Heinrich Gottlieb von Koenitz

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Heinrich Gottlieb von Könitz (* 1725 in the Mansfeld district; † June 26, 1790 in Magdeburg ) was a Prussian major general and most recently chief of Infantry Regiment No. 17 .



He was the son of the hereditary lord of Friedeburg Heinrich Johann von Koenitz .

Military career

As early as 1740, Könitz came to the "Wedel" regiment No. 5 as a free corporal . He fought in the First and Second Silesian Wars . There he rose from ensign to second lieutenant . In July 1756 he became Premier Lieutenant , in March 1757 staff captain and shortly afterwards he held his own company .

In June 1774, Koenitz received the Pour le Mérite as a major and a year later he became lieutenant colonel . On April 22, 1778 he was transferred to the Kalkstein No. 20 Infantry Regiment . In 1780, Koenitz became chief of garrison regiment No. 10 and was promoted to colonel on June 26, 1781 . On March 1, 1786 he received the infantry regiment "Billerbeck" No. 17 from the king , but in November 1786 he asked for his departure. This was granted to him as major general with a pension of 1000 thalers .


Individual evidence

  1. http://www.ortsfamilienbuecher.de/famreport.php?ofb=magdeburg&ID=I915&nachname=VON%20K%F6NITZ&modus=&lang=de