Heinz Ehaus

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Heinz guesthouse (* 1. February 1906 in Lauenburg , † 8. May 1945 in Johannisbad ) was a German lawyer, employees of the Gestapo and District Chief in German-occupied Poland during World War II .


Ehaus began training at a cadet school , which he had to break off when the revolution broke out in 1918 . After graduating from high school, he studied law and political science at the universities of Berlin , Tübingen and Königsberg from 1926 . In July 1930 he passed the first state examination in law and completed his legal clerkship by February 1934. At the University of Konigsberg doctorate he beginning of July 1931 Dr. jur.

At the beginning of May 1933, Ehaus became a member of the NSDAP (membership number 2.010.379). He was a member of the SA from November 1933 to June 1936 and became a member of the SS at the end of October 1936 (membership number 290.373). In the SS Ehaus rose to SS-Obersturmbannführer in 1942 .

Beginning in July 1934 was guest house in the rural county Ueckermünde the county committee operates. From there he moved to the Bielefeld Gestapo in early October 1935 . From mid-May 1936 Ehaus was employed at the Secret State Police Office in Berlin. At the beginning of October 1936, Ehaus was transferred to the Gestapo in Münster and from there moved to the Stapo control center in Berlin at the end of March 1937 . From the beginning of January 1938 Ehaus was employed in the main office of the security police, where he was employed as a close employee of Werner Best in the office of administration and law. There he was promoted to the government council in early April 1939 .

After the outbreak of World War II, Ehaus was transferred to German-occupied Poland, where he was land commissioner in Nisko . After that guest house was from December 1939 to October 1944 Kreishauptmann in Rzeszów (under German occupation "Reichshof") in the Krakow district of the General Government . On January 22, 1940, on his orders, 30 to 40 Jews were publicly flogged in the Rzeszów market square. In March 1942, Ehaus was appointed senior councilor and promoted to Obersturmbannführer in the same year.

Ehaus was involved in the persecution of Jews in the Rzeszów district. Once out of the circle Rzeszów all Jews deported were brought guesthouse on Lubomirski Palace - the seat of Kreishauptmannschaft - a sign in the form of an eagle with the following inscription on:

"The eagle, the German symbol of elevation and size, was affixed here on the occasion of the liberation of the city of Reichshof from all Jews in July 1942."

At the beginning of November 1944, Ehaus became deputy district administrator in the Trautenau district . Guest house committed during the war, suicide .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Kurzbiografie in Mark Roth: Mr people , Göttingen 2009, p 469f.
  2. On his work cf. Wolfgang Ayaß (arrangement): "Community strangers". Sources on the persecution of "anti-socials" 1933-1945 , Koblenz 1998 (= materials from the Federal Archives No. 5), pp. 104, 110, 113, 152 f., 161, 163, 167, 172.
  3. Wolfgang Curilla, Der Judenmord in Polen and the German Ordnungspolizei 1939-1945 , p. 416
  4. Ghetto Rzeszow on www.deathcamps.org
  5. Quoted from: Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 126.