dwelling roughhead
Cortinarius malicorius Fr. (1838) Orange-rimmed skin head C. croceifolius Peck ; C. croceoconus Fr.

Cortinarius mirandus Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux 1994 Pale red skin head

Cortinarius olivaceofuscus Bolder (1955) Hornbeam skin head , green-leaved hornbeam skin head C. schaefferi Bres. ss.auct .; C. carpineti Moser ; D. carpineti Moser ; Phlegmacium schaefferanum M.M. Moser ; C. malicorius ss Pearson
Cortinarius pallidipes (MM Moser) Nezdojm. (1983)

Cortinarius purpureus (Bull.) Bidaud, Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux (1994) Crimson rattled skin head , crimson skin head , red ruffled skin head C. phoeniceus (Vent.) Maire ; D. sanguinea var. Vitiosa Moser ; C. purpureus (Bull. Ex Pers: Fr) Fuckel ; C. sanguineus var. Vitiosus Moser

Cortinarius polaris Høil. (1984) Bronze skin head

Cortinarius pratensis (Bon & Gaugué) Høil. (1984) Meadows skin head

Cortinarius sanguineus (Wulfen: Fr) Fr. (1838) Blood red skin head , scarlet skin head C. puniceus Orton

Cortinarius semisanguineus (Fr.) Gillet (1876) Blood-leaved skin head
Cortinarius sommerfeltii Høil. (1984) Orange-leaved skin head C. cinnamomeobadius Rob. Henry ss. Moser

Cortinarius tubarius Ammirati & AH Sm. (1972) Peat moss skin head Alnicola sphagneti (MM Moser) Romagn. ; Cortinarius palustris var. Sphagneti (MM Moser) Nezdojm. ; C. sphagneti P.D. Orton ; D. vulcanica Bon .

Cortinarius uliginosus Berk. (1860) Copper-red moor skin head , copper-red skin head C. concinnus P. Karst. ; C. queletii Bataille


  • Marcel Bon: Parey's book of mushrooms . Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos), 2005, ISBN 3440099709

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