Heinrich Wilhelm of Byla

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Heinrich Wilhelm von Byla (* 1706 ; † 1752 in Wesel ) was a Prussian lieutenant colonel and commander and chief of the 1st standing grenadier battalion .


Origin and family

Heinrich Wilhelm came to the house Hainrode of the noble family of Bila . He was married to a daughter of the von Arnstedt family.

Military career

Byla was adjutant general to Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau in 1741 . On March 5, 1742 he was promoted to major . At the same time, Frederick II selected the best from all the grenadiers in the army in order to set up the 1st Standing Grenadier Battalion for the garrison in Charlottenburg , initially with two companies and Byla as commander. In June the battalion was increased to six companies. The garrison was later moved to Treuenbrietzen .

Byla took part in the first two Silesian Wars as chief with his grenadier battalion . On May 19, 1747 he was promoted by the king to lieutenant colonel and in February 1749 he was transferred to the 45th Infantry Regiment .


  • Anton Balthasar King : Heinrich Wilhelm von Byla . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 1 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1788, p. 304 ( Heinrich Wilhelm von Byla at Wikisource [PDF]).
  • Gottlob Naumann : Collection of unprinted messages explaining the history of the Prussian campaigns from 1740 to 1782 , part 1, Dresden 1782, p. 277

Individual evidence

  1. ^ René de L'Homme de Courbière: History of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Constitution , Berlin 1852, p. 98
  2. Günther Gieraths : The Combat Operations of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army 1626-1807 , Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 1964, p. 566.